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  • clubsnus
    Banned Users
    • Aug 2009
    • 142

    Taxes Paid

    That is an example of what you would pay for where you live. But to be honest where are you getting your info from. Each state is different in the taxes they charge for tobacco. Also I see two charges for Tax. One for tobacco and the other? What is that for. Sales Tax. If so you are not required to pay sales tax on online purchases other than where the retailer state is located in.

    So for instance that same purchase from my site would cost you. What ever the cost of the skruf is so for ten cans its actually cheaper through my site at 32.00 a roll and get a free tin included and then if you are living in PA for instance you would only pay the applicable state tobacco tax. No sales tax on that and the delivery charge which currently is 10.20, but we are lowing our shipping today actually to help accommodate those users.

    So keep in mind every state is different and you are going to see a variety of charges change due to the purchase amount and location.


    • clubsnus
      Banned Users
      • Aug 2009
      • 142

      Originally posted by sagedil
      North Carolina recently raised their tobacco prices. So I am looking at paying an additional 12.8% per tin. So what, an additional $0.35 per tin??? I am SO not gonna stress this. My state needs the money. Adding an additional 12.8% tax to my tobacco purchases will NOT hurt me. Damn, remember what I spent when I smoked??

      Again, why all the whining about this just bugs the crap out of me. It is not the end. The world doesn't stop if this passes. It just gets a tad more expensive. Big whup.

      So Pris, I am looking at about $43 per roll of General. No more than $4 more than I am paying today.
      Thank you so much for clarify that in a real world example. Its not going to be that big of a deal.

      Stop the whining!


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by sagedil
        Again, why all the whining about this just bugs the crap out of me. It is not the end. The world doesn't stop if this passes. It just gets a tad more expensive. Big whup.
        This is only the first shot. There's still a lot left in the air, and the situation will only get worse from here. New York can't get snus shipped to individuals, which state is next? This will embolden states to enact their own draconian regulations. PACT forces the sellers to keep records, so it should be very easy to just outlaw it all together. There won't be anything extra for the sellers to do. !0% tax, 50% tax, 100% tax, or just out and out verboten. The sellers won't have an excuse not to comply. This is the beginning of the end AFAIC. In 5 years it'll be cheaper and easier to buy weed, than it will be to buy snus.


        • RedMacGregor
          • Dec 2009
          • 554

          so... cannabis snus?


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            No it won't lxskllr. Maybe not at first, but in the end, reason does win. States NEED the tax revenue from tobacco.

            I am not sure where this rumor about New York came from. just did a test order with Buysnus and a NY address, got all the way to where it wanted my CC info with no complaint. And even if true, NY is NOT a good example. One of the stupider states around when it comes to money. Most states lxskllr will only push it high enough so it doesn't start losing them money. States ban tobacco?? Seriously LOL at that. Where is the replacement revenue gonna come from???

            Again, I think so many folks are getting so way over stressed about all of this. In time, it will all work out and I have every expectation of continuing to enjoy my snus while it does.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              The states don't NEED anything from tobacco. It's not our place to support the world. New York got an agreement from all the major carriers not to carry tobacco. I suppose you could get a private courier, But who wants to pay $100 for a tin of snus? The FDA still hasn't weighed in on how they're gonna save the children. The PACT act gives them access to more tools than they had before.


              • pris
                • Mar 2025

                Re: Taxes Paid

                Originally posted by clubsnus
                Also I see two charges for Tax. One for tobacco and the other? What is that for. Sales Tax.
                Clubsnus - The 1st charge is EU sales tax (which I would call VAT) and the 2nd Swedish Tobacco tax.


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Originally posted by lxskllr
                  The states don't NEED anything from tobacco. .

                  Yes they do lxskllr, it's called money. No way are *most* states gonna cut that off. NC is desperate right now for cash. You seriously think they want to cut off all the revenue they get from tobacco??

                  And again, where the heck is this crap about NY coming from. I just did a dummy order with Buysnus with a valid NY address, and it was gonna take my CC just fine. If Buysnus couldn't ship to NY, it woulda come up before it asked for CC number.

                  Please stop adding to the panic level with all this gloom and doom. I swear, 3 years from now, I am SO gonna remind folks how they ran around peeing on themselves about all this. :lol: :lol:


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    BTW, NY tried to ban the shipment of Cigarettes through the mail back in 2000, Court struck it down as unconstitutional in 2001


                    OK, so yes, NY has for sometime had laws on it's books making the selling of CIGARETTES online illegal, evidently were able to get the CC's to stop processing those charges. And again, got Fed Ex and such to not ship Cigarettes. Still, the Postal Service refused to cooperate.


                    Regardless. Everything I have been able to find about NY talks about cigarettes, NOT tobacco. I know for a fact many folks in NY who are able just fine to get pipe tobacco. So don't see this as affecting snus...whatever NY is trying to do at least. But again, Please don't use NY as an example of a typical state. they aren't


                    • /dev/null
                      • Feb 2010
                      • 38

                      Originally posted by sagedil
                      North Carolina recently raised their tobacco prices. So I am looking at paying an additional 12.8% per tin. So what, an additional $0.35 per tin??? I am SO not gonna stress this. My state needs the money. Adding an additional 12.8% tax to my tobacco purchases will NOT hurt me. Damn, remember what I spent when I smoked??

