PACT UPDATE in the House, unfinished business...

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451



    • texasmade
      • Jan 2009
      • 4159

      Originally posted by Some Dr.
      "interpersonal illness"?

      Hi, my name is texasmade...and I am addicted to sexual acts in the back of a friends car while they speed down I-75


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by Liandri

        Then the PACT ACT shouldn't be as much of a problem as you're seeing it. Yeah yeah "Freedom gone" "Taxation without representation" "etc etc etc" who cares? You can't do anything about it so why even complain other than to hear yourself vent because of personal frustration?

        PACT ACT is going to happen. Snus will be higher in price, potentially lower in amount to be ordered at any given time, and quite possiblly might limit your options. Quit, deal with it, find another way, move on. Simple as that people. No sense in analyzing it, unless you are a butt sore congressman openly voicing your opinion on a forum and at the same time keeping secret about your identity.

        It's a big deal because I know they managed to make dip 8$ a can in California so I imagine the same would happen with snus. Your right, it's not that big a deal because it's just tobacco, but it is something I enjoy. Obama has raised taxes one tobacco once already in his first year and now will sign off on yet another. But that's fine, they are broke and therefore they will take down the less popular things first, simply strategy.

        Is there anything we can do about it? No of course not. If I thought there was something I could do about it I would be out doing it instead of posting on an internet forum.

        Also, I forget Liandri, are you from the states or are you one of our european members?


        • Snusmun
          • Feb 2010
          • 359

          Originally posted by sgreger1

          It's a big deal because I know they managed to make dip 8$ a can in California so I imagine the same would happen with snus.
          If you buy a can of swedish snus in a retail store today in California, that is if you can find one that sells it, you are paying about $7. You are paying local sales tax, the current state tobacco tax of 41% wholesale cost, and of course the huge markup due to overhead. The PACT will add about 15 cents more in federal tax. So it already costs as much as cigarettes and dip....

          Let's just hope the online resources remain viable options, because they will still be somewhat cheaper than retail stores due to less overhead.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by Snusmun
            Originally posted by sgreger1

            It's a big deal because I know they managed to make dip 8$ a can in California so I imagine the same would happen with snus.
            If you buy a can of swedish snus in a retail store today in California, that is if you can find one that sells it, you are paying about $7. You are paying local sales tax, the current state tobacco tax of 41% wholesale cost, and of course the huge markup due to overhead. The PACT will add about 15 cents more in federal tax. So it already costs as much as cigarettes and dip....

            Let's just hope the online resources remain viable options, because they will still be somewhat cheaper than retail stores due to less overhead.
            Yah sorry if I mis-stated that, let me reiterate: A can of general here is 6$+ in a convenience store in San Francisco. But I can buy from Jonathon who lives right down the road from the convenience store and sells it for 2-3$. I personally don't care about stores jacking it up, it's if prices raise for online orders that will make it hard. But the more I look into this pact act the less worried I am. I was under the impression from reading other forums that it would mean no one could ship tobacco anymore and you would have to buy it in a store.


            • Snusmun
              • Feb 2010
              • 359

              Originally posted by sgreger1
              I personally don't care about stores jacking it up, it's if prices raise for online orders that will make it hard. But the more I look into this pact act the less worried I am. I was under the impression from reading other forums that it would mean no one could ship tobacco anymore and you would have to buy it in a store.
              I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Is there really a retail store in the city where you can get thunder frosted?

              ok, I get it now...


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by Snusmun

                I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Is there really a retail store in the city where you can get thunder frosted?

                ok, I get it now...

                Lol, no no thunder frosted, only general and it's always super super super wet and frozen from the fridge being set too high. Terrible quality. But my point is that I don't buy in stores anyways, and as long as I can buy it from my goto guy (Clubsnus) than I don't care, even if it does cost a little more.


                • Snusmun
                  • Feb 2010
                  • 359

                  yeah ok, my confusion was based on what was written before, but you edited it pretty quickly...I wasn't sure If you were saying you often buy in stores or not. Regarding the quality, it is similarly awful at the Tinder Box stores in the north bay.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by Snusmun
                    yeah ok, my confusion was based on what was written before, but you edited it pretty quickly...I wasn't sure If you were saying you often buy in stores or not. Regarding the quality, it is similarly awful at the Tinder Box stores in the north bay.

