I am about halfway into a tin of Offroad loose wintergreen. After the first few tries, I thought I would love this snus forever. But, when I went back to ettan and grov, I realized how much more satisfying to me a more natural tobacco flavor was. Now I dabble with the Offroad a few times a week for a change of pace.
Do you like flavored snus?
I love flavored snus. I also love unflavored snus :lol: I couldn't do without Grov, or Catch eucalyptus. I've been digging the Ettan portions also. I think I'm pretty much finished with lös, except for Landströms. That one's unique enough that I want to get it, even though it's in lös form. I was just reading the Northerner's description, and they say it has a mild flavor of bergamot. I don't really get that. It tastes more like butterscotch to me. It's a huge pita to use, but I think the flavors worth the trouble.
I enjoy a Catch Eucalyptus every now and then. Mostly though I stick to Ettan, Grov, General, Skruf Stark, Gotlands, Kronan, Knox and Gustavus. You might consider some of them flavored. I haven't had any Offroad that I have liked though I haven't tried Wintergreen or any of their loose brands. I have been wanting to try the General Wintergreen but I don't really want to buy a roll of it.
Not to be a turd in the "I like flavored snus" punchbowl, but my answer is a resounding "NO".
I really enjoy the pure, unadultered (with the exception of the added salt, of course), natural tobacco flavor. I'm sure I'll be considered narrow-minded but that's my taste in snus.
Just my $0.02.
Having said that....all snus is good snus! Enjoy away boys....(and girls)...
Yes, the unflavored snuses are a class of their own. No wonder, that some of the brands survived for more than 100 years.
I still like some of the flavored ones though and not only as a change of pace but as an everyday treat.
PseudoSwede, would you mind to post some brands. I only know Ettan and Grovsnus that really have a pure tobacco-taste and even these are still slightly flavored not only with salt, at least if my taste is concerned.
I like Ettan and Goteborgs Prima Fint the most. GPF is a more mild, pure tobacco snus and more finely ground than Ettan.
I haven't tried Grovsnus yet. I have one tin of it in the freezer. I guess I should try it but I'm really fond of the more finely ground snus as I mentioned above. That's probably why I haven't yet tried the Grovsnus.
I like Ettan and Goteborgs Prima Fint the most. GPF is a more mild, pure tobacco snus and more finely ground than Ettan.
I haven't tried Grovsnus yet. I have one tin of it in the freezer. I guess I should try it but I'm really fond of the more finely ground snus as I mentioned above. That's probably why I haven't yet tried the Grovsnus. I'd also like to try Nick & Johnny, too.
I totally agree with PseudoSwede. I love the pure tobacco flavor of snus. I do love General and the like that have the lemon or citrus flavor hint but to me that's not "flavored". I have tried Catch and some of the others but to me it's like putting a piece of gum under my lip instead of snus. Just like when I smoked, smoking a menthol was like smoking with gum in my mouth. Just don't dig it.
I dig both, but I favor the unflavored more so than the flavored.
As far as flavored goes, Goteborgs Rape No. 2 is my favorite. I stick to these most of the time as far as flavored goes. I love these.
Catch Liquorice is nice on occasion, but definitely not all the time. The Eucalyptus is good too.
Didn't like Offroad Cranberry too much. Too sweet for my tastes.
As far as unflavored goes, I prefer Nick & Johnny loose, Goteborgs Rape loose (and portions, but more so the loose), Ettan (loose and portions), Grov (loose), Goteborgs Prima Fint, and Roda Lacket (loose). I mostly use Nick & Johhy and Goteborgs Rape now, both in loose format, but I always have the others around for variety.
I like flavored snus, but only for a change of pace. Most of the time, I want to be able to taste tobacco. There are definitely brands of "flavored" snus that still have that tobacco taste, though. General is a good example on the less-flavored end, and Skruf's Cranberry is another on the more-flavored end.
For purely flavored snus, though, the only one that I really, really like are the Mocca offerings. They're 5mg mini portions, but they really keep their flavors a long time. The Pomegranate and Mint are both nice changes of pace from my usual Knox mini (until my stash runs out).. I haven't tried the Mandarin yet.
Maybe it's only a problem with the minis, but I haven't yet found a Catch offering that I still want to have in my mouth after ten minutes, except maybe for the old Vanilla/Coffee flavor before they discontinued it.