...but basically I saw the camel sign at the gas station and thought it said something about sinuses, lol. I really thought it was medication for sinuses made by camel and it said sold cold.....
Not to derail but I truly believe this is why Hedges invented L.260 nasal snuff.
I do apologize for the mix up. I can say however that the mistake is not on my end. It was a mislabeling issue with the manufacture.
I would have to agree though, that the portion size are in question, but never the strength. They always deliver on that for me. I too am a part time Thunder user. I can't use them back to back like some. I would get sicks and light headed. Now I am no rookie snuser, but for some reason the Thunder has that affect on me.
We are now offering Thunder Original Extra Strong Loose Snus, and in a day or two we should have the General Mint White portion snus as well. Stay tuned. We of course are still waiting on the Ettand and Grov with the others to be cleared through customs and they will be listed on the site.