The truth about Snus and Snuff.....

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  • Owens187
    • Sep 2009
    • 1547

    The truth about Snus and Snuff.....

    Maybe yall have already seen this. Its an article about the assinine fact that these products are much safer than smoking, but that the tobacco companies can't tell you that by law. Just thought Id share it.

    I find it funny that they state that even RJ Reynolds is urging the FDA to “encourage an open, public discussion of the potential reduction in risk that could result from” shifting smokers to non-smoked products.

    Anyone know if theres actually some truth to that?
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    They can't tell you, because they are bound to get you on a medicine like Chantix that makes you suicidal.


    • Mordred
      • Dec 2009
      • 342

      Originally posted by tom502
      They can't tell you, because they are bound to get you on a medicine like Chantix that makes you suicidal.
      Not to mention that Chantix, Zyban et al have nowhere near the success rate of snus. But hey, it's "medicine" therefore it must be good, whereas snus is tobacco, therefore it must be bad.

      What really gets me is that the very same sheep happily buy organic food, because it's all natural. I've come to believe that rational thinking is NOT a quality inherent in human beings.


      • justintempler
        • Nov 2008
        • 3090

        It is assinine OTOH the tobacco companies caused the problem. They spent years saying their was no connection between smoking and health then came out with "safer" filtered cigarettes followed up by "safer" light cigarettes. ... we know how that worked out.


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