                    Yah I wish they sold Thunder F in stores but I doubt that'll be any time soon. Odd though because thunder has that heavy hit the kids are looking for

                    I don't know why the quality is so bad though, I mean the last time I bought it from there was just so horrible I didn't even finish the can. That's what I love about ordering from clubsnus, it always come with just the right amount of moisture. Getsnus always ships it to me wet somehow and it just drips too much. Then i end up leaving it out with the lid off to try and dry it and I forget to put the lid back on and it gets too dry.


                    • Winter Wooskie
                      • Aug 2008
                      • 78

                      I'm angry.


                      • /dev/null
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 38

                        Originally posted by Liandri
                        Then the PACT ACT shouldn't be as much of a problem as you're seeing it. Yeah yeah "Freedom gone" "Taxation without representation" "etc etc etc" who cares? You can't do anything about it so why even complain other than to hear yourself vent because of personal frustration?

                        PACT ACT is going to happen. Snus will be higher in price, potentially lower in amount to be ordered at any given time, and quite possiblly might limit your options. Quit, deal with it, find another way, move on. Simple as that people. No sense in analyzing it, unless you are a butt sore congressman openly voicing your opinion on a forum and at the same time keeping secret about your identity.
                        Yeah, bend over and take it, kid.


                        • dEFinitionofEPIC
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 146

                          Originally posted by /dev/null
                          Originally posted by Liandri
                          Then the PACT ACT shouldn't be as much of a problem as you're seeing it. Yeah yeah "Freedom gone" "Taxation without representation" "etc etc etc" who cares? You can't do anything about it so why even complain other than to hear yourself vent because of personal frustration?

                          PACT ACT is going to happen. Snus will be higher in price, potentially lower in amount to be ordered at any given time, and quite possiblly might limit your options. Quit, deal with it, find another way, move on. Simple as that people. No sense in analyzing it, unless you are a butt sore congressman openly voicing your opinion on a forum and at the same time keeping secret about your identity.
                          Yeah, bend over and take it, kid.
                          Unconstitutional Patriot Act - Who Cares?

                          Fraudulent Bailouts - Who Cares?

                          Naked Body Scanners (Guilty until proven innocent) - Who Cares?

                          9/11 False Flag Attack - Who Cares?

                          Removing Corporate Campaign Contribution Limits - Who Cares?

                          Fear mongering about the flu to scare people into buying vaccines - Who Cares?

                          STILL fighting in Iraq - Who Cares?

                          STILL fighting in Afghanistan - Who Cares?

                          Flouridated water - Who Cares?

                          Chemtrails - Who Cares?

                          Police Brutality - Who Cares?

                          CIA importing drugs - Who Cares?

                          Constant lies from the media - Who Cares?

                          etc, etc - Who Cares?


                          If our forefathers cared as little as this generation cares then there would be no United States of America.


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            What? I was busy watching Biggest Loser.


                            • dEFinitionofEPIC
                              • Apr 2009
                              • 146



                              • BadAxe
                                • Jan 2010
                                • 631

                                Originally posted by dEFinitionofEPIC
                                Originally posted by /dev/null
                                Originally posted by Liandri
                                Then the PACT ACT shouldn't be as much of a problem as you're seeing it. Yeah yeah "Freedom gone" "Taxation without representation" "etc etc etc" who cares? You can't do anything about it so why even complain other than to hear yourself vent because of personal frustration?

                                PACT ACT is going to happen. Snus will be higher in price, potentially lower in amount to be ordered at any given time, and quite possiblly might limit your options. Quit, deal with it, find another way, move on. Simple as that people. No sense in analyzing it, unless you are a butt sore congressman openly voicing your opinion on a forum and at the same time keeping secret about your identity.
                                Yeah, bend over and take it, kid.
                                Unconstitutional Patriot Act - Who Cares?

                                Fraudulent Bailouts - Who Cares?

                                Naked Body Scanners (Guilty until proven innocent) - Who Cares?

                                9/11 False Flag Attack - Who Cares?

                                Removing Corporate Campaign Contribution Limits - Who Cares?

                                Fear mongering about the flu to scare people into buying vaccines - Who Cares?

                                STILL fighting in Iraq - Who Cares?

                                STILL fighting in Afghanistan - Who Cares?

                                Flouridated water - Who Cares?

                                Chemtrails - Who Cares?

                                Police Brutality - Who Cares?

                                CIA importing drugs - Who Cares?

                                Constant lies from the media - Who Cares?

                                etc, etc - Who Cares?


                                If our forefathers cared as little as this generation cares then there would be no United States of America.
                                Right on brother.


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