It is kind of different, a little hard to nail down exactly what I'm tasting. I guess I can kind of see the Level comparison, although I much prefer Level (plus I tend to prefer original portions over whites anyway). Tre is not bad, though, but it's not one I'd buy a roll of at the present time.
Tre Ankare White Portions
FYI, Tre Ankare is available from Northerner's US warehouse now.
I just recently ordered it (white portion) for my first time. Since I seldom saw it mentioned on snuson and other forums, I didn't have high hopes for it, but it actually managed to nudge Skruf out of my top five and take its place. I love it! When I put a portion in, it seems to start out with an herbaceous flavor akin to Göteborgs Rapé, but after a little while, it starts to yield a strong tobacco flavor similar to Ettan. I wonder if this phenomenon occurs with regular portions, since the type of portion seems to alter the flavor delivery.
Short version: Buy it. It's good.