Anyone heard anything from Tom in a while? I noticed he's been out of the picture lately, test samples have ceased, and no comments or anything from the Discreet camp in a while. I hope he's doing well...
Hi everybody things have been very busy just got done with 14 days straight at 15/16 hours a days and been going thru a TTB audit and these guys are actualy very nice ,I have to account for every ounce of tobacco samples are going out. This is to Tom 502 I snus EVERY DAY ALL DAY just not the same brand as you just so u know, It's 5:30 and I am late to the factory I will post again soonTHANK YOU for all the support
Just spoke with Tom, he's a great guy and is really working hard to get Discreet snus going.
I really think it's a great thing that have going, especially using GothiaTek standards/pasteurization with their product, and if anyone hasn't used Discreet, I'd urge you to try it.
Not trying to plug or anything like that, but new companies need support, and if we could all add a few pouches on with our orders, I think it would really help. I know Sage puts in quite a few big orders for Discreet, and I have been as well, so let's keep doing this and help things get going so they can expand more, and continue to get those awesome brands out (ahhhh Root Beer).