General Wintergreen users Unite!!

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  • Owens187
    • Sep 2009
    • 1547

    Originally posted by GoVegan
    General Wintergreen is one of the handiest snus' to have around. I make sure to keep a can in the medicine cabinet in case I need to induce vomiting. The full cans are also the perfect size and weight to toss at anything lurking in your yard or trash can.
    Point proven.

    Originally posted by ladysnus
    I don't feel truely satisfied with any other snus.
    Same here.

    Originally posted by ladysnus
    If General were to stop production of this product, I would more than likely just quit snussing.
    Or just buy some oil of Wintergreen, some General White, and make your own!

    Originally posted by ladysnus
    Many people say GW tastes like toothpaste, can someone please tell me which one, I would love it!
    Hell to the yes! 8)

    Originally posted by Snusdog
    Temptation...….overwhelming ……….must……be…...nice…….move away…… from…….. keyboard…....just….stop…….typin
    Somebody put the Dog on a chain! Hold 'im now..... :shock: :lol:


    • Snusmun
      • Feb 2010
      • 359

      Originally posted by ladysnus
      Many people say GW tastes like toothpaste, can someone please tell me which one, I would love it!
      Try a tube of Ben Gay, that should work.

      Just so people know what they are ingesting, wintergreen oil is mostly methyl salicylate, which is similar to aspirin in both its benefits and hazards.


      • cj
        • Jul 2009
        • 1563

        is int it wintergreen thats targeted to kids to make them to want tobacco lol
        i have tryed the wintergreen general a few times and its a no go its just not my cup of tea but i know a few people that love it so i gave all of it to them


        • Slydel
          • Mar 2008
          • 421

          I have not tried General Wintergreen. I see that it is a white portion. I have a friend that would like to use a wintergreen portion snus that is not too strong (Thunder strong) but is also juicy. My question is, how does General Wintergreen compare to Offroad Wintergreen? Is Offroad a regular snus and does it taste like a U.S. wintergreen dip? Is the Offroad sweet and juicy like Thunder? Thanks for any insight you can give.


          • Ainkor
            • Sep 2008
            • 1144

            Just for old time sakes I broke out the can of Wintergreen I had from when I started.


            Still sucks :P


            • ladysnus
              • Mar 2009
              • 601

              Originally posted by Slydel
              I have not tried General Wintergreen. I see that it is a white portion. I have a friend that would like to use a wintergreen portion snus that is not too strong (Thunder strong) but is also juicy. My question is, how does General Wintergreen compare to Offroad Wintergreen? Is Offroad a regular snus and does it taste like a U.S. wintergreen dip? Is the Offroad sweet and juicy like Thunder? Thanks for any insight you can give.
              I think your friend would need to try it for himself.
              I cannot compare General Wintergreen to Offroad Wintergreen as General is
              far and away superior to the budget brand Offroad. I've never tried a portion of anything by Offroad but I'm certain their Los is better than their portions. I've used GW for so long that it has become a lot more complex than when I first started using it.
              Dippers and Offroad portion users will need to chime in to give you their opinions.


              • sheilalynn
                • May 2009
                • 1103

                Seems like I always have a can of this opened somewhere around the house, so yeah, it's a staple for me. I must just like wintergreen since I have like 18 boxes of the Stonewall wintergreen dissolvable tobacco pieces too. :P


                • Owens187
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 1547

                  Originally posted by Slydel
                  My question is, how does General Wintergreen compare to Offroad Wintergreen? I
                  General Wintergreen absolutely pisses all over the Offroad cardboard crap.


                  • spirit72
                    • Apr 2008
                    • 1013

                    Well, General Wintergreen has become one of two brands of portions that I buy regularly by the roll(the other being Grov White), so I guess that means I like it.

                    It surprised me, too. I'm not much of a mint guy, historically.

                    So, sue me.


                    • Kvlt
                      • Apr 2009
                      • 197

                      I enjoy it. Originally for the first two days I hated the snus taste of General GBG, Ettan, RL, etc, and then liked it for some time. After taking a brief break I cannot stand it anymore. I have to have a drink to get the taste out of my mouth when it juices, and don't get me started about Skruf Stark.

                      Anyway it seems mint snus I can handle, so I'm ordering some general wintergreen and mint soon. Nicotine+ fresh taste, what is there to loose?

                      Plus women won't run away from you for having ass breath. :lol:


                      • ladysnus
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 601

                        Originally posted by Kvlt
                        Nicotine+ fresh taste, what is there to loose?

                        Plus women won't run away from you for having ass breath. :lol:
                        EXACTLY :lol:


                        • Owens187
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 1547

                          Originally posted by Kvlt
                          Nicotine+ fresh taste, what is there to loose?

                          Plus women won't run away from you for having ass breath. :lol:
                          :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



                          • bipolarbear1968
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 1074

                            I tried this with the sample pack i received. The nic content is great, but I find the wintergreen taste a bit too much. the portion also broke while in my mouth and I wasn't even messing with it. Compared to the Americanized Camel's frost, I'm a big General Wintergreen fan

                            I popped a Camel in my mouth a bit ago and after 3 minutes, spit it right out. Way to sweet. It's amazing just after 24 hours, my taste has changed.


                            • texasmade
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 4159

                              Originally posted by snusify
                              General Wintergreen is the best Wintergreen Snus you can get.

                              I think it tastes a bit like Copenhagen Wintegreen Dip but perhaps not as strong in flavour.
                              I've made that connection as well.


                              • johnsnuser
                                • Dec 2009
                                • 107

                                I always have a ten can roll in the freezer.Dont use it all day,but I use a few everyday.


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