Interesting. Never had it. Where is this available?
One of my colleagues is Swedish and I had the order sent to his house in Stockholm. They don't accept credit cards ATM so bank transfers or cash on delivery is the only option.
I think Gellivare is a pretty small company located in the deepest darkest northern forrest of Sweden. Like Karlvb said they use to sell it on the Northerner.
Nice, Karl! I have to get some, at least some Gellivare ... That used to be my favorite of the two. Damn delicious stuff, tastes like nothing else. Enjoy, friend
@lxskllr Sorry. Didn't mean to rub it in. Just overjoyed that I finally got my hands on some again. Damn I wish it was more readily available so everyone could sample it. Opened a can of Landströms last night and it is sublime. And yes, I am a lucky bastard.
@justintempler & Subtilo. Thanks.
@BardicDruid. Not British. Moved here for a bit and got stuck in the City. Hopefully next stop is somewhere like Switzerland or Australia. Have to say though the short hops to mainland Europe does make it an attractive place to live. Biggest downside are the ridiculously high taxes (on snus and in general)
I PMed Frank over at Northerner and asked if they were planning to carry this any time soon. I'll let you know what he says.
In the meantime it might not hurt if both Northerner and buysnus heard from others here on the forum, who are interested.
If they are unable to carry it outright maybe they could offer it via special order once or twice a year or make it available for a limited time each year.
They have carried it before. Thus it is not inconceivable that they could carry it again. LET THEM HEAR FROM YOU. :idea: :idea: :idea:
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
I received both these items from It took a while to get them because I live in the US and I had to send them cash through the mail to...
Nothing super epic.... We had a snow storm that was unexpected in it's magnitude. Our power had been out since noon Sunday, and it just came back on today....