Good point Roo! The people in here are the best and I have a feeling this forum will be alive and well long after Pact has passed. Even if we are just comparing notes on Camel snus! :lol:
No way!!! In regards to comparing Camel. We'll all be here comparing homemade snus and swapping recipes! I'll quit before resorting to Camel!!!
I seriously couldn't use Camel. I don't think it's bad per se, but the sweetness is just way over the top, and totally not what I'm looking for in a tobacco product.
Good point Roo! The people in here are the best and I have a feeling this forum will be alive and well long after Pact has passed. Even if we are just comparing notes on Camel snus! :lol:
No way!!! In regards to comparing Camel. We'll all be here comparing homemade snus and swapping recipes! I'll quit before resorting to Camel!!!
I seriously couldn't use Camel. I don't think it's bad per se, but the sweetness is just way over the top, and totally not what I'm looking for in a tobacco product.
I so can't imagine you using Camel. Your such a Gotlands man. Camel would be sooo substandard. It's like putting a pixie stick in your lip,lol
Access to Gotland snus is a real concern of mine. I'm hoping this crap won't affect things too badly, but 2 years ago, I didn't expect my snus habit to be affected at all....
It would be a bit reassuring to see a store like Northerner or clubsnus saying not to worry about Pact and that they are ready to sell snus even after the law is passed.
That's what I'm looking for. A bit of reassurance would go a long way right now. We may not hear from them until the law is actually sighed, but after that they need to get the word out on what's going on in short order.
I would guess they have some contingency plans sketched out, but it's hard to plan for law that has not been finalized. The details of the bill could still be altered, and the reaction of the shipping companies to the final legislation remains to be seen. I'm certain once the law is enacted they will chime in regarding our fate.
Though I'm preparing for the worst and hoping for the best like everyone else, I'm trying to remain optimistic. I'll reiterate what I said earlier, and state that I really think this will do little more than make snus a little more expensive and a little less convenient to shop for online. If I'm dead wrong and snus completely falls off the face of the earth for the US market, there's no way I'd go back to smoking. I bought a can of Timber Wolf Long Cut Natural today (my first can of dip in many, many years) and I suppose this would serve as a very distant second to snus. VERY distant. It's not that I can't quit nicotine, it's that I don't want to!
I suppose, like everyone else, I'm really waiting to hear something from the online retailers. A little reassurance would go a long way.
The only issue I see (other than that Getsnus orders are going to become a lot more expensive) is that the Swedish online stores we buy snus from are probably too straight to fudge on the declaration.
Although even if they don't fudge, I wouldn't worry too much. Since the declaration says "snus" and doesn't say tobacco, there's a good chance that the guys handling the packages won't think tobacco when he sees it. Or won't read it...
I have way, way too much experience buying things online from overseas. Many of those purchases have been "grey market" -- probably 100 or so overseas packages have arrived at my doorstep over the last year. Not once have I had a package opened by customs, even some that were not discreet at all.
HOWEVER -- it depends a lot on where the package enters the country. The grey market things I purchase online have always gone through ISC New York. That particular entry point is understaffed and constantly backed up. As a result, few packages get opened and even fewer seized.
Packages from Sweden go through another entry point but I'm not sure which one. I do know it's not New York because packages going through New York are incredibly slow... they get hung up at ISC New York for anywhere from 10 to 25 days, every time. And my snus gets here in exactly 10 days.
If it's going through San Francisco, we may not have much to worry about. If it goes through Miami, we're screwed.
Toque, unfortunately, specifies tobacco right on the package. If I had to guess, it'd probably be seized and you'd get a letter demanding a certain amount of import duty be paid, like when you walk across the border and buy cigs in Mexico. Partial seizures are also entirely possible since there's a limit on how much tobacco you can import.
TBH, I'm under the impression that buying tobacco from overseas is already grey market, since we're not paying tobacco import duties (like you do in Mexico).
I didn't read the bill so I don't know for sure what the plan is with international orders. Is sending tobacco through USPS completely prohibited? If so, then orders would be seized and either destroyed or returned to the sender, and the recipient should get one of those famous "love letters".
I do know that customs in most places (Miami is an exception) is incredibly lax about inspecting packages. Even when it is dead obvious they probably contain something legally questionable. This is especially true when the package comes from a European country, which is why certain companies use remailer services to ship goods from a European country.
That's about as much detail as I'm comfortable giving publicly, so if anyone has questions, PM me.
If internet tobacco became unavailable, and I used up my imported snus, and imported nasal snuff, and that was it(all just theoretical), and if I didn't just wanna quit tobacco, I'd probably get some scotch snuff at the store and use that nasally at work, and get a pouch of chewing tobacco and use that at home. I could do this. But then, specialty shops still might have some "stuff".
On signing for shipments -- I've had some limited, recent experience receiving FedEx and UPS shipments requiring receipt signatures. This is just conversational conjecture based on those experiences, but here's my impressions for what they're worth:
If you have an office job, and the Office Powers (especially the supreme power -- The Receptionist) are friendly, arrange to have the personal package shipped to your place of employment during working hours. Sign for it there.
This may vary locally, but in my metro area the shippers schedule home deliveries of receipt-required packages in the evening. If you get home before six, you are likely to get a ring at dinner time from a harried deliveryguy with your shipment.
If you can anticipate when you're going to be around, add a note to any shipping instructions the vendor may allow. Nobody can make any promises, but the note might be appreciated by the harried deliveryguy and the dispatcher. Sample message: "Please just leave the box behind the stormdoor and sign the damn receipt yourself."
If internet tobacco became unavailable, and I used up my imported snus, and imported nasal snuff, and that was it(all just theoretical), and if I didn't just wanna quit tobacco, I'd probably get some scotch snuff at the store and use that nasally at work, and get a pouch of chewing tobacco and use that at home. I could do this. But then, specialty shops still might have some "stuff".
Really, it's not going to be the end of the world. Shipping will become less convenient. Ordering directly from Sweden will become much more risky. The tax holiday we've enjoyed for years will end abruptly.
It sucks? Yeah.
It's a fairly naked attempt to recover ridiculously high taxes on tobacco for failing State governments? Yeah.
But hey, what comes around goes around. Maybe I'll have to start ordering my snuff from Nicotine Rush instead of my preferred route directly from Toque. And if I have to set something up with Northerner or GetSnus and make a quarterly drive over to Pennsylvania in order to pay PA smokeless taxes rather than Ohio taxes? Well, ok. I need to get out more, anyway. :wink:
Good idea Spirit - we can all make pilgrimages to snus retailers on the east coast. I live in California so it will probably be yearly instead of quarterly. Getsnus will become like another Graceland for snus users!
I would guess they have some contingency plans sketched out, but it's hard to plan for law that has not been finalized. The details of the bill could still be altered, and the reaction of the shipping companies to the final legislation remains to be seen. I'm certain once the law is enacted they will chime in regarding our fate.
I have a pathetic understanding of our law system, but I think at this point it's an up or down vote. The House can make changes, send it to the Senate which can make changes, then back to the House for yea, or nay. If the Senate doesn't want a bill to pass they'll attach something like free houses for pedophiles, or something no one would agree to :^D
Good idea Spirit - we can all make pilgrimages to snus retailers on the east coast. I live in California so it will probably be yearly instead of quarterly. Getsnus will become like another Graceland for snus users!
It's a great excuse for a yearly Snus/Snuff convention, if nothing else. 8)
The House and its conservative majority are coming under pressure to act after the Senate passed a landmark immigration bill opening the door to U.S....