New to snus

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  • Blackwidowman
    • Dec 2007
    • 38

    New to snus

    Haling from Quebec and new to snus, I order the following after a few searches:

    General loose
    Roda lacket loose
    Catch white licorice
    Romeo & juliette
    Skruf portion
    Prismmaster tool

    What do you think
  • The Wolf
    • Oct 2007
    • 132

    Can't go wrong with Röda Lacket's lös. The Best. 8)


    • darkwing
      • Oct 2007
      • 415

      Roda Lacket loose is fantastic, and I am a fan of Catch licorice too. Great choices, Black Widow, and welcome to snusing. Note that I am a neighbour of yours, from Ottawa...


      • Blackwidowman
        • Dec 2007
        • 38

        Ottawa valley snusers eh!

        Great, I'm still diping, skoal streight, but can wait for the snus to come in,hopefully custom won't kill me with taxes. :evil:


        • Lauritzen
          • Nov 2007
          • 30

          You are a braver man than I, trying all of that loose right off the bat. Kudos!


          • The Cook
            • Aug 2007
            • 166

            Salut, Blackwidowman. J'espere que tu vas aimer le snus et ce forum.

            J'ai ordonné plusier packets de snus chez Je les achete chez
            BuySnus, 5 canettes à la fois. De même, j'ai jamais eu de probleme avec
            Douanes Canada. J'ai chosi BuySnus a cause des taux du shipping sont moins cher que chez Northerner.

            Bonne journeé!


            • Blackwidowman
              • Dec 2007
              • 38

              Snus what else

              Salut The Cook

              J'ai aussi commande de BuySnus. Je croit que si l'ont guardent le montant total bas ca devrait aller. J'aime bien Skoal straight. J'espere trouve quelque chose semblabe.

              J'ai ecris a Imperial Tobacco reference leur snus. Impossible d'en avoir a moin de connaitre quelqu'un a Edmonton. Mais J'ai ouidire que c'est du Skruf qu'il marchande sous la banniere DuMaurier puisqu'ils ont achette dans la compagnie.


              • The Wolf
                • Oct 2007
                • 132

                ^^Vaikka olenkin ranskaa yhden lukion kurssin verran opiskellut, tajusin teksteistänne vain satunnaisia sanoja, mutta sentään voin olla varma, ettei tästä tekstistä tajua kukaan mitään, suomalaisia lukuunottamatta.



                • darkwing
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 415

                  Den katalaveno.


                  • The Cook
                    • Aug 2007
                    • 166

           I detect a little hostility from the Wolf? Can't read the Finnish, so I'll never know for sure. :?

                    I know you all will forgive me for lapsing into french with a fellow-countryman, was just for fun. I don't get a chance to write it so often.


                    • Blackwidowman
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 38

                      My appoligy

                      Sorry did not mean no disrespec. I was to write it also in English but ran out of time.

                      I said to The Cook that I had written To Imperial Tobacco, a Canadian Co., which has just introduced Snus to Canada and is testing the market in Edmonton, Alberta. I tried to get some from them but they couldn't as it would breach there Distributors agreement. IT as acquired some or all of Skruf and I suspect they are marketing Skruf under their DuMaurier label, a well known cigarette brand.

                      Hopefully I can get someone from Edmonton to send me a tin or two.

                      Again sorry for the french implement.


                      • Lauritzen
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 30

                        Originally posted by The Wolf
                        ^^Vaikka olenkin ranskaa yhden lukion kurssin verran opiskellut, tajusin teksteistänne vain satunnaisia sanoja, mutta sentään voin olla varma, ettei tästä tekstistä tajua kukaan mitään, suomalaisia lukuunottamatta.

                        Said the aged Vainamoinen? ;P


                        • The Wolf
                          • Oct 2007
                          • 132

                          Originally posted by The Cook
                 I detect a little hostility from the Wolf? Can't read the Finnish, so I'll never know for sure. :?
                          Nah, no need to be worried about that. Just said that I've been taught French for one course in sixth form and I still didn't understand from your texts more than one or two words. So naturally I wrote my text in Finnish so you wouldn't understand it, but now the "joke" don't work anymore.

                          Originally posted by Lauritzen
                          Originally posted by The Wolf
                          ^^Vaikka olenkin ranskaa yhden lukion kurssin verran opiskellut, tajusin teksteistänne vain satunnaisia sanoja, mutta sentään voin olla varma, ettei tästä tekstistä tajua kukaan mitään, suomalaisia lukuunottamatta.

                          Said the aged Vainamoinen? ;P
                          :lol: :lol:


                          • darkwing
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 415

                            Blackwidowman, I also contacted Imperial about their DuMaurier snus and was told that it is only in Edmonton and any other information is "proprietary." So we order from Sweden until Imperial decides to introduce snus nationwide. Although they may not do that, who knows? I just wish Swedish Match imported their snus here and sold it in stores.


                            • The Cook
                              • Aug 2007
                              • 166

                              Nah, no need to be worried about that. Just said that I've been taught French for one course in sixth form and I still didn't understand from your texts more than one or two words. So naturally I wrote my text in Finnish so you wouldn't understand it, but now the "joke" don't work anymore. [/quote]

                              Well I'm glad to hear that you're ok with our french conversation. I don't want to get on anyone's shit list here. Our forum members are great people. :wink:


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