You gents and ladies are being very helpful. Thank you.
Yesterday, I felt like I was putting out little fires all day. Every time I wanted to respond to this thread, along comes another interruption. So, I'm gonna gradually respond to your input.
This is a big reason why I wanted to make the full switch to Swedish snus. I still don't understand how the manufacturing process that Camel uses may differ from the *approved* methods used in Sweden.
Other reasons are reliability and economy. Of the various stores that carried the Camel trial tins, only a few have any stock of the standard (15-pouch) tins. Availibility seems sketchy, and I imagine there are some stores that had such low sales that they don't wish to handle another product that doesn't sell decently. And $5+ for a 15-pouch tin doesn't seem like the buyer is getting the best value, especially when there's plenty of room in that tin for at least 20 pouches. In fact, I thought I heard that the early production runs did have 20 pouches.
Yesterday, I felt like I was putting out little fires all day. Every time I wanted to respond to this thread, along comes another interruption. So, I'm gonna gradually respond to your input.
...we have no clue what Camel is using as their ingredients, or the process they use. With Swedish snus you know whats in it, and how it is prepared.
Other reasons are reliability and economy. Of the various stores that carried the Camel trial tins, only a few have any stock of the standard (15-pouch) tins. Availibility seems sketchy, and I imagine there are some stores that had such low sales that they don't wish to handle another product that doesn't sell decently. And $5+ for a 15-pouch tin doesn't seem like the buyer is getting the best value, especially when there's plenty of room in that tin for at least 20 pouches. In fact, I thought I heard that the early production runs did have 20 pouches.