PACT UPDATE in the House, unfinished business...

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  • NorSnuser
    • Sep 2009
    • 153

    PACT UPDATE in the House, unfinished business...

    PACT showed up today on the current House floor proceedings. To be read from bottom to top in time order. I quote:

    "10:57 A.M. -
    Considered as unfinished business.

    10:56 A.M. -
    UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The Chair announced that the unfinished business was the question of adoption of motions to suspend the rules which were considered earlier and on which further proceedings were postponed.

    S. 1147:
    to prevent tobacco smuggling, to ensure the collection of all tobacco taxes, and for other purposes

    10:55 A.M. -
    At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.

    10:41 A.M. -
    DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on S. 1147.

    Considered under suspension of the rules.

    Mr. Cohen moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill."

    It is interesting that the suspension of rules failed and PACT is now unfinished business. It is also interesting that they even tried a suspension of rules on this particular bill as this procedure is really only used on non-controversial bills. Apparently PACT is more controversial than Cohen expected and doesn't have unanimous bipartisan support even though it moved to the House quickly.

    Here is a link to more information on suspension of rules:

    The way I understand clause 8 rule XX is that it is a way for the Speaker to delay and cluster certain votes. I have no idea when the House will look at PACT again, but for now it is unfinished business.
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Although I long ago accepted that it might, I'll take any slow down news there is. Better than nothing.


    • scylla
      • Feb 2010
      • 44

      Maybe there is a snuser in Congress.


      • LaZeR
        • Oct 2009
        • 3994

        Thanks for the news but I'm not getting my panties all wet again only to find out Osama just signs it to law in 3x days with the stroke of his pen. :roll:

        aka: Seneca Indian's excitement last week.... :lol:


        • NorSnuser
          • Sep 2009
          • 153

          Originally posted by LaZeR
          Thanks for the news but I'm not getting my panties all wet again only to find out Osama just signs it to law in 3x days with the stroke of his pen. :roll:

          aka: Seneca Indian's excitement last week.... :lol:
          I'm not trying to breed undue optimism, just wanted to report that it did make it to the House and what happened today. If anyone has any info on when it might be on the schedule again please let us know.


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752

            Originally posted by NorSnuser
            I'm not trying to breed undue optimism
            No worrys Nor

            Laz doesn't care what your trying to breed........He just wants to watch :shock:

            Seriously great info thanks for posting it.

            dog 8)
            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Are we all really so cynical that we can't even just enjoy a little buit of good news. I don't give a da** about what may happen tomorrow. I don't care. Today, a bit of good news. The bill didn't pass. The bill has enough folks out there who want to at least put some brakes on. So good news for today. Just enjoy it. We can all deal with tomorrow when it comes. But today, this makes me happy.


              • kjoerup
                • Sep 2009
                • 48

                I hate to be bearer of bad news, but PACT sailed through the House this afternoon. It is now on its way to Obama. The House passed it, 387 - 25.

                Full voting details here:


                The so-called Coalition to Stop Contraband Tobacco is gleeful:

                Coalition to Stop Contraband Tobacco Applauds House for Passage of the Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act of 2009

                For Immediate Release: March 17, 2010
                Contact Name: Hillary Maxwell
                Contact Email:

                WASHINGTON – The Coalition to Stop Contraband Tobacco today praised the U.S. House of Representatives for passing S. 1147, the Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking (PACT) Act of 2009. Sponsored in the House by Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY), this legislation will help combat online cigarette sales that have robbed hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenues from the states and that undermine state laws that prevent youth access to tobacco products. The PACT Act will now go to President Obama’s desk for his signature.

                “In passing the PACT Act, Congress has made a definitive statement about its commitment to help eliminate underage access to tobacco on the Internet, curtail associated illegal activities and capture lost state excise tax revenues,” said Scott Ramminger, AWMA president and CEO and coalition spokesperson. “We applaud the House of Representatives for its action today and thank Congressman Weiner for his leadership in combating contraband tobacco sales.”

                A broad coalition of more than 180 groups, individuals and other stakeholders worked with House and Senate leaders through the years to pass the PACT Act. The PACT Act closes gaps in current federal laws regulating Internet and other remote sales of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products.

                “This bill is a win for law enforcement, retailers, state tax advocates and public health groups,” continued Ramminger.

                “We hope that President Obama will act swiftly to sign this common sense legislation into law so that we can put an end to the illegal sale of tobacco products,” concluded Ramminger.

                The Coalition to Stop Contraband Tobacco is a group of individuals, associations, businesses and other organizations that share the goal of enacting legislation that will eliminate underage access to tobacco on the Internet, curtail associated illegal activities and capture lost state excise tax revenues.



                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435


                  I'm stunned! I NEVER thought our fine representatives in the House would let such a poor piece of legislation go through....


                  • Monkey
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 3290

                    That is the most disappointing thing I have experienced all day. More disappointing than my son walking around in his sister's princess dress and asking me if I thought he was as pretty as her.



                    • rustyrat
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 29

                      Yep, I was reading this just a bit earlier:

                      The bill was non-controversial per Congress, hence the motion to suspend the rules and pass as agreed.

                      Perhaps this is considered "unfinished business" only momentarily until it's ready for obama's magic pen.

                      Anyone have any guess as to how when the law will take effect, i.e., how long before shipping is banned?


                      • ladysnus
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 601

                        Oh happy day


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          Originally posted by rustyrat
                          Anyone have any guess as to how when the law will take effect, i.e., how long before shipping is banned?
                          90 days after Obama signs it. You may get a bit more time with the smaller webshops due to confusion, but I wouldn't expect much.


                          • Snusmun
                            • Feb 2010
                            • 359

                            At least the children are now safe.


                            • ladysnus
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 601

                              Originally posted by rustyrat
                              Yep, I was reading this just a bit earlier:

                              The bill was non-controversial per Congress, hence the motion to suspend the rules and pass as agreed.

                              Perhaps this is considered "unfinished business" only momentarily until it's ready for obama's magic pen.

                              Anyone have any guess as to how when the law will take effect, i.e., how long before shipping is banned?
                              let's just not guess, please... It's a done deal. We can guess allday long and the one person that's says it will be 6 months, it will end up being 24 hrs. Who knows


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