I can live on 2 different snus. If I only had one I'd probably use a little less of it but over 80% of my snus is either Grov white or N&J. I had a renewed interest in exploring more but still came back to the same two. Go figure. And good thing for freezers.
You know......I remember the first time I heard about this snus being released by V2 and saying to myself "What on earth will this snus taste like?"...
A genuine interest in snus is what led the brothers Marc and Patrick Vogel to launch V2 Tobacco in 2006. Production began on a small scale, but increased as a result of demand until the brothers outgrew their factory. ...
I've been. using camel frost for a few months. The taste and smell are very pleasant but the nic hit is weak. I just started using thunder white frost...
I started snusing at the end of November, and while it's certainly overall better than smoking (no more gasping for air in the morning!), the variety...