PACT UPDATE in the House, unfinished business...

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  • timoteo
    • Dec 2009
    • 583

    Originally posted by Bigblue1
    Let's remember that our Gov is fracked up. Ruby Ridge, Waco, OK City any body? But I don't know how smart it is to be talking about murdering people on any site on the internet these days. They will sweep you up timoteo and turn you into the next McVeigh and point to these types of posts as proof that you were nuts to begin with.....
    all i said is it makes me laugh. this is out of spite of ignorance. not a threat at all. i am non violent lover among fighters.

    i recently been arrested under an illegal search and cesure, and it sucks. it would piss anyone off. then coming on here for the first time in over a month to find out about the pact actwas another kick in the balls..

    i was just venting. i live near philadelphia, where alot of cops really have been killed alot recently, and i dont think its good. its really sad. i feel awfuly bad for all of the fallen officers and there familys.
    but maybe if america would stop trying to **** everyone as hard as possible and just legalise gods good herb and snus. people would have high grade mary j and some Grov instead of some shwags and a pack of newports. killing themselves using the schwagg the most economical way for themselves. or worse. blah blah blah, stupid stupid stupid. you dont know anything about me. but what there getting is probably what they deserve. but thats all. i dont care about how wrong you think i am. tell that to the kid in an orphanage cause his parents liked to puff a little green after a long stressful day. meanwhile snoop doggy dogg puff daddy an fifty cent are all smoking there pineapple express up on the BET laughing at them for having no daddy. this is over. im out. ftw. love respect, thanks to the creater of all creation, king of kings.


    • texasmade
      • Jan 2009
      • 4159

      Originally posted by sgreger1
      First of all, there is nothing MJ treats that is not treated by equally available drugs or procedures. MJ is just a natural way of doing it, and is effective in making you less nautious while going through chemo etc but isn't some life saving drug that millions are being deprived of. Plus, many states already have medical mary j and most states will have it in the next 20 years. To say that a lack of medical marijuana is akin to a genocide and murder is completely off base, no matter how you look at it.

      If you know all of the fillers that are put into pharmacuetical medications you wouldn't be so quick to say that. Besides the fact that narcotics like hydrocodone, oxycontin, and morphine are pretty much guaranteed to cause addiction over time, it takes it toll on the body. especially one riddled with cancer.

      the cannabidiols in marijuana have been shown to keep cancerous cells from forming completely and spreading through out the body/. the THC is what causes the feeling and pain relief.

      narcotics DON'T stop free radicals from forming into cancerous cells


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by texasmade
        Originally posted by sgreger1
        First of all, there is nothing MJ treats that is not treated by equally available drugs or procedures. MJ is just a natural way of doing it, and is effective in making you less nautious while going through chemo etc but isn't some life saving drug that millions are being deprived of. Plus, many states already have medical mary j and most states will have it in the next 20 years. To say that a lack of medical marijuana is akin to a genocide and murder is completely off base, no matter how you look at it.

        If you know all of the fillers that are put into pharmacuetical medications you wouldn't be so quick to say that. Besides the fact that narcotics like hydrocodone, oxycontin, and morphine are pretty much guaranteed to cause addiction over time, it takes it toll on the body. especially one riddled with cancer.

        the cannabidiols in marijuana have been shown to keep cancerous cells from forming completely and spreading through out the body/. the THC is what causes the feeling and pain relief.

        narcotics DON'T stop free radicals from forming into cancerous cells
        I understand the many benefits of MJ and am aware of new research published monthly on new things they are learning about it. I am pro-legalization for both fiscal, freedom, and common sense reasons, even though I do not partake.

        However, to claim that there is a holocost happening because only 14 states have medical MJ is completely without basis. MJ helps make it easier when you have cancer, and it can even help stop the spread of some of the cancer, but MJ not being there does not mean millions of people are dying. And I know about what is in pharmaceutical drugs, which is why I am against them almost completely unless the benefits of taking it outweigh the risks, which for me is not often.

        In other news, my wife just secured a job at Genentech, a fortune 500 company that is a leader in big pharma research, and I work for an insurance company. I AM the enemy! lolol


        • texasmade
          • Jan 2009
          • 4159

          Originally posted by sgreger1
          I AM the enemy! lolol

          :shock: you're a secret spy that works for philip morris and pays politicians to shit on native americans once more?


