Are there Any Proud Smokers Among Snus Users?
I know that this is mainly a snus forum, and I still get a lot more pleasure out of good snus than out of cigarettes, but I get the impression that many members still enjoy a cigarette on occasion, and that FSC's are about as popular among even the most pyrophobic forum members here as Dick Cheney is among DailyKos liberals. I did a brief search and found that several pro smoking advocates are trying to get class action lawsuits going, although against whom I have no idea.
I will try ringing up the FDA tomorrow. They were granted regulatory authority over tobacco products recently, and I don't think their mandate extends into making sure that cigarettes don't contribute to the odd conflagration. They're supposed to make sure that cigarettes are as "healthy" as possible, and FSC has nothing to do with making cigarettes less toxic. On the contrary. So I recommend complaining to the FDA that you are suffering severe health problems all of the sudden that you attribute to the new additive in cigarette papers that decreases their combustability at unpredictable intervals.
If it becomes clear that the FDA isn't doing it's job (which was clear decades ago; I've taken at least four prescription drugs in the past that had FDA approval that were subsequently pulled from the market after causing numerous deaths among people taking them as prescribed), maybe we can work toward getting them out of the tobacco regulation industry and get them replaced by a more benign, transparent agency, like the CIA.
Seriously, if you have a little spare time, give them a ring. What could be more fun than taunting the SS of the tobacco fascista's with the accusation that they've managed to let slip through the cracks a succesful attempt to make a potentially harmful product absolutely lethal within the span of less than a year.
LHB, I'm pretty sure the FDA taking over the regulation of tobacco has nothing to do with ensuring a "healthy" product. It's pretty clear to me that they have been given regulatory authority over tobacco as a first step towards treating and regulating nicotine as a drug. As I know you know, virtually every elected or appointed member of all three branches of federal government are there because of K-street corporate lobbyist dollars. The FDA is probably the most controlled of all federal agencies by these interests, with perhaps big oil being the exception. This is why virtually every "stop-smoking" aid is pharmaceutical based and costs a small fortune. From the patch to Chantix, it's all about the dollars. And this is also why there has been extensive debate about allowing those stupid e-cigarettes (not that I have followed it too closely). Trust me, if swedish snus ever takes off here, their paws will be ALL over it. Either by $ or prohibition. And I hear your pain and respect you wanting to call and write them, I just honestly think they could care less and will never listen.
Your local gov. is just as scary and threatening to tobacco as the feds. In the town next to where I live, they have recently enacted a law forbidding people from smoking on their own patios, outside, in apartment complexes. This is property you OWN! This is of course to prevent any neighbor from having to endure any second hand smoke. Meanwhile it's perfectly legal to send thousands of big fat diesel belching tankers and trucks to stock your local walmart with chinese shit, and perfectly legal to inhale mercury laden coal plant emissions, and no problem with BPA ingestion either etc. etc.....the hypocrisy goes on and on and on and on....