                      Again, why all the whining about this just bugs the crap out of me. It is not the end. The world doesn't stop if this passes. It just gets a tad more expensive. Big whup.
                      My state, CA, demands 41.11% of the wholesale price of a smokeless tobacco product in taxes. Quite a bit more than your 12.8% per tin. I'm looking at at least an extra $1 for any can between $3 - $3.50. This translates to an extra $10 per roll.

                      Originally posted by sagedil
                      No it won't lxskllr. Maybe not at first, but in the end, reason does win. States NEED the tax revenue from tobacco.

                      So it's okay, then, to specifically tax a popular product for no other reason than to generate revenue and claim it's for the children? As a tobacco user in CA, my comparatively staggering sin taxes pay for¹ things like ER services, rural health services, college loan repayment, backfill of CA Children and Families First Trust Fund, and lung cancer research (never mind the fact that my product doesn't even contribute to lung cancer and, in many cases, helps prevent it).

                      In the end, over half of the money I spend on a tobacco product locally goes to the government. This is a taxation that a non-tobacco user will never have to pay, but all non-tobacco users benefit from my loss. Why should I be singled out to pay for services that benefit everyone?

                      Oh, right, because tobacco is a terrible thing and we should be punished for using it.

                      On a more personal note, my state has proven itself to be completely incapable of handling money. The last thing I want to do is give it more just to piss away and end up right back in this deficit.



                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        sage of course your dummy order to NY was all set to go through. As you pointed out yourself, nothing has changed... yet. lxskllr's article was in reference to PACT. From the article:

                        While banning the mailing of cigarettes, the bill would still allow private shippers to deliver tobacco products. But many — including FedEx, UPS and DSL — have bowed to state pressure and refused to ship them.

                        The PACT Act would go after the Senecas' cigarette business in other ways as well. Most notably, it requires those selling cigarettes on the Internet to:

                        • Pay all federal, state, local or tribal tobacco taxes and affix tax stamps before delivering any tobacco products to any customer.

                        • Register with the state where they are based and make periodic reports to state tax collection officials.

                        • Check the age and ID of customers both when they purchase tobacco and when the tobacco products are delivered.


                        • ladysnus
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 601

                          Originally posted by sagedil
                          Originally posted by lxskllr
                          The states don't NEED anything from tobacco. .

                          Yes they do lxskllr, it's called money. No way are *most* states gonna cut that off. NC is desperate right now for cash. You seriously think they want to cut off all the revenue they get from tobacco??

                          And again, where the heck is this crap about NY coming from. I just did a dummy order with Buysnus with a valid NY address, and it was gonna take my CC just fine. If Buysnus couldn't ship to NY, it woulda come up before it asked for CC number.

                          Please stop adding to the panic level with all this gloom and doom. I swear, 3 years from now, I am SO gonna remind folks how they ran around
                          peeing on themselves about all this. :lol: :lol:

                          States have so moved on from tobacco....they know Weeds where it's at.
                          Freedom days of tobacco ended long ago. I grew up with smoking porches in High school, smoking on planes, movie theaters, malls, etc. Your lucky if you can find an ashtray or matches these days....they've so moved on to WEED! Screw the "weed", I want my snus! and I want it for cheap,,,, darnit all to h$ll
                          and they said "weed fried your brain" in high school. You know it's all about money. It's legal in 14 states or more. I'm surrounded by a 360 of Farmacy's <----medical weed store


                          • texasmade
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 4159

                            Originally posted by ladysnus
                            I'm surrounded by a 360 of Farmacy's <----medical weed store

                            with my knee problem and back pain..........i should call my doctor and start looking for a place out that way


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by sagedil

                              Yes they do lxskllr, it's called money. No way are *most* states gonna cut that off. NC is desperate right now for cash. You seriously think they want to cut off all the revenue they get from tobacco??
                              They didn't need it 20 years ago. What are they doing wrong now? It's not my job to support the country. Massachusetts has a 100% tax on tobacco. Imagine if fast food were taxed the same way. There's as much, if not more justification for that scenario. $2 McDoubles, $12 "value" meals...

                              Anyway, that's beside the point. The real point is the nannies will soon have records of all the tobacco "the kids" are buying, and they'll put a stop to all that soon enough.

                              Roo pointed out what I was talking about with New York, and I'm not sure they're the only state. I think there's at least 1 other one that outright bans shipment, but they didn't have any way of knowing if tobacco was in the package. They will after PACT goes through, and they won't be the last to use that information....


                              • ladysnus
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 601

                                Originally posted by texasmade
                                Originally posted by ladysnus
                                I'm surrounded by a 360 of Farmacy's <----medical weed store

                                with my knee problem and back pain..........i should call my doctor and start looking for a place out that way
                                texasmade, you so don't want to live here. dev/null comment above is so true. There are so many other states that have legal medical marijuana.
                                You would be screwing yourself to move here.


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