Level Thread/Sage&Deanne <3

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  • deeanne59
    • Oct 2009
    • 321

    Yes, thank you chainsnuser.

    And Vegan....a Retro cake would be cool :lol:


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      Originally posted by deeanne59
      Yes, thank you chainsnuser.

      And Vegan....a Retro cake would be cool :lol:
      I still wanna know the story, like, how this came to be - who approached who, how meeting came up....how Christmas was....ahhh, I'm like a giddy little schoolboy, I must know details!


      • Veganpunk
        • Jun 2009
        • 5381

        Originally posted by chadizzy1
        Originally posted by deeanne59
        Yes, thank you chainsnuser.

        And Vegan....a Retro cake would be cool :lol:
        I still wanna know the story, like, how this came to be - who approached who, how meeting came up....how Christmas was....ahhh, I'm like a giddy little schoolboy, I must know details!
        I've been wondering the same thing. Inquiring minds wanna know!


        • deeanne59
          • Oct 2009
          • 321

          Chad...Vegan, the story is this:

          I would say, technically, that we both started it. I had posted something that peaked Sages' interest, and he PM'd me. We started PMing each other every day, and that was the start of it. Then, we added daily phone calls to the mix. After a while, we agreed that a meeting was necessary to see what this would become. We agreed to meet during Christmas, and Sage came to spend it with me.

          How was Christmas......WONDERFUL!!! We spent the holiday sharing what each other loves, talking and getting to know each other better. It was amazing. Sage and I meshed really well. We then decided that I should come to be with him for a while, and I picked April.

          We are taking this very slowly, guys. This is the right way to do it.....don't have us walking down the aisle just yet LOL. And, as Sage said.....if there is a wedding, you are all invited.

          All I can say, is that with Sage....I am happier than I have ever been in my life. :wink:


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Awwwww.....that's the cutest thing ever. I'm so happy for you guys. Do you call him Sage? I'd imagine that'd be a hard habit to break. I'd be like wait, your name on your drivers license isn't Sagedil?


            • Veganpunk
              • Jun 2009
              • 5381

              Originally posted by chadizzy1
              Awwwww.....that's the cutest thing ever. I'm so happy for you guys. Do you call him Sage? I'd imagine that'd be a hard habit to break. I'd be like wait, your name on your drivers license isn't Sagedil?
              :lol: :lol: :lol: Funniest post I've read all week! :lol: :lol: Congrats again guys.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I met my fiancee online and we've been together over 10 yrs. I sometimes may refer to her as my wife in posts, as we have been together so long.

                But yeah, take it slow, don't rush anything.


                • deeanne59
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 321

                  :lol: :lol: :lol: No, Chad....I call him by his real name. I only call him Sage on SnusOn.

                  tom502.....I agree, we aren't rushing our relationship. We are letting time be our guide


                  • lofat
                    • Sep 2006
                    • 154

                    Originally posted by chadizzy1
                    SnusOn: Off Topic Since 2005.
                    This would make a great Hat/Shirt.


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      Originally posted by deeanne59
                      :lol: :lol: :lol: No, Chad....I call him by his real name. I only call him Sage on SnusOn.
                      Ah ok, gotcha.

                      Where are the cute pics of you guys all cuddled up by the fireplace?

                      Sage is gonna kick my ass, haha.


                      • deeanne59
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 321

                        Chad.....not if beat him to it! :lol:


                        • Christi
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 2104

                          Originally posted by chadizzy1
                          Awwwww.....that's the cutest thing ever. I'm so happy for you guys. Do you call him Sage? I'd imagine that'd be a hard habit to break. I'd be like wait, your name on your drivers license isn't Sagedil?

                          LOL, that is pretty funny.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Originally posted by deeanne59
                            How was Christmas......WONDERFUL!!! We spent the holiday sharing what each other loves, talking and getting to know each other better. :wink:
                            Wait, you left out a few other details darling.

                            OK, so maybe not appropriate on a family board. :wink:

                            So deeanne59 left out a few other details. I originally posted to her panicked first posts, classic Sage taking care of the newbie thing. We started posting back and forth, and I knew she desperately just needed to try some sterks to get over the hump, so I PM'd her and asked for er address so I could send her some. Wasn't trying to do anything with that, I had sent new person snus the week before.

                            That led us to start sending each other PM's. And pretty quickly, deeanne59 was quite taken with me. Then she started to stalk me. She actually read every single post that I ever wrote here. A teensy bit scary for me, I have to admit. And I was very clear with her that I needed to take things very slowly. But it didn't take me long to start figuring out what an amazing woman Debra really is. She just kept wearing my resistance down.

                            Originally, she was supposed to come see me. But as we were talking, I realized that maybe financially that wasn't the best thing for her, and finally put her on the spot about it and she admitted it wasn't. She sounded so heart broken about it that I said I would just come to her instead. From that point, things started moving more quickly as we awaited the day when I would finally go.

                            But still, I was not sure what would come of it. But I kept going back to how amazing she made me feel. She is really the nicest woman I have ever met. And after everything i went trough with my ex, that is a big deal. Still, even on my way to her, I didn't know for sure.

                            Then I got there and she literally just threw herself at me like as soon as I got there., and the rest is history.

                            (Sorry deeanne59, you know I am telling the truth. And I will be forever grateful you did. :wink: )


                            • Christi
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 2104

                              Originally posted by sagedil
                              Originally posted by deeanne59
                              How was Christmas......WONDERFUL!!! We spent the holiday sharing what each other loves, talking and getting to know each other better. :wink:

                              That led us to start sending each other PM's. And pretty quickly, deeanne59 was quite taken with me. Then she started to stalk me. She actually read every single post that I ever wrote here. A teensy bit scary for me, I have to admit. And I was very clear with her that I needed to take things very slowly. But it didn't take me long to start figuring out what an amazing woman Debra really is. She just kept wearing my resistance down.

                              Then I got there and she literally just threw herself at me like as soon as I got there., and the rest is history.

                              (Sorry deeanne59, you know I am telling the truth. And I will be forever grateful you did. :wink: )

                              Y'all crack this old country girl up, too freakin' cute! I wish you both the very best


                              • sagedil
                                • Nov 2007
                                • 7077

                                And folks wonder why I have 6450 posts. :lol: :lol: :lol:


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