Thank you snusmun for pointing out the absurdity of blaming this and everything else on socialism. I hesitate to say this because this doesn't need to turn into a political thread, but to pick up on the equation of healthcare reform and socialism and then run with it as the new "it" word to express dissatisfaction toward all of this administration's bad policies really annoys the shit out of me. It's a misinformed and wildly inaccurate way to discuss the many valid frustrations we all have with our thoroughly market-driven economy and unflinchingly corporatized political system. No offense to anyone who insists on hopping the bandwagon and using that term.
Back to the topic, does anyone else find it a bit silly that we so often panic and wildly speculate about PACT here yet fail to gain any real understanding of how we will be affected? I'm just as guilty of it as anyone, and instead of researching it I'm sitting here ranting about socialism in the USA (lol), but it seems like with so many intelligent and resourceful people here worrying about it so much, someone would have come up with some real information by now. Maybe we should stop guessing and start trying to uncover the real implications behind all of this. Maybe I should shut up and follow my own advice! At least it's Friday and my order from Northerner finally got here.
Edit: I really wasn't trying to call anyone out or comment about any remarks in this thread. Sorry, in a bad mood. LaZeR I love the pics of Obama smoking, keep 'em coming.
Back to the topic, does anyone else find it a bit silly that we so often panic and wildly speculate about PACT here yet fail to gain any real understanding of how we will be affected? I'm just as guilty of it as anyone, and instead of researching it I'm sitting here ranting about socialism in the USA (lol), but it seems like with so many intelligent and resourceful people here worrying about it so much, someone would have come up with some real information by now. Maybe we should stop guessing and start trying to uncover the real implications behind all of this. Maybe I should shut up and follow my own advice! At least it's Friday and my order from Northerner finally got here.
Edit: I really wasn't trying to call anyone out or comment about any remarks in this thread. Sorry, in a bad mood. LaZeR I love the pics of Obama smoking, keep 'em coming.
If you live in New York, it looks like you're completely screwed...
The tribe claims the bill would wreck its tobacco business because it relies on the U.S. Postal Service to deliver 70 percent of its products.
Private shippers could still ship tobacco products. However, many — including FedEx, UPS and DSL — have bowed to state pressure and refused to ship them.
USPS is done. That can't be used for tobacco anywhere if I understand it right. What'll stop the other states from strong arming the private carriers like New York is?
You'll have to find a tax schedule to see what your state steals from you when purchasing moist snuff. That'll get added to the base cost, as well as any federal taxes.
federal tax is $1.51 per pound on moist snuff
Thanks for the good news lxskllr! I believe California has a 40% tax on smokeless tobacco, a 10% sales tax and whatever federal taxes they decide to throw in. I should have figured that the Native Americans would have been screwed by this as well. With the exception of gambling, which is heavily taxed, they usually get the short end of the stick. The only real winner in this are the mom and pop stores and the American tobacco company who can now continue to push their crap that they call snus. Oh, and lets not forget the government who imposes severe taxes and then bitches about a black market. Its ironic to me that as a teen who smoked, I never bought tobacco by mail. I would have probably got my arse whipped if my parents found a package of tobacco in the mailbox. It was these little stores who support that Pact Act who sold it to me.
Thanks lxskllr As many have pointed out, we did live in a bit of a fairytale with regard to how easy it is to quit with snus and how goddamn cheap it's been. It's been an easy, tax-free ride, and now it's time to pay up. Thanks again, I love this forum for letting me bitch and be lazy and then answering my questions. You guys are the jam. This new Skruf ES hits pretty hard, I should get some more while the gettin' is good.
Good point Roo! The people in here are the best and I have a feeling this forum will be alive and well long after Pact has passed. Even if we are just comparing notes on Camel snus! :lol:
Good point Roo! The people in here are the best and I have a feeling this forum will be alive and well long after Pact has passed. Even if we are just comparing notes on Camel snus! :lol:
It's that kind of submissive, candy-ass BS that make politicians think they can get away with stuff like this. F-Me, if anybody thinks I plan on being a law abiding citizen after this. Or giving a penny of my money to the Fascist, Corporatist Pigs at J.R. Reynolds.
haha this forum will take on new meaning, a means in which to network with other black marketeers and smugglers! yee-haw!
I dont foresee snus takeing a complete and utter dump, and becoming wholly unobtainable...its all going to boil down to - how much are you willing to spend?
I dont foresee snus taking a complete and utter dump, and becoming wholly unobtainable...its all going to boil down to - how much are you willing to spend?
I think this is what PACT ultimately means. Let's not lose sight of the fact that the point of this piece of legislation isn't to make a taxable product unobtainable. It's to make you pay more taxes for it. I suspect we'll see a drop in available variety, in addition to higher costs, but I just don't see this making Swedish Snus completely verboten to a US audience.
The bad thing is that Swedish Match's big push will for a long time only be in bigger metropolitan areas. So for anybody who lives in rural areas, basically youll be stuck with Camel SNUS, Marlboro crap, or have to spend the gas money to drive a long distance to obtain your $10 a can swedish snus.
As of right now, the closest place I can buy real Swedish snus is 3 hours away in San Jose, Ca, or 3 hours away in the other direction to Sacramento, Ca.
Can you imagine a 70 or 80 dollar roll? If I have to pay 7 or more per tin I'm going to be moving exclusively to sterk loose pretty fast. Say goodbye to portions, especially minis.
The bad thing is that Swedish Match's big push will for a long time only be in bigger metropolitan areas. So for anybody who lives in rural areas, basically youll be stuck with Camel SNUS, Marlboro crap, or have to spend the gas money to drive a long distance to obtain your $10 a can swedish snus.
As of right now, the closest place I can buy real Swedish snus is 3 hours away in San Jose, Ca, or 3 hours away in the other direction to Sacramento, Ca.
Looking really bad for me.... :roll: :x :?
I am no expert on the PACT act, but from what I understand it will not make it illegal to buy on-line. You'll just have to go through the age verification thing and pay the taxes, both state and feds.
Someone else mentioned that we'll just have to be a bit patient and see how it plays out. Could very likely not be the end of the world and we may well have a full choice of flavors. Hopefully with the distributors on the forum we can get a heads up on what's really going on, as opposed to wild speculation.
Getting off nicotine is not an option for me. Tried that and it's a lost cause. I'll pay the piper and try not to take it to personal.
The House and its conservative majority are coming under pressure to act after the Senate passed a landmark immigration bill opening the door to U.S....