Are there Any Proud Smokers Among Snus Users?

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  • LHB
    • Oct 2009
    • 115

    Are there Any Proud Smokers Among Snus Users?

    I used snus to quit smoking about 3 months ago, but recently have taken smoking up on a limited basis. It's mainly a way of flipping off anti tobacco terrorists without the obvious gesture; I don't really need to smoke.

    But in the current political climate, few things are more subversive than lighting up in public. I take great pleasure in knowing that I'm pissiing off some pencil necked geek at the FDA every time I ostentatiously blow out a big blue cloud of Natural American Spirit Menthol. As a matter of fact, I'm going out tomorrow and buying some RYO tobacco and smoke a few full strength non filters. Who cares about living longer in a world like this one is becoming anyway, in which anything that's not forbidden is mandatory. People used to be happier, per capita incomes were higher, music was better, the economy worked better, sex was better, EVERYTHING was better when everybody was smoking and there was an ashtray in every house.

    Swedish Snus is the best way of quitting smoking I've found, without question. But would you really want to quit if you weren't being constantly bombarded with anti-tobacco propaganda from the International Tobacco Control Fascists who are attemtping to run your life? Don't worry, they're probably come after your snus next, in which case having a big fat pris under your lip will be viewed as just a seditious as taking a big drag off of a Kool in order to avoid the tediousness of inhaling boring "air" all of the time.
  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    I quit smoking w/o snus, dip, snuff, vape, or anything like that. It was will power alone. Perhaps if I had snus at that time it would've been less painful but it surely was not anti-tobacco propaganda that got me to quit. It was the desire to actually continue to live in the world. I smoked for 15 years and the smoke began to rear it's ugly head in my body. I felt terrible, couldn't run as far/fast as I used to, coughed more, smelled like rank, dank, stale smoke. I was simply ready to quit. I knew that if I kept up a pack a day habit like that it would hasten my demise. It still might but at least I'm not actively continuing down that road.

    I think that you're right about snus being on the list. I don't think that it's next on the list, but it's on the list. Tobacco is generalized. Dip has a stigma now and most people think snus is the same thing. I have on friend who refuses to try it and says that he'd rather kill himself on the inside then have half of his face removed. Huh.

    Unfortunately, you're probably giving the proverbial finger to nobody but yourself by continuing to smoke providing that you've actually conquered that particular addiction. It wasn't until five or six months after I quit did I realize that. Changing the sentiment of hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of people is a monumental task and surely one that I don't have the means for.

    For years after I quit I had one cig every couple of months with my brother. The familiar feeling from the smoke became less and less pleasureable, less enchanting, less familiar. I had one on Christmas night and it made me feel like utter shite. Will I have another eventually? Probably but they're still getting fewer and farther between. For that I am greatful. Now if you really want to leave this world there's plenty other fun and more efficient ways to do so. Heroin, crack, and the like could be a sure ticket out and you might even go with a smile on your face. Tobacco will certainly make for a miserable demise and not one that I want to experience.

    Good luck, and godspeed.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      I have consistently posted for over 2 years now that I happily indulge in a cigarette every month or two. I have frequently stated that one of my favorite things about snus is now I can smoke when I WANT, and never when I NEED.

      But I always choke a bit when snusers start coming off as judgmental **** about cigarettes. Cigarettes were my best friends for over 30 years. I have more loyalty to friends then that. So yes, very happy that snus now covers about 95% of my nicotine use. But that occasional cigarette is still so sublime to me. And as a way of bonding with someone else, simply can't be replicated.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I'm with ya baby! I still like the occasional cigarette, and knowing someone else doesn't like it makes the experience that much more enjoyable :^D


        • BadAxe
          • Jan 2010
          • 631

          Re: Are there Any Proud Smokers Among Snus Users?

          Originally posted by LHB
          Who cares about living longer in a world like this one is becoming anyway, in which anything that's not forbidden is mandatory.
          While I may not be concerned about how long I live, its the quality of life I do care about, and the type of death I am going to have. I surely do not want to go out the way I watched my mother go out, with emphysema and lived a life of absolute hell for almost 8 years.

          So snus is helping me give up the cigs forever and I could not be happier. And while I understand your point about the FDA and about those who bitch bitch bitch about smokers, I would rather just flip them the bird as my way of saying "screw you", then to light up, and cause my quality of life to suffer.

