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  • RobsanX
    • Aug 2008
    • 2030

    Originally posted by bipolarbear1968
    Originally posted by truthwolf1
    I agree
    Nicotine boy is the official smear of this one. They could of easily found many Americans that have given up smoking to the Swedish and USA version of snus but they spend all the time on this total weirdo.

    If I went back into time and I watched this as a smoker I definately think it would of opened my mind to snus.

    I was wondering if he was a member of this forum by chance...
    If not, he should be!


    • ice
      • Oct 2005
      • 142

      We need to invite him here, that would be cool Does anyone have any contact to 60 Minutes show or CBS?


      • justintempler
        • Nov 2008
        • 3090

        How many people watched the web only extra segments?

        Extra: Quitting Cigarettes With Smokeless Tobacco
        April 4, 2010 4:50 PM

        Indiana University medical professor Dr. Stephen Jay weighs in on the pros and cons of using smokeless tobacco products like chewing tobacco and Snus to quit smoking.
        <embed src='http://cnettv.cnet.com/av/video/cbsnews/atlantis2/player-dest.swf' FlashVars='linkUrl=http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=6362523n&tag=contentBody;housing&releaseURL=http://cnettv.cnet.com/av/video/cbsnews/atlantis2/player-dest.swf&videoId=50085825&partner=news&vert=News&si=254 &autoPlayVid=false&name=cbsPlayer&allowScriptAccess=alw ays&wmode=transparent&embedded=y&scale=noscale&rv=n&sal ign=tl' allowFullScreen='true' width='425' height='324' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></embed>

        Extra: Smokeless Tobacco & Cigarettes
        April 4, 2010 4:50 PM

        Dr. Stephen Jay is a professor of medicine and public health at Indiana University School of Medicine.
        <embed src='http://cnettv.cnet.com/av/video/cbsnews/atlantis2/player-dest.swf' FlashVars='linkUrl=http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=6362509n&tag=contentBody;housing&releaseURL=http://cnettv.cnet.com/av/video/cbsnews/atlantis2/player-dest.swf&videoId=50085824&partner=news&vert=News&si=254 &autoPlayVid=false&name=cbsPlayer&allowScriptAccess=alw ays&wmode=transparent&embedded=y&scale=noscale&rv=n&sal ign=tl' allowFullScreen='true' width='425' height='324' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></embed>

        Extra: Quitting Smoking - The Patch, Gum or Snus?
        April 4, 2010 4:50 PM

        Dr. Karl Fagerstrom is a nicotine addiction scientist who has helped people quit smoking for 35 years.
        <embed src='http://cnettv.cnet.com/av/video/cbsnews/atlantis2/player-dest.swf' FlashVars='linkUrl=http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=6362499n&tag=contentBody;housing&releaseURL=http://cnettv.cnet.com/av/video/cbsnews/atlantis2/player-dest.swf&videoId=50085823&partner=news&vert=News&si=254 &autoPlayVid=false&name=cbsPlayer&allowScriptAccess=alw ays&wmode=transparent&embedded=y&scale=noscale&rv=n&sal ign=tl' allowFullScreen='true' width='425' height='324' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></embed>


        • Mordred
          • Dec 2009
          • 342

          On the one hand, I like how they both admit that they would recommend Snus over cigarettes.

          On the other hand though, they both fail because they're talking about "last resort".

          I'll talk from personal experience here. I started smoking when I was 17 and I made my first attempt to quit when I was about 21, then another when I was 22. Once with nothing, once with a patch. Both times, I failed and gave up on quitting. And I kept smoking for another 13 years before I found out about Snus. And I've got the European Union to thank for that. Had they not banned the sale of Snus and Snus advertisement, I would probably have quit smoking 13 years earlier. Think about it!

          That's what the "last resort" and "try everything else first" attitude leads to: people keep smoking for years and years, possibly doing permanent damage to their lungs. And for what? What's so bad about Snus that it has to be the last resort? Taking Zyban, Chantix and whatnot are preferable because?


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by Mordred
            What's so bad about Snus that it has to be the last resort? Taking Zyban, Chantix and whatnot are preferable because?
            Tobacco companies kill a kitten every time you purchase a tin of snus. Pharmaceutical companies don't.


