I used snus to quit smoking about 3 months ago, but recently have taken smoking up on a limited basis. It's mainly a way of flipping off anti tobacco terrorists without the obvious gesture; I don't really need to smoke.
But in the current political climate, few things are more subversive than lighting up in public. I take great pleasure in knowing that I'm pissiing off some pencil necked geek at the FDA every time I ostentatiously blow out a big blue cloud of Natural American Spirit Menthol. As a matter of fact, I'm going out tomorrow and buying some RYO tobacco and smoke a few full strength non filters. Who cares about living longer in a world like this one is becoming anyway, in which anything that's not forbidden is mandatory. People used to be happier, per capita incomes were higher, music was better, the economy worked better, sex was better, EVERYTHING was better when everybody was smoking and there was an ashtray in every house.
Swedish Snus is the best way of quitting smoking I've found, without question. But would you really want to quit if you weren't being constantly bombarded with anti-tobacco propaganda from the International Tobacco Control Fascists who are attemtping to run your life? Don't worry, they're probably come after your snus next, in which case having a big fat pris under your lip will be viewed as just a seditious as taking a big drag off of a Kool in order to avoid the tediousness of inhaling boring "air" all of the time.
But in the current political climate, few things are more subversive than lighting up in public. I take great pleasure in knowing that I'm pissiing off some pencil necked geek at the FDA every time I ostentatiously blow out a big blue cloud of Natural American Spirit Menthol. As a matter of fact, I'm going out tomorrow and buying some RYO tobacco and smoke a few full strength non filters. Who cares about living longer in a world like this one is becoming anyway, in which anything that's not forbidden is mandatory. People used to be happier, per capita incomes were higher, music was better, the economy worked better, sex was better, EVERYTHING was better when everybody was smoking and there was an ashtray in every house.
Swedish Snus is the best way of quitting smoking I've found, without question. But would you really want to quit if you weren't being constantly bombarded with anti-tobacco propaganda from the International Tobacco Control Fascists who are attemtping to run your life? Don't worry, they're probably come after your snus next, in which case having a big fat pris under your lip will be viewed as just a seditious as taking a big drag off of a Kool in order to avoid the tediousness of inhaling boring "air" all of the time.