1 part Got yellow and 1 part GES was pretty good.
Are you a Mad Scientist of Lös??
Re: Are you a Mad Scientist of Lös??
Originally posted by Owens187Just wondering, have any of you ever taken different flavors of Lös, and mixed them together to create your own flavor? Just a thought...... :P
And on a unrelated note, how the hell do you guys get the two dots above the word Los (like this - Lös) ? I had to google it and copy/paste to do that.... :?:
i have been mixing snus up a long time. ive done it so much that now one of my favorites i have to mix :roll:
i really like oden's cinnamon a whole lot but i don't like being a slave to that much nicotine. i take 50/50 oden's cinnamon loose and general es loose or sometimes another regular loose such as general or ettan. general es and oden's cinnamon is the best though but still high octane.
Empty catch eucalyptus portions and mix with general (regular) loose. About 2/1 is real good too.
Thunder frosted mixed with anything to cut the "frosted" is good.
I won't tell my experiments with raising the ph of snus because i don't want to put any dangerous ideas into any kiddies minds who might be reading this. One can hurt their mouth and i know for sure
Originally posted by SnusoMaticI won't tell my experiments with raising the ph of snus because i don't want to put any dangerous ideas into any kiddies minds who might be reading this. One can hurt their mouth and i know for sure
I love loose its most of the snus I use.
I have never mixed snus but would consider mixing some thunder loose which I dont like with some of the new tobacco free snus from swedish match as it has guarana in it.
This would make an energy snus with a kick.
regarding ö characters
on a mac you press command + U followed by O
I dont use a pc i have sense.Snus and Dip Video Reviews