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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432


    This may be a better question for the longer term snusers, but maybe others have observed this too.

    I've almost been using snus for about a year, and what I've noticed is up to about a month ago, I've kept a HUGE variety in stock. A little bit of everything, and 10 cans at most of one particular snus.

    But as my "Noob Box Pass" with like 50 cans in it and the 20 or so I'm sending Sheila to add to the 8.1 Exploding Box has shown, I'm parting with alot of snus. Why? I find my biggest variety is about 5 brands now.

    General White
    General Sterk
    Nick & Johnny
    Phantom Blue (White)
    and Offroad Frosted

    My mix on these is about 2 rolls General White, 2 rolls General Sterk, 1 roll N&J, half roll Phantom Blue (White) and 1 roll Offroad Frosted, and I use it about that mix. In one day I may use 2-3 portions Gen White, 2-3 portions Gen Sterk, 1-2 portions N&J, 1 portion Phantom Blue White, and a portion or two of Offroad Frosted (usually after a meal).

    And this variety has seemed to work for me.

    But, I find myself craving VERY little outside of that for regular use. The only exception I make is for los, which I keep 10-15 different types of (because I'm an occasional los snuser). And I usually get a few cans of a new snus when I review it for the website. I've parted with almost everything in portions except for the above listed, and the rare ones (Monte, R&J, Metropol Peppermint, Triumph, etc.)

    So, my question is, does your desire for a large variety of snus decrease overtime? Is this a natural thing?
  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603

    Just give me Granit and Oomph Citrus and I will be set! These are the two that I use all day long. Sometimes I will get a can of something else just to try it and mix it up a bit but I generally just stick to those two. I also think General OP is always a good back up snus.


    • cj
      • Jul 2009
      • 1563

      i started out with a bunch of different ones then settled in with level as my main snus then they went and took it away i found some pm 1847 in the metal can that i forgot i had and that one is my main one now its soo good and for my los its phantom brown and classic all the way and for my big hit to start the day is thunder blue the best stark made in my opion but i do have a nice stash of lucky strike for a treat :P


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        I've found myself like this, with snus, and snuff. When I was new to it, it was such a novelty, and I was wanting to try them all and hoarding so many kinds, but now, I think I know what I like, and I don't need or want some of everything.


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Originally posted by chadizzy1
          So, my question is, does your desire for a large variety of snus decrease overtime? Is this a natural thing?
          For me it has.

          Within about a year, I had my regular rotation pretty much set. I will swap out a brand here or there due to burn out or add a new one from time to time (e.g. Gellivera/Landstroms) but the basic core remains the same
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • Veganpunk
            • Jun 2009
            • 5381

            I'm getting this way slowly. I rotated out LD for General White a few months ago due to buying a roll of Gen. But I recently opened my last can of LD and crave it more then anything. I need to buy rolls of it, and I'll be happy. I still like variety though. Offroad Sweet Clove, a sterk consisting of one of the following - Claq, N&J, Skruf, Onyx. I need to get some Offroad Frosted, I'm sure I could use it all day. I just have so many in reserve, that I have to get through. That's why I joined the hell pass. Most of what I'm putting in, isn't really hell, just a whole lot of overstock.


            • Liandri
              • Jul 2009
              • 604

              In 1998'ish I just didn't have quite the variety as I do now. I don't even remotely remember white portions in the earlier. But when I started up maybe 4-5 years after I got my first grovsnus white portion (think that was my first white, might have been that goteborgs). From what I read at the time portions were still kinda new with a few brands also.

              So when the economy crashed and my co-worker buddy came back I had to find an online retailer. I was amazed at the variety and strengths and such. I tried them all over again. But still in the end after being on one thing with a few specials thrown in the mix every year (as oppsed to every week for you all) for so long. Ettan and Grov in their many forms work the best for me. ANd I have a couple tins of GrovBlack around because I like that flavor. I can taste the grov.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                I've been cutting back. My core snus is citrus(Gotland Gul, LD), and "plain"(Grov, Ettan) I also minor in flavored snus (Gotland Grå, Jakobssons IceFruit). If I were to lose all my snus today, here's what I'd buy rolls of...

                Gotland Gul(lös and portion)
                Gotland Grå(lös and portion)
                Ettan lös
                Grov lös
                LD lös
                Jakobssons IceFruit
                LD Black
                PM 1847

                The portion snus would last significantly longer than the lös, but the ones I have listed are what I like to keep in stock. The lös might be gone in a year, and the portions in 3 or 4 years.


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Chad, I ahve talked about my own story over and over. for over two years, I used over 22 different snus over 2 months, I always usd a huge variety. then almost overnight, that changed for me and only wanted to use a few, sudden;ly didn't even like most.

                  That was when I settled on retro White. And you know what happened with that plan.

                  So now, am using a wider variety just to replace one. No single snus comes close, but a roving usage of three to five comes close to satisfying me.

                  But yes, I too underwent a huge change just after I hit two years of use.


                  • ladysnus
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 601

                    My first cans were General Wintergreen and Grov. I really loved those 2 but went on to try everything Getsnus and Northerner had to offer. Roda Lacket became a fast favorite and after a month it turned on me and I can't stand the thought to this day. General Wintergreen turned on me, so I left it alone for several months as I kept trying others. Went back for a revisit of General Wintergreen and Grov and both became my 2 brands that I've used allday for 10 months now. General mini when I need to be discreet.
                    The only others I've kept around, N&j, Skruf, OR wintergreen Los.
                    That's all I'm done trying new things, I'm very satisfied with what I like.

                    Edit- I really do want to try SnusX


                    • oregonrain
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 45

                      About after 5-6 months of snusing I began settling on about 3. One los, one staple snus, and one flavored snus. I revisit snus that I had previously liked but am pretty set on what I like. When I order a couple of my non usual snus I find it takes way longer to get through the can as I'll have my reg on hand and wanting that instead.

                      edit: P.S. Sage, i'm sorry for your loss. Break-ups are tough and in time the pain will lessen and you'll find a snus that right for you.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Maybe. Just playing the field right now is mostly working for me. :lol: :lol:


                        • teeotee
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 251

                          I'm almost a year into snus and yeah, i have narrowed down my tastes dramatically. I tried whites (don't like them), flavored (blah), minis (waste of time for me) regulars, sterks, extra sterks.
                          It has now come down to just a few - Ettan los and Skruf Stark Los. Them two pretty much have what i need. Although, recently I have been feeling the need to revisit Odens ES sometime soon.


                          • MN_Snuser
                            • May 2008
                            • 354

                            I have been using snus almost 2 years now. For the past few months I have been using Lab Series 01 & 02, and Granit Original portions, and that is all I have on hand.

                            My next order (which will be shortly) will probably just be a couple of rolls of Lab Series 02. It just really scratches my itch.


                            • RobsanX
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 2030

                              I have a standard rotation now:

                              General OP
                              Gustavus OP
                              Taboca OP
                              General ES
                              N&J Strong
                              Skruf Stark (maybe switching to ES once I try it)

                              I keep that stock up regularly, but I'll also throw in 2-3 cans of something else for variety. Sometimes it will be a new brand, and sometimes it will be something I've had before.


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