i dont know how you could consider gr2 unflavored. its like kool aid wrapped in a coffee filter. i hate it.
i started out trying a ton of things, so i had flavored and unflavored, right away i loved roda lacket and ettan. now i pretty much stick to bergamot snus.
Everybody knows my daily go-to all day everyday snus is General Wintergreen. The ones I mostly use second to that are Roda Lacket, Thunder Frosted, GR2, General White, General Onyx, and Skruf White. So aside from the Wintergreen, Id say Im pretty much 50/50, though Id say I am definately a White portion guy.
I started with a mixed portion box from Buysnus. Ettan was my first snus, and while I've tried most of the flavored snus, I use mostly the plainer snus. Phantom Blue is the exception. So I'd say I started with plain and stuck with it.
I consider myself somewhere in the middle. I stick around general, goat rape, roda lacket etc. I generally stay away from tobacco-only flavored snus like ettan and at the same time dont really like the more exotic flavors like anything from offroad
Not sure what kind of snus you guys are using, but all of mine have flavor.....
But I tried everything when I first started and still flip around different flavors. But I have been using mostly Menthol and Mint stuff (not general's mints).
Not sure what kind of snus you guys are using, but all of mine have flavor.....
But I tried everything when I first started and still flip around different flavors. But I have been using mostly Menthol and Mint stuff (not general's mints).
Well, when I say unflavored, I mean the more traditional "bergamot" ones (which is a flavor, so I'm kinda off on what I stated), but I refer to those as "unflavored", whereas I mean flavored is like Mint, etc...
As far as GR2 being labelled as flavored or unflavored I would definitely call it flavored though I can't agree with the kool aid and coffee filter comparison. Some people have said it tastes artificial, in my opinion it is a pretty genuine lingon berry taste even if a bit strong.
My first order was Manderine Mocca and General mini's. I liked the Manderine and thought the General smelled like cow ass. Within two weeks I was using General Regular and never looked back.
Here's my opinion. tobacoo is a flavor just like all the other naturally occuring flavors we encounter. I have been a snuser for about a year now. I started out with general and then onyx. Loved'em. But then I was interested in trying the other flavor combinations. I like the julesnus, I like GR2. I like skruf.
I am also a pipe smoker. I think that it is unfair to limit ourselves to tobacco flavored snus or pipe tobacco. Part of smoking a pipe (and snusing) is all the different wonderful varieties and tastes that are available. Unlike cigarettes where you get yuck or menthol.
Its like saying I like pasta but after trying all the sauces and combinations to prepare it you would rather just eat plain pasta.
Enjoy all the flavors (of which tobacco is just one).
Some snus are just kinda different, that they arn't "unflavored", but then they arn't standard "flavored" either, like Phantom/Thunder Blue, and GR2, they are unique. I like to call the "unflavored" snus, "seasoned".
I'm not a fan of flavored snus, though some are decent for what they are. I think it's mainly because when I snus, I like to drink coffee, or cola, and a flavored snus just doesn't seem to go well with those.
I am thinking of trying a flavored dip though, as I don't drink usually when I have a dip in, I find it kinda hard to do.
In the future, this may affect snus in America, and I see how it has with cigarettes (example - cloves), but does anyone know what or who is determining...
I started writing reviews/critiques when I started snusing, modifying the ratings and flavor critiques over time, accounting for my palate changes and...
These white portions come with a minimum drip and a slower flavour/nicotine release than original portions as they don't go through the final portion outer moisturisation ...