Los question

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  • BadAxe
    • Jan 2010
    • 631

    Los question

    Ok guys, Los has become my ritual at night for the last week or so. I still have only made a pris with the pris master. But it has gone smoothly every time, untill last night. I tried 4 times last night, once with Ettan, twice with Grov, and once with Thunder Frost. All 4 have been open for only about a week, they came out of the freezer, and since they have been opened they are stored in the fridge full time except to pack the prismaster.

    So last night, all 4 times (with 3 different brands), I failed miserably. The moment i put the pris in my mouth it crumbled. All 4 times. I have no idea why all of a sudden I coould not keep a pris together. I did not pack it any differently (kinda hard to pack a prismaster wrong, lol). But they just would not hold together.

    Any idea's why?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    It probably dried out a touch, and isn't sticking together so well. The Prismaster doesn't work that well imo. Try handbaking some, and see if that stays together better. Be careful not to use too much. There's more in your hand than you think there is.


    • Roo
      • Jun 2008
      • 3446

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      There's more in your hand than you think there is.
      Damnit lxskllr you stole my line. I've been saying that shit for years


      • BadAxe
        • Jan 2010
        • 631

        Originally posted by lxskllr
        There's more in your hand than you think there is.
        I tell my wife that when she.... well, lets just say I make her laugh a lot.


        • BadAxe
          • Jan 2010
          • 631

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          It probably dried out a touch, and isn't sticking together so well. The Prismaster doesn't work that well imo. Try handbaking some, and see if that stays together better. Be careful not to use too much. There's more in your hand than you think there is.
          But man, it doesn't seem dry, and has only been open about a week, and in the fridge the whole time. I have had no luck hand baking. And while you say the prismaster does not work so well, it has perfomred flawlessly for me until last night. Sigh, I guess I will have to give it a go at hand baking.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Don't go after perfection when handbaking. All you need is a nugget that sticks together, it doesn't have to be perfectly round or anything. Fill your Prismaster, then shoot it into your hand. Put 1/3 of it back in the tin, and handbake the rest. I bet you do fine with it :^)


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Just get a bleepin icetool. I promise, for the thousandth time. You like los, you will love an icetool. I promise. Really. :lol: :lol:


              • BadAxe
                • Jan 2010
                • 631

                Originally posted by sagedil
                Just get a bleepin icetool. I promise, for the thousandth time. You like los, you will love an icetool. I promise. Really. :lol: :lol:
                I will I will I will, lol. But everytime I free up money, before I know it, I just used it all to order more snus. HATE when that happens.


                • Bluesteak
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 57

                  This is why I'm afraid to open my Ettan & Grov los. I use like 3 portions a day and it would probably be dry by day 5.


                  • Roo
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 3446

                    Don't worry about it, I usually have 1 or 2 cans of los that I use infrequently, and they stay open and good for months. In the fridge.


                    • BadAxe
                      • Jan 2010
                      • 631

                      Originally posted by Roo
                      Don't worry about it, I usually have 1 or 2 cans of los that I use infrequently, and they stay open and good for months. In the fridge.
                      Yea, my los is far from dry, thats why I am wondering why I had such a horrible night with it last night. Oh well, 1st attempt at handbaking tonight.


                      • snusjus
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 2674

                        When using los, try to use it as quickly as possible. Never have more than one can of los opened at a time, since the other cans will dry out long before you can finish them.


                        • LaZeR
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 3994

                          Originally posted by snusjus
                          When using los, try to use it as quickly as possible. Never have more than one can of los opened at a time, since the other cans will dry out long before you can finish them.
                          I agree with this message.


                          • Roo
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 3446

                            I have to politely disagree... I use los maybe 3 times per day, at best, and I keep (currently) 4 open cans in the fridge: Odens ES (almost gone, I can't help myself) Ettan (hillbilly wad in at the moment, opened it probably 3 weeks ago), General Extra Stark (had a pris last night, wonderful after maybe 6 weeks open), and finally Gustavus lös, (it's been open since November, STILL GOOD).

                            EDIT: Don't F**K with me. I'm getting close to 1.000 posts! LOL I don't know you guys do it.


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by Roo
                              I have to politely disagree... I use los maybe 3 times per day, at best, and I keep (currently) 4 open cans in the fridge: Odens ES (almost gone, I can't help myself) Ettan (hillbilly wad in at the moment, opened it probably 3 weeks ago), General Extra Stark (had a pris last night, wonderful after maybe 6 weeks open), and finally Gustavus lös, (it's been open since November, STILL GOOD).

                              EDIT: Don't F**K with me. I'm getting close to 1.000 posts! LOL I don't know you guys do it.
                              Yea, they aren't as good as fresh opened, especially with the paperboard tins, but it lasts a good while in the fridge. I have 6 tins open in active rotation, and the moisture is still acceptable(V2 seems to last the longest). I have some that aren't really in active use, and they're fairly dry, but still quite usable. Those are over a year old, and I'll take a pinch every so often.


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