Sterks and Extra Sterks

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  • JaKe
    • Dec 2009
    • 80

    Sterks and Extra Sterks

    Does anyone besides myself snus almost exclusively sterks and extra sterks? I love thunder frosted. Haven't had any in a while cuz I've been trying to expand. I tried 02, and claq qui. And niether stack up to the kick of thunder. Does anyone know a stronger snus than thunder? Or one that kicks harder in the short term? Now before anyone starts preaching about chasing a nicotine buzz and how you'll never get it the more you use etc etc, I know, and I honestly don't want to hear it. I like to get a nic kick at work to take the edge off, and how everyone else chooses to use snus is their own business. This is a simple question about strong snus since I don't have the money to try everything and would like to get insight in to what to maybe try on my next order.
  • RedMacGregor
    • Dec 2009
    • 554

    doing a skruf sterk for the FIRST TIME RIGHT NOW..

    it's pretty crazy


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      When I first started, I started using sterks exclusively within the first month. I then used only sterks for about 4 - 5 months. eventually though, I started using more regulars nd my sterk usage dropped too anywhere between 2 -6 a day. Moves up and down over time.


      • TheOneandOnly
        • Jun 2009
        • 616

        You can always add nasal snuff to compliment your Thunder. A sniff or two of snuff should balance you out. Give it a shot, head over to and pick out a few snuffs to go along with your extra stark snus


        • JaKe
          • Dec 2009
          • 80

          Got any cans of good stuff with a pinch or two left you could send me? If I do like it I'll place an order and throw a can of your fav on there for repayment.


          • RedMacGregor
            • Dec 2009
            • 554

            this Skruf Stark has me a bit spinny, thinking a shot of brandy to balance me out tonight


            • JaKe
              • Dec 2009
              • 80

              So skruf stark seems to hit hard... That's what I need. I'm a carryout at menards so I can't keep a portion in more than 20 minutes.


              • TheOneandOnly
                • Jun 2009
                • 616

                Originally posted by JaKe
                So skruf stark seems to hit hard... That's what I need. I'm a carryout at menards so I can't keep a portion in more than 20 minutes.
                That might be your problem right there.. At least 30 mins to absorb most of the nicotine in a portion.


                • RedMacGregor
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 554

                  Originally posted by JaKe
                  So skruf stark seems to hit hard... That's what I need. I'm a carryout at menards so I can't keep a portion in more than 20 minutes.
                  i can get away with skruf stark without my wife knowing i've got one in...


                  • TheOneandOnly
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 616

                    Skruf stark does hit hard.. But as a extra stark junky, I still prefer Thunder.. The nicotine lasts longer, hits smoother but definatly lets you know that its there...and LOTS of it..


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      I use General Sterk from time to time, maybe a few a day.

                      I used Thunder Frosted RELIGIOUSLY for a while, and I found that my nicotine level got so high (for what i needed) that I couldn't enjoy original portions, so I started to back off and go back down.

                      That's just me probably, haha, but yeah....had to back off.


                      • johnsnuser
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 107

                        Skruf Stark and General Extra Sterk hit really hard for me.Im not the one to ask about Thunder,because I dont like it.But many people do.I would try one of those.Or, you can try an Odens extra Sterk,its the strongest nic hit available at 17/mg per gram,and Odens is pretty inexpensive.Its an ok snus too.


                        • LaZeR
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 3994

                          Originally posted by johnsnuser
                          Odens extra Sterk,its the strongest nic hit available at 17/mg per gram,and Odens is pretty inexpensive.Its an ok snus too.


                          • Tristik
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 654

                            Skruf Stark, General Extra Sterk, Oden's Extra Sterk.

                            Think that's all the highest hitters besides Thunder. After those you get into your 12-15 mg range with things like General Sterk, Claq Qui, Granit Maxi, Grov Svart, etc.


                            • Christi
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 2104

                              I personally like the Thunder and the Oden's Extra Starks for my stark enjoyment.

                              I am gonna have to back off because, like Chad, I am finding that I am not enjoying the reg portions the way that I first did. My nicotine levels have sky rocketed.

                              I love the starks, but I still want to enjoy the other snus' that are not stark. It is a love hate for me with starks.


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