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by texasmade
            Originally posted by sgreger1
            I AM the enemy! lolol

            :shock: you're a secret spy that works for philip morris and pays politicians to shit on native americans once more?
            I confess, I am really a highly trained CIA operative working for the pharma/tobacco/dems and am paid a 6 figure salary to come here and lobby against republicans and promote the PACT act


            • timoteo
              • Dec 2009
              • 583

              its funny how when the old regulars of this site say something outragous, funny or fleeting or whatever. everyone just laughs, says +1, or dosent pay it any mind. but then when a newer guy makes a point or trys to express there feelings somehow, certain old heads or "trolls" make a big fuss over it.

              im sorry i offended you so horrendesouly (sp?) lol.

              i guess "ignorance is bliss" works for some


              • texasmade
                • Jan 2009
                • 4159

                Originally posted by timoteo
                its funny how when the old regulars of this site say something outragous, funny or fleeting or whatever. everyone just laughs, says +1, or dosent pay it any mind. but then when a newer guy makes a point or trys to express there feelings somehow, certain old heads or "trolls" make a big fuss over it.

                im sorry i offended you so horrendesouly (sp?) lol.

                i guess "ignorance is bliss" works for some
                i took no offense from what you said.

                I ccan understand where you're coming from. atleast you vent by typing or saying whats on your mind. of course people will agree or disagree it's what people do.

                check your pm.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by timoteo
                  its funny how when the old regulars of this site say something outragous, funny or fleeting or whatever. everyone just laughs, says +1, or dosent pay it any mind. but then when a newer guy makes a point or trys to express there feelings somehow, certain old heads or "trolls" make a big fuss over it.

                  im sorry i offended you so horrendesouly (sp?) lol.

                  i guess "ignorance is bliss" works for some
                  Sorry timoteo, perhaps we are being too harsh. Sometimes not having already built a rapport with someone makes you take what they say at face value, and you came on kind strong praising cop killers in the name of god, making references to Allah and Rastafarianism, talking about how we forgot about Jesus or something and then went on to say we are responsible for holocausts because weed isn't legal and other countries are better so you disown America and want to move elsewhere.

                  My bad if I took it the wrong way, it just seemed kinda out of nowhere and IN ALL CAPS.


                  • texasmade
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 4159

                    Originally posted by sgreger1

                    fixed that for you


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      ? is Rastafarianism not the proper term?


                      • texasmade
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4159

                        it's used by scholars. it's taken as disrespectful being grouped in with isms and schisms. just another tool to try and characterize people. preferred terms are Rastafari/Rastafari Movement or, Rastafarian/rasta when speaking of an individual


                        • Snusmun
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 359

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          First of all, there is nothing MJ treats that is not treated by equally available drugs or procedures. MJ is just a natural way of doing it, and is effective in making you less nautious while going through chemo etc but isn't some life saving drug that millions are being deprived of. Plus, many states already have medical mary j and most states will have it in the next 20 years. To say that a lack of medical marijuana is akin to a genocide and murder is completely off base, no matter how you look at it.

                          Actually you could make a case that the lack of marijuana legality in general was an attempt at cultural genocide directed towards mexican americans. That along with some good old fashioned profit making by the Hearst corporation....why use hemp for newspapers when we can cut down all these huge redwoods and sequoias that do nothing but block out the sun.



                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by texasmade
                            it's used by scholars. it's taken as disrespectful being grouped in with isms and schisms. just another tool to try and characterize people. preferred terms are Rastafari/Rastafari Movement or, Rastafarian/rasta when speaking of an individual
                            The more you know

                            Sorry if I am being offensive, i am not familiar with even the basics of Rasta's so you'll have to forgive me, i'm not trying to be insensitive.


                            • texasmade
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 4159

                              im not going to click on the link but i will say that marijuana has been kept illegal because of racism, not because of issues with being able to tax it like a lot of people believe.


                              • sgreger1
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 9451

                                Originally posted by Snusmun

                                Actually you could make a case that the lack of marijuana legality in general was an attempt at cultural genocide directed towards mexican americans. That along with some good old fashioned profit making by the Hearst corporation....why use hemp for newspapers when we can cut down all these huge redwoods and sequoias that do nothing but block out the sun.

                                I'm aware of why (imo) it is illegal. Hemp is too diverse a product and is of better quality than cotton etc, which in those days was a HUGE lobby. They made the government make it illegal so hemp farmers would go out of business, not because it's bad for you.

                                However, I maintain that there is no genocide in which millions are dying because we don't have legal weed in every state. I challenge anyone to provide me with an example that the lack of marijuana is directly leading to the death of millions that would equate to a holocaust or mass genocide type scenario. It's a good product and we need to get more states use it, plus it's being illegal is just more big gov nanny state shit, but let's not pervert the argument by claiming that in it's absence millions are dying and it's just so horrible that you have to move to mexico.


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