classy looking Snus Cup from Skruf

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  • RealmofOpeth
    • May 2007
    • 407

    classy looking Snus Cup from Skruf

    Anybody get this from I'm seeing it offered as a bonus gift on my order, amongst other things like a buysnus bottle opener, buysnus pen, General toilet bag, etc.

    I'm curious if it is actual porcelain. It looks like a nice alternative to the snusbox by icetool.
  • Smarvy
    • Nov 2007
    • 86

    I was offered it too with an order I placed last night. I picked the General bag however. I'm just not sure what the hell it is, it doesn't look like a snus box to me, and the name "snuff cup" doesn't mean much to me as far as function is concerned. I'd be curious to find out what it is too.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I got one, and it's pretty nice. I think they have it assembled wrong in the picture though. The way I have it, the white part is on the bottom, the smoke cup is in the middle, and the smoke cone is on the top. Even if I have it wrong, I like my way better :P

      Also, what I think it is, is an ashtray for portions. That's what I'm using it for anyway, and it works very well for that. The white part looks like porcelain, and the rest is smoky glass. It's not something you'd want to carry around.


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        Originally posted by lxskllr
        Also, what I think it is, is an ashtray for portions.
        It is! I don't have a Skruf cup, but that's what a member on a german forum also said. There seems to be no other use.



        • RealmofOpeth
          • May 2007
          • 407

          damn. i was hoping it would be sort of a 'storing point' for snus. you know, sort of like a candy dish you see at a doctor's office.
          i was thinking i could put it in the freezer or something, then take it out like an icy mug, put some snus in it and set it on my desk.

          then again, that wouldn't do me much use as I tend to use snus for at least a couple of hours before spitting it out.

          what would be nice however is if it had a peltier cooling plate in it and you could either plug it in a wall or a computer usb port, like that other 'fridge' thing.


          • Bastage
            • Oct 2007
            • 102

            What the hell woudl you use that for?


            • Kindrd
              • Oct 2007
              • 266

              I was offered it too with an order I placed last night. I picked the General bag however. I'm just not sure what the hell it is,
              Same with me, I didn't know what it was.


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