          I am quitting smoking for various reasons, mostly the cost, and what it is doing to my health. So no, I am not a proud smoker in any way. I will be a proud NON smoker though. I just won't be a non smoker that judges smokers.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Was just gonna say. I suspect it will be mostly just the vets, 2 years or ore using snus, that will answer yes. For others, the time between daily cigarette use and now just isn't long enough I think.

            BadAxe, I understand completely about health. But way I look at that question. I am no longer smoking 2 packs a day. I have moved that health meter WAY over y using snus. But I still do much occasionally that risks that, I still ride my motorcycle. Fast even. So for me, one cigarette every 2 months moved that needle oh so tiny compared to my previous 2 packs a day. I have even added pipe smoking 3 months ago. I know that adds a bit more to my risk factors. Way more than snus even. But still so tiny compared to my previous 2 packs a day.

            So the pleasure I can get out of a cigarette now occasionally dwarfs tyae added risk that one cigarette rings. And with snus, that one never leads to a 2nd. Why I love my snus.


            • Snusify
              • Aug 2009
              • 620

              I am a proud cigar and pipe smoker, but would never touch inferior cigarettes since finding snus and other smokeless tobacco.
              Snus and Dip Video Reviews


              • LHB
                • Oct 2009
                • 115

                My proud, heroic attempt to flip the world off by going back to smoking heavily didn't last very long. I woke up this afternoon with a pretty clear reminder of why I started snussing in the first place. I can handle, and I very much enjoy, a good cigarette every now and then, but after 37 years of smoking, I don't think my body and mind can handle regular, 1 1/2 pack per day cigarette smoking any more.

                I can't believe I was laboring under that load for all those years.


                • bakerbarber
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 1947

                  I smoke two or three a day.

                  If it wasn't for FSC I might smoke more.

                  The FSC made my brand taste like ass and makes my chest heavy.

                  The Nanny State.

                  Gotta love it.


                  • Snusmun
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 359

                    Originally posted by LHB
                    My proud, heroic attempt to flip the world off by going back to smoking heavily didn't last very long. I woke up this afternoon with a pretty clear reminder of why I started snussing in the first place. I can handle, and I very much enjoy, a good cigarette every now and then, but after 37 years of smoking, I don't think my body and mind can handle regular, 1 1/2 pack per day cigarette smoking any more.

                    I can't believe I was laboring under that load for all those years.
                    LOL. That was a pretty damn good rant though....I enjoyed it! Was there alcohol involved perchance? :wink:

                    FSC = ? Fox Soccer Channel?


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      Originally posted by Snusmun
                      FSC = ? Fox Soccer Channel?
                      Fire Safe Cigarette. I haven't had the pleasure, but they have some kind of chemical(copper compound?) added to the paper so it goes out after not hitting it often enough. Just another step in the dumbing down of America. Soon enough we won't have the brains to repel an invasion from Cuba, and it'll be all over :^S


                      • bakerbarber
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 1947


                        = Fail


                        • Snusmun
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 359

                          Originally posted by lxskllr

                          Fire Safe Cigarette. I haven't had the pleasure, but they have some kind of chemical(copper compound?) added to the paper so it goes out after not hitting it often enough. Just another step in the dumbing down of America. Soon enough we won't have the brains to repel an invasion from Cuba, and it'll be all over :^S
                          WTF, are you serious? Nver hear of such a thing. Are they doing this to most cig brands now??

                          And if Cuba invaded, at least I'd be able to get some Montecristo easily... :P


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by Snusmun

                            WTF, are you serious? Nver hear of such a thing. Are they doing this to most cig brands now??

                            And if Cuba invaded, at least I'd be able to get some Montecristo easily... :P
                            I think all mass produced brands have to by law. I have been curious about American Spirit though, as they went out by themselves without added chemicals. I'd be interested to know if they got an exception to the law. I've rolled my own cigarettes for 25 years or so, so I don't keep close track of the prerolled stuff.


                            • Snusmun
                              • Feb 2010
                              • 359

                              Oh that's just great. Make it 4001 chemicals inhaled now.

                              Dunno about American Spirit. I smoked them for years and never noticed any change...I suppose I could have completely missed it though. Wouldn't surprise me if they just consider the tobacco additive free, but could still load the paper or filter up with whatever they want.

