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  • Snusmun
    • Feb 2010
    • 359

    Well this sucks a big fat prisnis. I wouldn't mind paying a modest tax rate on the snus if the taxes were actually used for something that benefited the people, like single payer health care, and not bailing out millionaire bankers or growing a bloated and useless military-industrial complex. I just can't understand how so many people can call this government socialist.....that is what the retards at fox news want you to think. Anybody who knows anything about history or politics would know that this government and our society are a far far cry from being socialist. Socialism is not a bad word.

    The thing about this legislation that really gets me? The exception for cigars. That is just such transparent hypocrisy it is disgusting. Just another status quo day for the aristocracy.


    • redheadedmax
      • Feb 2010
      • 84

      Originally posted by Snusmun
      Well this sucks a big fat prisnis. I wouldn't mind paying a modest tax rate on the snus if the taxes were actually used for something that benefited the people, like single payer health care, and not bailing out millionaire bankers or growing a bloated and useless military-industrial complex. I just can't understand how so many people can call this government socialist.....that is what the retards at fox news want you to think. Anybody who knows anything about history or politics would know that this government and our society are a far far cry from being socialist. Socialism is not a bad word.

      The thing about this legislation that really gets me? The exception for cigars. That is just such transparent hypocrisy it is disgusting. Just another status quo day for the aristocracy.
      If anything this government is Corporatist. Most of us are too busy squabbling amongst ourselves over left/right and republican/democrat to see that we and our children are being sold into what essentially is slavery. Empty suites 2,000 miles away who know nothing about my community and those who live in it dictate how every aspect of our lives are run.

      I'll have to disagree with you on whether socialism is a bad word or not.... but that really doesn't matter.


      • Snusmun
        • Feb 2010
        • 359

        yep. It's a corporate oligarchy, and indeed, slavery in service of the few. Land of the free, home of the brave?? Clearly we are neither. Land of the meek, home of the sheep.


        • dEFinitionofEPIC
          • Apr 2009
          • 146

          Originally posted by redheadedmax
          Originally posted by Snusmun
          Well this sucks a big fat prisnis. I wouldn't mind paying a modest tax rate on the snus if the taxes were actually used for something that benefited the people, like single payer health care, and not bailing out millionaire bankers or growing a bloated and useless military-industrial complex. I just can't understand how so many people can call this government socialist.....that is what the retards at fox news want you to think. Anybody who knows anything about history or politics would know that this government and our society are a far far cry from being socialist. Socialism is not a bad word.

          The thing about this legislation that really gets me? The exception for cigars. That is just such transparent hypocrisy it is disgusting. Just another status quo day for the aristocracy.
          If anything this government is Corporatist. Most of us are too busy squabbling amongst ourselves over left/right and republican/democrat to see that we and our children are being sold into what essentially is slavery. Empty suites 2,000 miles away who know nothing about my community and those who live in it dictate how every aspect of our lives are run.

          I'll have to disagree with you on whether socialism is a bad word or not.... but that really doesn't matter.
          I concur. I tend to use the word "socialist" when I describe the government because I think it gets the point across that the government has way too much control over our lives. But everything you said is right on. This country is run by the corporations and banks. I don't use the term "socialist" because that's what Fox says. You can flush Fox, CNN, and msnbc all down the toilet as far as I'm concerned because they're all owned and controlled by the same group of elites... same with the parties. I'm not a republican or democrat. I'm an American.... And America is being destroyed right now by the two-party trap, the lies of the media, and the ignorance of the people. People need to become AWARE of what is going on so that we can push the frauds out and get those who will actually represent the people in...


          • chossy
            • Jul 2009
            • 242

            Originally posted by stubby2
            Some of you people are lucky indeed. Wisconsin tax on smokeless is 100% of manufactures established price. I'm guessing that's at least a few dollars a can.
            Don´t know what the manufacturers price is, but the store i buy snus from sells my brand ( kronan portion ) for 192 SEK for 10 cans.

            Some simple math added to this gives a retail price at roughly 90 SEK + applicable taxes= 192 SEK.

            So roughly, if you pay no taxes at all, such as in the case when you order from the U.S from a swedish webshop you would pay approx. 13 USD for a roll of Kronan portion if they had the same prices as my local store. + possible postage fees ofcourse.

            If I had to guess I reckon most portion snus cost 4-6 SEK for a retailer to buy from a wholeseller/manufacturer.

            Those webshops sure are expensive.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              It would be sweet if Northerner had a store front at their PA warehouse. I'm about 1.5 hours away, and I go to Bethlehem every year. Hmm....


              • f. bandersnatch
                • Mar 2010
                • 725

                So, it sounds like the worst case scenario is that we in the USA will have to pay for premium shipping and taxes on our snus, something which our fellow snusers throughout the EU, UK and Canada already do? Is that right?

                Don't get me wrong, I think this whole thing is just another wonderful example of how are government is misappropriating the resources and trust that the people have endowed it with, but it doesn't sound like they are stealing snus completely, right?

                If they are, then I am going to start learning how to cultivate tobacco in my minuscule garden and invest in a chest freezer...


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Delivery could be problematic. I think we'll have to see how it works in practice before passing judgment one way or the other.


                  • f. bandersnatch
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 725


                    chest freezer it is then.

                    Thanks government. My potential children remain undereducated diabetics breathing toxic air, but at least they wont be smoking tax-free commie pall malls. It is hard not to lose complete faith in a system that participates in this type of paternalistic nonsense.

                    I can't wait to expatriate.


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      To save hassle, I wonder if you could get tobacco shipped to a tobacco shop, and have them deal with the taxes, and maybe take a small cut for a brokerage fee. I know alcohol has retarded rules(in MD anyway) which would most likely prohibit that. I wonder what the rules are for tobacco. Lets say I buy a roll of snus for $40, taxes included. I'd pay an additional $5-$10 to the tobacco shop for their trouble. It would save the bother of having to be at home for delivery(does that even exist?), or driving to the carrier's depot.


                      • GoVegan
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 5603

                        Jonathon - please tell me you knew that this would pass and are somewhat prepared for it. Is clubsnus still going to sell snus after this passes? Any estimate on what a can would cost in California? Can I pass your name along as a distributor?


                        • fdknuckles
                          • Jan 2010
                          • 169


                          So much for an affordable harm reduction product.


                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            Originally posted by fdknuckles

                            So much for an affordable harm reduction product.
                            It was nice while it lasted and I am far away enough from smokes now not to go back. I do feel fortunate that I started using snus while the getting was good.


                            • fdknuckles
                              • Jan 2010
                              • 169

                              Crap, crap, crap, crap CRAPPPPPPPP!

                              Please join my pity party.


                              • Owens187
                                • Sep 2009
                                • 1547

                                This well and truly sucks ass. So much for Sages optimism....

                                I, like others have said, will probably just stock up as much as I possibly can until the day comes, and then use my stock to wean myself from nicotine entirely. Aint no way in hell I'm going back to smoking.

                                I have about 70-80 cans in the freezer, with 20 more on the way, and a whole mess of Discreet, so with purposeful low usage and what I can also purchase before this goes into effect, I should have well over 100-150 cans, that should be enough to last me quite a long time. Enough to slooowly wean myself off of nicotine forever.

                                Hopefully. :roll: :?


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