Level Thread/Sage&Deanne <3

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Originally posted by johnsnuser
    Those are just a few I use on a regular basis.I guess not everybody hates me here!Thanks JPono!
    Nobody hates you here. You just came in a little negative with some things you said about products people like. There are ALOT of V2 fans here. You just have to word things a little better. When we talk about Level, it's jokingly.

    Originally posted by sagedil
    Although I come close to harshing as I ever do when it comes to Level. Even then, I try to make sure I keep it mostly in fun.
    When we talk about products we don't like, we usually say it in a "gentle" way. For example, I don't like General Wintergreen. But I won't say anything negative about it, or in relation to it's users - rather, I'll say "I don't prefer it", or something to that effect. We're a peaceful bunch. We have our moments, and we do sometimes get off topic, but this IS a good place. You shouldn't leave, by any means, but just be a little kinder here. We all have bad days. Just put it behind us, and let's move forward. Any snuser, especially an "old time Swedish Match guy" is more than welcome here.


    • johnsnuser
      • Dec 2009
      • 107

      Ok thanks!I will be more easy going from here on out.


      • johnsnuser
        • Dec 2009
        • 107

        I remember there being a Grov Maxi,and it was my favorite snus by far.But it has been gone a long time!


        • RRK
          • Sep 2009
          • 926

          Originally posted by JPono
          Originally posted by johnsnuser
          Chad my favorites are Grov Original,Ettan Original,General E.Sterk and Roda Lacket Claq qui.
          Some of my favorites. You have good taste!
          Those are some good ones.

          But, these post make me wonder what some of the different consenus are between snuson and getsnus. Like do they have a general consensus that conflicts with a general consensus here? Do most people over there think that V2 is so substandard?


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Originally posted by johnsnuser
            I remember there being a Grov Maxi,and it was my favorite snus by far.But it has been gone a long time!
            It sucks seeing a decline of Maxi portions. I really like General Maxi and it goes away next month. The only one left now is Granit Maxi, and I'm sure it'll go soon.


            • johnsnuser
              • Dec 2009
              • 107

              No,some people at Getsnus forum like v2,some dont. Chad,I know it sucks that General Maxi is going under.By the way I may be an ass but I have visited your site in the past,actually I was there for a little bit today.


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                Originally posted by johnsnuser
                No,some people at Getsnus forum like v2,some dont. Chad,I know it sucks that General Maxi is going under.By the way I may be an ass but I have visited your site in the past,actually I was there for a little bit today.
                I like it. Probably because I'm from Arkansas, and everyone here has a big lump in the lip of their "purdy mouth".

                And thanks for the visit. I'm glad you saw it!


                • MojoQuestor
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 2344

                  I don't think this thread can ever really end until cj posts, should he choose to do so, so I'll just add my two cents now:

                  Originally posted by chadizzy1
                  When we talk about Level, it's jokingly.
                  I like Level, that's no joke.
                  But everybody likes to take a poke
                  at Level.
                  What's done nothing wrong.
                  I like Level,
                  I could snus it all day long.

                  I dunno why with everything
                  There's got to be a whipping post.
                  It's the same with snus, it just happens to be
                  Loves the most.

                  That's Level, what's done nothing wrong.
                  I like Level, I could snus it all day long.


                  • nathancipher
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 72

                    I like it OK. For the price it's great that's for sure.


                    • timoteo
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 583

                      ive been following this thread so far and now im really starting to crave some level. ill have to order a roll. I tried it once and i thought it was really good. like someone said on another level thread, it tastes alot like earl grey tea.


                      • NorSnuser
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 153

                        I like Level. I finally bought a couple of tins and I was pleasantly surprised. I was expecting to not like it and never got around to ordering it in the past couple of years.

                        It has got a distinct flavor that is difficult to describe, the citrusy element almost tastes "orangey" to me. I must say that for a budget snus it has nice portion material and is nicely presented in the can. No mashed together lump of portions. Horror of horrors to some, but I'm considering buying a roll.

                        Really, it is best not to be put off by other people's opinions of snus. You simply won't know if you like a particular snus or not -- until you put it in your mouth.


                        • TBD
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 817

                          RRK, one of the major themes at the getsnus forum is that V2 sucks . There are a few very vocal V2 haters there and you will get shut down if you try to disagree with them.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Of couse, as Get65snus is just a Swedish Match organ. So anything not Swedish match is somehow "bad".

                            I am a long time hater on Getsnus forum. Go back a year ago for some of my nasty posts about it. One of the rules of the forum is you are not allowed to mention a competitor. What BS. So if someone wants something that Getsnus doesn't carry, you aren't allowed to direct them anywhere else.

                            Welcome to the GetSnus.com forum.

                            Use of the forum is open to all GetSnus registered users. The Forum is provided as an opportunity for members to discuss snus and related topics. The basic rule for using the Forum is that you use good judgment and common sense in keeping your comments and messages reasonable. Some examples of unreasonable messages may include the use of profanity, advertising or commercial purposes, competing web sites, or disparaging an individual, a race or religion, a company, or website. In the event that certain Forum postings are questionable, the posting will be taken down, and offenders may have their privileges removed. This message area is monitored by our staff, who reserve the right to remove, edit or close a post or thread at any time. However, it is impossible to review every message, and while we will make every effort to remove objectionable material right away, by using the forum you acknowledge that all posts are the express opinions of the authors only. Therefore, in no way will GetSnus administrators or staff be held liable for any post. The IP address of all posts is recorded to assist in enforcing these terms and conditions.

                            By entering you agree to be bound by these conditions.

                            Thank you!


                            • Liandri
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 604

                              This thread belongs in SNus reviews!


                              • timoteo
                                • Dec 2009
                                • 583

                                as for v2... not too bad..... .. ..... . .i can get into some offroad ocasionaly, i kinda wanna try the coffee vanila


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