Still getting my feet wet...

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  • fo0bar
    New Member
    • Dec 2009
    • 7

    Still getting my feet wet...

    I started snusing at the end of November, and while it's certainly overall better than smoking (no more gasping for air in the morning!), the variety means I'm still looking at what's out there. With smoking, it was basically Camel Light for 10 years.

    As mentioned before, I tried the Camel Frost after getting the flu, but then quickly moved on to Swedish. The problem is I only use about 5-6 portions per day, so it takes awhile to switch from one can to another, so it's slow going on deciding what I "like". (I read somewhere that the average Swede uses 12 portions per day, yikes!) Here's what I've tried so far (11 cans, mostly General so far because it was available locally before I placed my first online order):

    * Camel Frost: Made my throat very itchy. Overly sweet, but I liked that.
    * General Dry Mint Mini: Logical progression from Camel Frost, taste is pretty similar but wetter. High drip through.
    * General White: I really have nothing bad or good to say about it. It's just... there.
    * Ettan White: Decent flavor, little salty.
    * Camel Mellow: I have to admit, I only bought this because I liked the tin designs and wanted to keep one for my "collection". It's actually not terrible though, "mellow" but with a slightly sweet taste. Drys out very quickly though, you'd basically have to use it within 2 days.
    * Roda Lacket: This was the only one so far I just plain didn't like. Flavor itself wasn't terribly strong, but it felt pretty rough, and I hate licorice flavor.
    * Thunder Frosted: I can't make a decision about this. Initial frosted flavor is very strong (and rather numbing), the nicotine level is great, but it seems to go through a phase where it feels like Elmer's glue for awhile. After that it settles into something you can leave in your mouth for awhile.
    * Grovsnus White: I just started on this, and I think if I had to pick one right now for a "regular" snus, it would be this. Medium flavor, low drip, nothing really "wrong" with it.

    On deck: Goteborgs Rape, Fellinni Mint
    Future order ideas: 02, Gotlands Green/Yellow, Nick & Johnny, Skruf, Thunder (Original and/or Wintergreen)

    I will say this about Camel snus, they've got the size and shape down right. 1.0g is a little big for me, 0.5g is a little small and 0.3g is way too small. Camel snus is 0.6g, which seems to be just right, and the shape is more elongated than Swedish snus, which I liked.

    (Not that I'd go back to Camel. Just saying.)
  • Tristik
    • Jan 2009
    • 654

    You'll like the 02 if for no other reason than it's the same basic shape as the Camel.

    The Goteborgs Rape is a pretty good one. Good flavor, well produced pouches. Might get the same 'could take it or leave it' feeling you get with General white's though.

    Considering you said you liked the flavor of the Camel (and the mini-mint) you should at least try some of Discreets flavors. They are mini-pouches, but they are packed pretty full and don't feel as small as most mini ones do in your lip (nic content is a little higher than most mini's too I think?).

    A few I think everyone should try when they're starting out:

    Odens Kanel: It's 'cinnamon' but not like cinnamon chewing gum. Little funky with cinnamon in the background.

    Catch Eucalyptus-Menthol: Some love it, some hate it, but everyone should try it.

    Phantom Blue: Another love/hate one. It has a slight taste that most say tastes like windex, but it is a really unique flavor.

    I mention those 3 in particular because they are all very different from each other,but they all have a pretty solid taste level. You sound a lot like me where I need my snus to have a fairly strong flavor. Brands like Roda Lacket and Skruf don't do it for me because all of their flavors seem very subtle to my taste buds.


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      Originally posted by Tristik
      You'll like the 02 if for no other reason than it's the same basic shape as the Camel.

      The Goteborgs Rape is a pretty good one. Good flavor, well produced pouches. Might get the same 'could take it or leave it' feeling you get with General white's though.

      Considering you said you liked the flavor of the Camel (and the mini-mint) you should at least try some of Discreets flavors. They are mini-pouches, but they are packed pretty full and don't feel as small as most mini ones do in your lip (nic content is a little higher than most mini's too I think?).

      A few I think everyone should try when they're starting out:

      Odens Kanel: It's 'cinnamon' but not like cinnamon chewing gum. Little funky with cinnamon in the background.

      Catch Eucalyptus-Menthol: Some love it, some hate it, but everyone should try it.

      Phantom Blue: Another love/hate one. It has a slight taste that most say tastes like windex, but it is a really unique flavor.

      I mention those 3 in particular because they are all very different from each other,but they all have a pretty solid taste level. You sound a lot like me where I need my snus to have a fairly strong flavor. Brands like Roda Lacket and Skruf don't do it for me because all of their flavors seem very subtle to my taste buds.
      Let me add just a few to Tristik's very nice list (all stronger in flavor all diverse in flavor):

      (I see you have Gotlans yellow, Skruf, and N&J already in the works- all highly recommended)

      In the end it may be easier just to get a sampler from one of the on line shops. That way you will get a range of what is out there rather than trying to guess what you will or will not like. Often with snus the one you thought you would love turns out to be a bust while the one you would have never ordered based on reviews turns out to be one of your favorites.

      Also, be sure not to throw anything away and be sure to revisit brands that you may not have initially liked. Your taste will change and refine over the next year or so. Thus if you don't like one at first stick it in the freezer and come back to it in six months or so.

      Also I would not worry much about having multiple cans opened at a time. Keep them in the fridge and they will be just fine. Try a few from each can. Those brands you are not wild about stick in the freezer and open something else.

      Regardless, enjoy the diversity and this time of discovery. It can be a lot of fun.
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        I only use 6 portions a day, and I think that's average for Americans, and to me, is the best number for snus enjoyment. I would not enjoy a snus if I spit it out after 15 mins or 30, they always keep going in flavor for over an hour for me. I do 2 before lunch, 2 after lunch, and 2 after dinner. Any more would be like a effort just to use them up.


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          I second the Oden's Kanel, I hate cinnamon flavored candy, but this is a real taste.


          • Christi
            • Dec 2009
            • 2104

            Originally posted by tom502
            I only use 6 portions a day, and I think that's average for Americans, and to me, is the best number for snus enjoyment. I would not enjoy a snus if I spit it out after 15 mins or 30, they always keep going in flavor for over an hour for me. I do 2 before lunch, 2 after lunch, and 2 after dinner. Any more would be like a effort just to use them up.
            On the other hand I use 12-15 portions or more a day depending on what I am drinking. I always have one in. In fact I fell asleep with one in at bed time last night. When I was using the Camel I would go through a whole tin in one day. I need to slow down I think.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              If you are liking Grov White, then let me recommend LD White, and also maybe the new Knox white. If you want an even stronger flavor in your white, check out Phantom white.


              • jtwh20
                • Nov 2009
                • 833

                Originally posted by sagedil
                If you are liking Grov White, then let me recommend LD White, and also maybe the new Knox white.

                You can't go wrong with any of those. They're all great and different but similar at the same time.


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