Level Thread/Sage&Deanne <3

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Level Thread/Sage&Deanne <3

    After hearing about this for so long, the first time I got to try it was in a SnusOn box pass dubbed "The Box Pass From Hell". Going into it, I didn't expect much from it. I figured it would be an average, low grade snus. I was 4th in line, so by the time the box got to me it had been passed around a bit and I'm sure it wasn't going to be as fresh as usual, but I was moderately sure I would get a good idea for what Level truly was.

    If you look at the BuySnus description of Level, it's about as simple sounding as can be. "A fresh mix of tobacco, citrus and bergamot." Northerner describes it as "...a traditional tobacco flavour, with elements of citrus and bergamot. " But that can be used to describe all "non-flavored" snus. After a terrible first impression with the box pass from hell (and all the jokes that ensued), I figured it was time to give it another try, a real shot.

    Level (as well as LD - which coincidentally is a snus I like), are made by the Gallaher company, which is owned by JTI now, which is the world's third largest tobacco company. Both are marketed as value priced snus, and rightly so, they are both available at an affordable price tag. I recently had a can come in so I could give it a fair shake, a real shot. The first can I tried had been in a box pass for a few weeks, so I was sure it wasn't at it's true potential. This can was sent directly to me from the factory, fresh as can be, and ready to go.

    When I opened up the can, there was a strong aroma of citrus that immediately erupted from the can. It was much stronger than most other "non-flavored" snuses that I've had in the past. The portion didn't taste as bad as the last time I tried Level, I was able to pick up the actual taste of Level snus a little better than the can I had in the box pass. The tobacco flavor is very mild and subdued, the citrus notes are very strong, mild peppery balance in the background, and of course a salt overtone. Is Level that bad? Well, it's not that good. It's tolerable, and as a value priced snus it's decent. But it's not something I would actively go out and seek. If it were one of the only snuses on the market, I could imagine I would use it from time to time. It's not the best snus I've ever had, but it's certainly not the worst. If I had to give an honest opinion of Level I would describe it as average.


    That, in ALL seriousness, is my opinion of Level after trying a fresh can.
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Whatever CJ. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      Originally posted by sagedil
      Whatever CJ. :lol: :lol: :lol:
      Ha, well, I felt like giving it a fair shake. I mean, it's not good, that's obvious. But, I didn't want some new guy to hear all these bad things about it and not try it, because you know - it may be his favorite snus ever. ...for some reason.


      • Veganpunk
        • Jun 2009
        • 5381

        Originally posted by sagedil
        Whatever CJ. :lol: :lol: :lol:
        :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


        • Ragnar
          • Mar 2009
          • 114

          As some one who's favorite was the JTI version of Camel, I really like Level.

          It's the only one I've found so far that not only closely matches the Camel flavor, but matches the velvety softness of the portion material (original portions I'm talking about here).


          • Veganpunk
            • Jun 2009
            • 5381

            Originally posted by Ragnar
            As some one who's favorite was the JTI version of Camel, I really like Level.

            It's the only one I've found so far that not only closely matches the Camel flavor, but matches the velvety softness of the portion material (original portions I'm talking about here).
            That's crazy talk. I love Camel White, but couldn't stand Level. But then again, I never tried the Camel Original.


            • Ragnar
              • Mar 2009
              • 114

              I never tried the Camel white, and don't normally like whites (except General). I'm not even sure how Camel op and Camel white compared.


              • johnsnuser
                • Dec 2009
                • 107

                Well Chad you do like Offroad snus,which is horrible stuff.In fact all V2 has to offer,including Thunder is horrid.So Level is like Kardus to anything V2.I see level as an ok economical snus that I do buy occasionally.I dont call anything V2 makes snus though,i call it tea in a bag.Its crap and it has no quality.Level actually has some quality.It is not my favorite,but I have bought Level more than a few times in 5 years of snusing.


                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432

                  Originally posted by johnsnuser
                  Well Chad you do like Offroad snus,which is horrible stuff.In fact all V2 has to offer,including Thunder is horrid.So Level is like Kardus to anything V2.I see level as an ok economical snus that I do buy occasionally.I dont call anything V2 makes snus though,i call it tea in a bag.Its crap and it has no quality.Level actually has some quality.It is not my favorite,but I have bought Level more than a few times in 5 years of snusing.
                  Do you like ANYTHING? Every post of yours I've read has been negative.

                  Ok, mister. What do YOU suggest we use?


                  • johnsnuser
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 107

                    Im sorry,I guess I have kinda been an ass today.Ill lighten up.Im just pissed at other things and taking it out in my posts.I just honestly dont feel the nicotine from v2 snus.


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      Originally posted by johnsnuser
                      Im sorry,I guess I have kinda been an ass today.Ill lighten up.Im just pissed at other things and taking it out in my posts.I just honestly dont feel the nicotine from v2 snus.
                      What do you snus - what are your favorites?


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Just a FYI johnsnuser but I was gonna post the same thing. Your posts are really starting to come off very wrong. You sit and harshly judge everything. My friend, you are relatively new here. But that is just NOT the Snuson way. Folks that have been here for a long time know that snus tastes are very strange. What one person loves others may hate, etc.

                        Although I come close to harshing as I ever do when it comes to Level. Even then, I try to make sure I keep it mostly in fun.

                        Please take a step back and watch how you are coming off.

                        And you are seriously saying you don't feel the nicotine from Thunder or Thunder Frosted?????? Umm, I simply don't believe you any more.


                        • johnsnuser
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 107

                          I am taking a step back.Sometimes it seems their is favoritism here too much.It seems like the new people get dogged out.Chad my favorites are Grov Original,Ettan Original,General E.Sterk and Roda Lacket Claq qui.And Sage,I find SnusOn to be out of control and off topic.I am A regular at the Getsnus forum,and I find it to be laid back without all the b.s. so I dont know how long I will be posting here.I find the Getsnus "way"to be more nonjudgemental.If I rubbed anyone the wrong way,I apologize.Maybe because I am an "old time" snuser and started with Swedish Match is why I dont feel the nicotine from v2 even thunder,maybe its more psychological than anything else.


                          • JPono
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 415

                            Originally posted by johnsnuser
                            Chad my favorites are Grov Original,Ettan Original,General E.Sterk and Roda Lacket Claq qui.
                            Some of my favorites. You have good taste!


                            • johnsnuser
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 107

                              Those are just a few I use on a regular basis.I guess not everybody hates me here!Thanks JPono!


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