Ordering up a STASH

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  • RedMacGregor
    • Dec 2009
    • 554

    Ordering up a STASH


    So, i thought 5 cans of snus on my initial order would be enough..

    And so it happened I got a bunch of general sample foil packs and a bunch of discreet as well.

    Well, now I'm down to the sample packs as I wait on the first order. Lesson learned? Order at least half a roll, maybe even a full roll of a snus you like early on. I was going to wait until I found something I liked well enough to be a regular, and i'm leaning towards Skruf at the moment, but with the variety out there, I feel like a kid in the candy store who can only grab two handfuls and can't decide which two handfuls to grab.

    Learning my lesson, I'm going to put a roll of something on order RIGHT NOW to start building the stash, but still having indecision problems on WHAT EXACTLY to order..
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I'm a fan of buying rolls of snus that I like. Worst case scenario is you don't like something quite as much as you used to. It should still be usable, and get you through low snus situations.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Or do what I used to do and just order two or three of most everything. An even better kinda stash IMHO. :lol: :lol:


      • BardicDruid
        • Aug 2009
        • 72


        It's only taken me about six months to finally settle down to four or five that I like enough to start a stash with. The best thing about it is GetSnus carries them all. It's a good thing to because I just got laid off and the severance pay is enough for me to stock up for several months.


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          Originally posted by sagedil
          Or do what I used to do and just order two or three of most everything. An even better kinda stash IMHO. :lol: :lol:
          That's what my 50+ can stash looks like. I have one roll of General White, and a bunch of 1-3 cans of random.


          • eyephantom
            • Jul 2009
            • 333

            If I was still relatively new to snus, I'd probably go the sampler route as it's more cost effective than buying individual cans and if you find any of them suck, you still have variety. I bought a roll of phantom blue portions to start off well over a year ago and instantly regretted that decision, even though I dig them


            • adm
              • Oct 2009
              • 240

              Yeah - don't buy whole rolls early on - just order 2 or 3 cans of stuff you think sounds interesting - but get a wide selection.

              There's plenty of time to buy rolls once you are sure you like what you think you like. If you get my drift.


              • teeotee
                • Jul 2009
                • 251

                After 8 months i still haven't ordered a roll or even half roll. I've been ordering the samplers, they are a good deal when still trying to pin down your likes and dislikes.
                I've got my go to snus list down to 4 brands now. I almost ordered 5 cans of Ettan los on this last order but held off one more week. Instead i ordered 5 cans different los, one of which was Ettan. The other 4 i haven't tried yet.
                If i had to order rolls, i would probably do Ettan los first, then Skruf stark los, Odens ES los next. Still waiting to try thunder frosted los, that is coming in this latest order. I have tried the frosted mini portions and liked them, also liked the thunder OP, that stuff kicks like a M.F.


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