New Member with some questions

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  • razor
    • Dec 2007
    • 78

    New Member with some questions

    Smoked cigarettes from 1970 -1987
    Dipped Copenhagen (American wet snuff) 1976-1987
    Smoked find cigars (mostly H Upmann) 1976-1983
    Smoked dry curried Italian cigars 1976-1983
    Smoked a pipe (Balken Supreme) 1976-1983
    Tried nose snuff, did not like it.

    I got so bad that after I would smoke I would dipped; sometimes I got ill and the verge of nicotine poisoning.

    The long laundry list above was due to trying to kick cigarettes, but I just kept picking up more tobacco habits.

    Finely I quit all tobacco for 20 years, us nicotine gum.

    I started Oliver Twist Original 2007 as a diet aid (lost 50 pounds). I am up to 1 box every 3 days. I do chew it after the flavor is gone which can inflame my tongue at times. :cry:

    I am wondering if snus is more addictive than Oliver Twist or if it is better? I do love the tobacco bits and I do love tobacco, but I am affraid of the health risks; being 54 years old and in good healh I am thinking old age may kill me first any way.

    I have an order of Knox mini portions and Ettan portions on order to try.

    I want to order a 3MM stainless steel ICE Tool and some loose: Skruf strong, Roda Lackaet, and Ettan, but I work in a tobacco free work place and they could be real ass holes about it ( even could be put on probation or fired for it). Is this going to be a problem or should I do portions at work, or should I stick with the Oliver Twist? The Oliver Twist is real discrete.

    I like the Oliver Twist because I can move it around all around my mouth even way in the back, so it seems real versatile in placement.

    Any suggestions !!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe loose would be good for home use only!

    Buy the way smoking is out, I hate the smell of cigarette smoke.

  • Soft Morning, City!
    • Sep 2007
    • 772

    If discreet is what you seek, loose is definitely not the stuff for the job. I love loose and I definitely prefer it over portions, but it's not very discreet. It is fairly obvious under the lip and taking out the pris afterward can be a bit messy.

    So until you get really comfortable with loose, go for loose at home and portions while out and about. They're just easier and less noticeable.


    • Sacrilicious
      • Nov 2007
      • 118

      Welcome to the forum!

      I was a heavy, daily cigarette smoker for 18 years (ages 14-32) and have had no problem replacing them with snus. I've read on here that snus is about on the same level of addctiveness as cigs, and I've got a feeling it's true. I am passionate about recommending it to people who are currently nicotine dependent, as an alternative to cigs. If you haven't smoked for 20 years... I guess there are worse habits you could pick up. I'm trusting the stats that say that while it's not candy, it probably won't brutally incapacitate you like cigarettes do.

      As far as work, I snus all day long (portions) and no one would ever know if I didn't tell them. The mini whites are totally invisible and don't effect your speech. SMC is right, though, loose is a different creature, one that I'm currently enjoying in the privacy of my home. I'm still a novice and haven't found a way to remove the pris with any amount of dignity or grace (not causing a big mess in the trash can and having to first brush then rinse my teeth..)

      Hope this helps a little!


      • RealmofOpeth
        • May 2007
        • 407

        sometimes you can get away with loose. but the chances are fewer. i use loose from time to time when i'm out in public and some times i do alright, others, not so much. it's because of the fact i generate a lot of saliva and therefore the stuff starts to lose it's form in my mouth and then the particles get all over and i feel like i gotta "start over" with a nice rinse, reform the pris, put it back in and i'm good to go for a little while. (i usually go to a restroom stall to do so)...with portions that's not the case of course. sometimes a quick tuck is all you need.
        portions do have a different flavor of the same brand though. also the maxi portions and the regular portions (sometimes called 'large') can show in your lip as a slight bulge, or covering the top of your teeth if you don't have it tucked far enough.
        if you get mini portions or mini white portions, they fit very nicely and rarely ever move. at least for me. but you get a lot less tobacco for the money.

        when I'm at home, all i use is loose. whenever i want to drown my sorrows in a massive nicotine hit and lots of the brand's original flavor, loose is the best. it's not for everyone of course, it takes some getting used to. but since you're a former dip user it shouldn't be a problem.


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