Do all flavored snusers end up as non-flavored snusers?

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  • Paul
    • Dec 2009
    • 364

    Originally posted by daruckis
    i dont know how you could consider gr2 unflavored. its like kool aid wrapped in a coffee filter. i hate it.

    i started out trying a ton of things, so i had flavored and unflavored, right away i loved roda lacket and ettan. now i pretty much stick to bergamot snus.

    it's just my opinion


    • Owens187
      • Sep 2009
      • 1547

      Everybody knows my daily go-to all day everyday snus is General Wintergreen. The ones I mostly use second to that are Roda Lacket, Thunder Frosted, GR2, General White, General Onyx, and Skruf White. So aside from the Wintergreen, Id say Im pretty much 50/50, though Id say I am definately a White portion guy.


      • TBD
        • Jul 2008
        • 817

        I started with a mixed portion box from Buysnus. Ettan was my first snus, and while I've tried most of the flavored snus, I use mostly the plainer snus. Phantom Blue is the exception. So I'd say I started with plain and stuck with it.


        • Palazzo
          • Jan 2010
          • 16

          I consider myself somewhere in the middle. I stick around general, goat rape, roda lacket etc. I generally stay away from tobacco-only flavored snus like ettan and at the same time dont really like the more exotic flavors like anything from offroad


          • Tristik
            • Jan 2009
            • 654

            Not sure what kind of snus you guys are using, but all of mine have flavor.....

            But I tried everything when I first started and still flip around different flavors. But I have been using mostly Menthol and Mint stuff (not general's mints).


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              Originally posted by Tristik
              Not sure what kind of snus you guys are using, but all of mine have flavor.....

              But I tried everything when I first started and still flip around different flavors. But I have been using mostly Menthol and Mint stuff (not general's mints).
              Well, when I say unflavored, I mean the more traditional "bergamot" ones (which is a flavor, so I'm kinda off on what I stated), but I refer to those as "unflavored", whereas I mean flavored is like Mint, etc...


              • skruf_mcgruff
                • Mar 2008
                • 267

                As far as GR2 being labelled as flavored or unflavored I would definitely call it flavored though I can't agree with the kool aid and coffee filter comparison. Some people have said it tastes artificial, in my opinion it is a pretty genuine lingon berry taste even if a bit strong.


                • GENERAL BILLY
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 528

                  My first order was Manderine Mocca and General mini's. I liked the Manderine and thought the General smelled like cow ass. Within two weeks I was using General Regular and never looked back.


                  • WickedKitchen
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 2528

                    I've only recently gotten to like any flavored ones. I was so put off by Skruf cranberry that I just never tried others.

                    10% tops, I use. but i enjoy having them around.


                    • Rambler
                      • Jan 2010
                      • 15

                      Here's my opinion. tobacoo is a flavor just like all the other naturally occuring flavors we encounter. I have been a snuser for about a year now. I started out with general and then onyx. Loved'em. But then I was interested in trying the other flavor combinations. I like the julesnus, I like GR2. I like skruf.

                      I am also a pipe smoker. I think that it is unfair to limit ourselves to tobacco flavored snus or pipe tobacco. Part of smoking a pipe (and snusing) is all the different wonderful varieties and tastes that are available. Unlike cigarettes where you get yuck or menthol.

                      Its like saying I like pasta but after trying all the sauces and combinations to prepare it you would rather just eat plain pasta.

                      Enjoy all the flavors (of which tobacco is just one).


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        Some snus are just kinda different, that they arn't "unflavored", but then they arn't standard "flavored" either, like Phantom/Thunder Blue, and GR2, they are unique. I like to call the "unflavored" snus, "seasoned".


                        • nathancipher
                          • Nov 2009
                          • 72

                          My first order was a mix of flavored and unflavored snus. I quickly learned that I am not into the flavor too much except for a few.


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            I'm not a fan of flavored snus, though some are decent for what they are. I think it's mainly because when I snus, I like to drink coffee, or cola, and a flavored snus just doesn't seem to go well with those.

                            I am thinking of trying a flavored dip though, as I don't drink usually when I have a dip in, I find it kinda hard to do.


                            • Liandri
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 604

                              General is flavored too, ya know.

                              noticed second page with your comment, statement still stands.

                              There's no real market for good flavored snus anyways.


                              • Christi
                                • Dec 2009
                                • 2104

                                Originally posted by Veganpunk
                                I still use flavored, but I reach more for non flavored.
                                Yep me too. I am finding the non-flavored slowly infiltrating my rotation of Thunder Frosted.


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