            • Mordred
              • Dec 2009
              • 342

              Originally posted by lxskllr
              Originally posted by Mordred
              What's so bad about Snus that it has to be the last resort? Taking Zyban, Chantix and whatnot are preferable because?
              Tobacco companies kill a kitten every time you purchase a tin of snus. Pharmaceutical companies don't.
              Oh yeah, damn, I forgot about that. Poor kittens.


              • bottledwater
                • Oct 2009
                • 32

                i dont like this. it will directly lead me to contract aids.

                "->" = leads to

                people find out about snus ->
                high demand for snus (cuz snus > cigs + dip + babies) ->
                people storm to buy snus, american tobacco companies try to capitalize on this ->
                their snus is just rebranded dung, dried up and shaped into tiny pieces held together with glue ->
                they fail due to low quality "snus" ->
                with much butthurt and seeking to cause butthurt to someone else, they poke the US government (ha!) to ban snus. of course, the government doesnt want to, since it is taxed and the government <3s $$$. however, combined with mothers against swedish snus, who use snusboy as their tragic mascot, congress has no choice but to yield ->
                snus outlawed. riots break out, government overthrown ->
                new government installed, but they also ban snus because the new government is really the remains of the old government who hijacked the overthrowing and tricked the people ->
                since snus is banned, i am forced to shove cigarette tobacco in my lip (i am not touching dip) ->
                my jaw falls off ->
                i have no lower jaw and my wife and children leave me for a man with a jaw ->
                i am fired from my job as a lawyer since i cant win any cases due to constant drooling and looking like a movie monster ->
                i am forced to work in a circus as a sideshow freak ->
                a midget, named dinni, uses my crushed emotional state (due to the drooling and wife leaving) to seduce me ->
                i cant afford protection because i work in a circus and make approximately 2 dollars a year ->
                she has aids ->
                i get aids

                thanks, CBS.


                • Owens187
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 1547




                  • Estonia
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 55

                    Thx for posting link

                    About the person talking that snus will lead to smoking + snus combo:
                    it's really up to the person if they want to quit. They can quit using snus, but those who don't want to quit will combo anything with cigarettes anyway (eg dip).

                    Still see no reason why it should be banned in EU.


                    • LaZeR
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 3994

                      Originally posted by Mordred
                      Taking Zyban, Chantix and whatnot are preferable because?
                      they make you want to jump off the highest building and end it all thus you are no longer an evil tobacco using detriment to society.

                      Oh, and yea, they are high dollar pharmaceuticals of course approved and promoted by doctors to keep that financial bond fluent.

                      Slightly offtopic/

                      I could still kick my doctor square in the ass for ever getting me on that f*cking buproprion back last August when I tried to quit copenhagen and tobacco all together. Been off it for months but that shit mixed with my procaz damn near drove me to homocide and suicide.


                      • midnight
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 175

                        I thought the segment twisted snus usage drastically into a very negative light. Choosing to concentrate on the pack a day 10 portions a day user clearly shows their intentions, and their grouping of snus into the same category as camel dissolvable upset me even more. If anything, modern stigmas attached to oral tobacco in the US would stop many underage from using snus, and smoking would likely hold its image regardless. Camel dissolvable, in my opinion, do seem to target a younger clientele, but swedish snus is a traditional product that is used by people of all ages.


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          I wish they'd asked that guy how much he smoked before he found snus?


                          • deebocools
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 661

                            Originally posted by tom502
                            I wish they'd asked that guy how much he smoked before he found snus?
                            that was the elephant in the room when I watched it, too. At first you think "What a dick, he didn't even reduce his cigarette use at all!" then you think he could've smoked 3-4 packs before snus. Anyway, I didn't think he was a wierdo, but he certainly painted a bizarre picture of american snus users


                            • ice
                              • Oct 2005
                              • 142

                              Originally posted by deebocools
                              Anyway, I didn't think he was a wierdo, but he certainly painted a bizarre picture of american snus users
                              Hmm... at least this is not the common picture of snuser here! You can easily use snus before and after workout/sport/exercise - but not while you are running


                              • tom502
                                • Feb 2009
                                • 8985

                                Yeah, he could have been a 2-4 pack a day smoker before snus. When I was a regular smoker, I usually smoked a pack a day, sometime more, esp when drinking.

                                But I think the slant of the show, was to present him in a negative way, because he used both. So, I don't have any negative against him personally, but how the show exploited him trying to cast a critical shadow of snus users.

                                But yeah, it's amazing he's not a member here.

