Snus OD

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  • BuLLitz
    • Jun 2009
    • 180

    For quite a while, I did nothing but ES snus.
    I have since worked my way down to the 3mg Oomphs.

    However, this weekend I noticed that my wife had opened a can of the Kanel... so I decided to try one.

    I felt all kinds of funky after about 10 minutes... and that was from just one.

    I think I will pass on using 4.


    • visiON
      • Mar 2010
      • 308

      Originally posted by Paul
      if you fall asleep and choke on it....
      I actually woke up today with a Thunder Berry stuck under my lip.. So it's almost impossible to choke on snus, it's small and it passes through easily.
      You'll either swallow it, or do nothing.


      • Estonia
        • Dec 2009
        • 55

        Originally posted by Frosted
        Try sticking a Thunder Frosted in the top left and top right. Then stick a Thunder Frosted in the bottom left and bottom right.

        Make sure you're by a toilet.
        Good idea!
        I'll stick one under foreskin too for an extra dose


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          I like to shove a bunch of Thunder loose in the top deck, and a horseshoe of Copenhagen on the bottom, smoke Camel Wides, and sniff Bruton scotch snuff, all at the same time.


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            Originally posted by tom502
            I like to shove a bunch of Thunder loose in the top deck, and a horseshoe of Copenhagen on the bottom, smoke Camel Wides, and sniff Bruton scotch snuff, all at the same time.
            Whilst brushing your teeth. :roll:


            • AtreyuKun
              • Aug 2009
              • 1223

              When my farther-in-law passed away, I double-barreled Claq at the funeral home. At the time, it felt like a General Mini.


              • gambino
                • Feb 2010
                • 182

                Originally posted by tom502
                I like to shove a bunch of Thunder loose in the top deck, and a horseshoe of Copenhagen on the bottom, smoke Camel Wides, and sniff Bruton scotch snuff, all at the same time.

                if i have too much nic i feel like shit, minor headache and spun out feeling.
                not a good feeling i go to bed.


                • timholian
                  • Apr 2010
                  • 1448

                  Thanks for this thread; There is some great info here.

                  I hate telling my story over and over, so in a nutshell my nicotine history.
                  Started smoking in 6th grade, stole a tin of Red Man Wintergreen @ 13-14, started dual use but only smoked in the off season (I played Football, yeah yeah I was on the Rodeo team also LOL), went into the Army and quit smoking except when drinking by then I was dipping Copenhagen, got out of the Army met my wife and stopped dipping completely and smoked exclusively for about 11 years now.

                  Now to my point. I have used snus to quit smoking, its been three days, and I find sometimes one General white portion mint doesnt take my craving away and I start to jones for a smoke. Instead of lighting up I have started putting in a General original or white portion with the mint. I havent felt sick or anything but I did start to worry about the limit to which I could keep adding. These stories where very helpful since I really have no sense of nic doses besides bigger and smaller portions. The Thunder warnings/stories were very helpful for the future.

                  PS Whatabuger ROCKS! lmao


                  • Redbeard
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 390

                    Tim, I think the general consensus around here (someone correct me if I'm wrong) is to use however much snus you need to fight your cravings. From what I've read, most folks that start out using mostly sterks eventually work their way down to regular portions once their cravings aren't as strong.

                    And, yes, Whataburger is awesome. One of the very few things I miss about Oklahoma.


                    • Frosted
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 5798

                      When your body gets used to snus it adapts to the nicotine in a slightly different way due to the different delivery than smokes. With smokes you're getting a hit right away - with snus it goes up over time and stays high.

                      It's actually easier to manipulate your nicotine intake once you're used to snus. I find it quite easy to go from say a 16mg down to 12 mg - it's so easy I don't even notice and I dare say I wouldn't notice going from 12mg to 8mg. I can also go without for quite some time and not even notice any effects until about a couple of days later when I'm well and truly in withdrawal. That was unthinkable two years ago when I used to smoke.

                      At the beginning though - use as much snus and as strong a snus as you need for as long as you need it - then a year later re-evaluate.


                      • deebocools
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 661

                        there is some evidence(that I don't feel like looking up) That snus users don't increase usage on lower nicotine snus. So as soon as you're addicted to snus instead of cigs or dip, You can step down if you want to quite easily.

                        There was a time when I needed at least a regular portion, and minis were like nothing. Now I can use both interchangably and I don't even think about it as long as there's some nicotine flowing inside...


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