Recommendations Please...from a newbie

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  • fdknuckles
    • Jan 2010
    • 169

    Recommendations Please...from a newbie

    Hello all,
    I'm in need of some recommendations. I've been using snus on and off for a few months and have finally decided to replace my coffin nails with snus for good. I'm trying to find a snus that doesn't "juice" too much. I enjoy the flavors of snus I've tried so far, but don't enjoy those that produce a stream of "juice" that runs down my throat. I've got Thunder Frosted in right now, and was wondering if the more experienced snussers out there might have some recommendations. Thanks for all your help.

  • Tin Man
    • Sep 2009
    • 210

    Anything white is going to have less juice, as will the 0102 line. Are you looking for something with the same flavor as thunder frosted? If you're ok with regular tobacco flavor I'd recommend Ettan white or Grov white. If you're looking for a sterk, try the 02.

    Or you could always go with los. Pack a good pris and you'll be juice free.


    • fdknuckles
      • Jan 2010
      • 169

      I'm good with tobacco flavor, but my first order was nearly all flavored varieties. The frosted has been my favorite flavor thus far. I'm waiting on my next order to arrive and its got both the O1 and O2 coming. I think I need the strong portions, due to my former pack a day habit. The US Camel snus products are way too sweet for regular use, and am looking for recommendations for a portion that gives me the nic hit I crave in a comfortable manner, without the "juice". Thanks for your help



      • TBD
        • Jul 2008
        • 817

        N&J Black, General Sterk, Onyx and Grov Black are all very good "white" sterk portions.


        • WickedKitchen
          • Nov 2009
          • 2528

          TBD hit the nail on the head although they are dry they pack a massive flavor punch. Almost too much sometimes and for me too much for every time. The flavor makes me want more flavor thus forcing myself to product more juice and negating the driplessness.

          for white portions I rec. Tre Ankare. These almost never drip for me. Roda white is good too.

          I don't agree w/ 01/02 being dripless. I think they're akin to white portions but they do run a bit.


          • fdknuckles
            • Jan 2010
            • 169

            It sounds as if I'm on the right track, as the bulk of the cans I have coming are white portions. Thanks again for all your help, I've been reading the various topics on this forum and am learning alot. Thank you


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Welcome to Snuson fdknuckles

              Almost all new snusers seem to start with flavored snus, but almost everyone eventually figures out that non flavored is really better to use day after day.

              It took me almost a year to figure out that whites would be better for me. I too had an issue with how juicy regular snus got. Once I switched over to whites, I was way more happy.

              Definitely add some sterks to the rotation. Right now, I am loving the new Nick and Johnny Black, I have used Odens Kanel ES much, Thunder is good. Although I am not a huge fan, many folks love General sterk and ES.

              Regardless, it sounds like you are on the right track. Just keep trying new things as you can. You will find what works best for you.

              And welcome again. :wink:


              • lofat
                • Sep 2006
                • 154

                Rape' No. 2 is virtually dripless as well... It is a flavored snus but mildly so. Otherwise I would echo the above.

                Welcome and good luck kicking the smokes!


                • TheOneandOnly
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 616

                  Certainly try 01 and 02


                  • MojoQuestor
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 2344

                    Hi fdk. What everyone said. If you like bergamot, you might try General white, LD white, and maybe Granit or Kronan in the whites. One or two of those are likely to grab you.

                    I especially echo General Sterk as a good choice, and (although it's not a bergamot) Röda white, if you find it strong enough. I didn't at first, coming off a 2-pack habit, but now as I'm ten days shy of five months snusing I'd say it's been one of my favorites for about two months.


                    • kaluka
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 24

                      I'm just going to echo lofat here. Rape #2 is a wonderful early snus and I get no drip from it at all. Definitely worth throwing a can or two on your next order!


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Originally posted by sagedil
                        Almost all new snusers seem to start with flavored snus, but almost everyone eventually figures out that non flavored is really better to use day after day.
                        So true. I pimped flavored from day one. Now after about 9 months I barely use it. Your tastes will truly change and continue to change. Some people say it takes a year or two to settle on a flavor pattern that works for you. I've gone to non flavored, and I find them to be more satisfying and easier to use in a regular rotation than flavored, and they don't tend to "burn out" as quickly as you can on flavored ones.


                        • Timpe
                          • Jan 2010
                          • 31

                          I'd say you should try Lucky Strike White or Ettan White.


                          • Snusdog
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 6752

                            I second all the recommendations for whites and for the more traditional flavors.

                            Also you might try moving the portion closer to the front of your mouth. The further back it is, the more saliva you produce.
                            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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