I am curious about one thing. Why do so many people say snus is stronger than american dip? That is one thing I never really understood. Perhaps the new extra sterks might be, I never tried a thunder frosted. But the regular snus to me is definitely not stronger than american dip. Im not sure if its because of the nicotine content, or how the tobacco cuts up your mouth ,,, who really knows what the hell is in american products.
maybe pound for pound snus is stronger? im not quite sure. But I know I def feel the nicotine much more when I take a pinch of american dip like skoal or copenhagen, than i do when I take a portion. with the skoal I kind of feel like im smoking a cigarette. Sometimes I feel its too strong. Ill get sick hiccups or heartburn and my lip burns to friggin hell. Snus is so much smoother and less rough. overall I like the snus lighter taste and softness better, but once i start with the skoal. I feel like I wanna go back to skoal not snus when I get a real nicotine crave. LIke right now i keep reaching for the skoal even though I do not want to. It just seems more satisfying at times. Anyone else feel the same. ?
maybe pound for pound snus is stronger? im not quite sure. But I know I def feel the nicotine much more when I take a pinch of american dip like skoal or copenhagen, than i do when I take a portion. with the skoal I kind of feel like im smoking a cigarette. Sometimes I feel its too strong. Ill get sick hiccups or heartburn and my lip burns to friggin hell. Snus is so much smoother and less rough. overall I like the snus lighter taste and softness better, but once i start with the skoal. I feel like I wanna go back to skoal not snus when I get a real nicotine crave. LIke right now i keep reaching for the skoal even though I do not want to. It just seems more satisfying at times. Anyone else feel the same. ?