So wait, you stand firm on your belief not to and never to quit cheese?
My wife is philipino so they never eat cheese in her culture, which just leaves more for me. I spread it on anything and everything. Cheese is the greatest culinary invention of all time.
My wife is philipino so they never eat cheese in her culture, which just leaves more for me. I spread it on anything and everything. Cheese is the greatest culinary invention of all time.
I don't think I've ever agreed with you as strongly as I do now. If I were forced to quit certain foods, cheese would be the last thing I cut. I'd give up steak and seafood before I gave up cheese.
I don't think I've ever agreed with you as strongly as I do now. If I were forced to quit certain foods, cheese would be the last thing I cut. I'd give up steak and seafood before I gave up cheese.
Lol, I would gladly give up any 1 thing, but never cheese. I could use cheese to make ANYTHING taste good. I mean if all i had was rice, i'd throw some cheese on that bitch. Nothing but brocalli, throw some cheese on it.
My math is simple people:
Snus health risk is =< (equal to or less than) X, and cheese is the variable X. X is an absolute and CANNOT be taken out of the equation. Therefore, cheese ain't going nowhere, and snus is by the same token, not going anywhere any time soon..
I put avocado on EVERYTHING so I guess I couldn't live properly without that. As far as cheese is concerned... Enjoy it, but gives me gas so its more of a luxury item for me.
Someone needs to put together a study showing the health risks of eating dairy products, avocado's, carbs such as bread etc and then compare it with the health risks of snus.
I am confident snus isn't any worse than eating chemically treated meats and other stuff we eat every day.
Just get enough for 6months to a year and after that if prices suck then just have a mindset of quitting when everything is all gone.
Lol, this isn't the joke thread silly 8)
Oh! I forgot! Its not that you're all totally addicted more than you ever thought you could have been when you were using whatever past product, Its just that your fine tuned tastes have acquired to that of a well bred connoisseur and you don't WANT to quit! Totally my bad!
Also, remember my friend. Some of us use nicotine beyond any addiction issues. I have posted enough why I use nicotine, I don't need to repeat. So don't assume reluctance to quit is just folks not "wanting" to quit.
Yah I agree. I honestly don't think i'm addicted to snus though as I routinely go 2-3 days without it if i'm out somewhere with the wife. I'd like one during that time, but more out of "oh a snus would be nice", not the "omfg give me your f@cking wallet I need a hit" kinda want, you know, the kind you get with dip or cigs.
You mean to tell me the simple fact you use a wide variety of tobacco products is because of some interpersonal illness? I apologize for saying but I'm going to say it as blunt as possible. You are lying to yourself and you're trying to find excuses. Sure in your head it all sounds nice and fine but seriously isn't cutting or flying with me.
Yah I agree. I honestly don't think i'm addicted to snus though as I routinely go 2-3 days without it if i'm out somewhere with the wife. I'd like one during that time, but more out of "oh a snus would be nice", not the "omfg give me your f@cking wallet I need a hit" kinda want, you know, the kind you get with dip or cigs.
Then the PACT ACT shouldn't be as much of a problem as you're seeing it. Yeah yeah "Freedom gone" "Taxation without representation" "etc etc etc" who cares? You can't do anything about it so why even complain other than to hear yourself vent because of personal frustration?
PACT ACT is going to happen. Snus will be higher in price, potentially lower in amount to be ordered at any given time, and quite possiblly might limit your options. Quit, deal with it, find another way, move on. Simple as that people. No sense in analyzing it, unless you are a butt sore congressman openly voicing your opinion on a forum and at the same time keeping secret about your identity.
You mean to tell me the simple fact you use a wide variety of tobacco products is because of some interpersonal illness? I apologize for saying but I'm going to say it as blunt as possible. You are lying to yourself and you're trying to find excuses. Sure in your head it all sounds nice and fine but seriously isn't cutting or flying with me.
... find another way, move on. Simple as that people. No sense in analyzing it, unless you are a butt sore congressman openly voicing your opinion on a forum and at the same time keeping secret about your identity. A. What's that longhorn shit I see every morning on sale at sheetz for like a $1.49 a can. Even if they tax the shit out of it, I figure it would be no greater cost than a can of snus as of now. 30 yrs of my life chewing on fiberglass, whats another 30 give or take. :?
Sage - just remember taxes never go down and they always seem reasonable at first. So yes, that 5 or 6 bucks for a can of snus might seem reasonable now but I can guarantee it wont stop there. It means nothing for a politician to slap triple digit taxes on tobacco products when they need some cash. Right now, tobacco taxes are being used to finance everything from childcare to education. Very little of this tax is being used to fund health care for smokers or even cessation programs yet they say that tobacco is taxed because of all the extra health care costs that are imposed on society because of it. Perhaps we should tax gym memberships as a way to shore up Social Security.
I am grateful that I did get to experience snus when it was cheap and a offered a lot of variety. It has helped me to stop smoking and I just hope that other smokers will get the same opportunity I had with snus.