Try sticking a Thunder Frosted in the top left and top right. Then stick a Thunder Frosted in the bottom left and bottom right.
Make sure you're by a toilet.
Eh, 2 thunder frosted, 40 minutes, and I'll vomit :P
You didn't actually try it??????
We could all hold a competition which must be video'd as evidence. Who can puke last after inserting 4 Thunder Frosted (in one's mouth).
1) I don't have 4 thunder frosted to waste
2) Even 2 thunder frosted can make me vomit
3) How about I neutralize my pH level in my mouth so no nicotine gets in
Jesus...I am amazed at the amount of nicotine people can take. I guess I'm a lightweight. I can't even have three sterks in a DAY. I always start w/ one and 50% of the days I'll have another one w/ coffee after lunch but if I try to take one in the PM forget it. I'll get ill.
The LD50 on nicotine is 1mg/kg I believe. That would mean that if you weigh 185 pounds and you actually could fit 53 ES portions in you'd have a 50/50 shot of death.
I don't think that you can practically OD on it but man oh man it'll make ya sick.
When I first got my Thunder ES, a whole one made me sick. I have been cuttin them in half and using them lol.... 1 makes me sick almost.... I think I need more on the 8-10mg portions not 16mg.... I know for a fact I would get sick if I put in 2 at a time.
I fell asleep drunk with one in. Woke up the next day and could not find it...Anyone else swallow a portion?
When I was first introduced to snus, General Los, I got extremely nauseous. I was driving and had to pull over. Started to sweat, and decided it would be good to eat something as I had an empty stomach at the time. So I very cautiously drove until I got to a Whataburger (southern fast food...extremely delicious.) I can only imagine the spectacle I was - a sweaty, pale as a ghost, kid who could barely verbalize my order. I ate, in between going to the restroom in anticipation that I might puke. After twenty minutes or so, I felt fine and went on my way, vowing to make smaller prillas.
Nowadays, when I really need the nicotine, I double barrel Thunder Frosted. I'm not saying that's necessarily a good or healthy thing to do, but consider it a lesson in how quickly nicotine tolerance can develop.
Here's what I think. I believe that you do indeed build up some tolerance but I believe even more that your gums build up some kind of resistance which blocks the nicotine transfer somewhat after snussing for a couple of months. With fresh virgin gums you're going to soak the lot up - for instance when I change the Thunder Frosted to an area that I don't snus on - I get a huge hit whereas I don't normally get a huge hit on my normal gum site.
When I first ever did any snus, it was US Camel, and that knocked me for a loop, I was not used to oral tobacco at all, and had long quit smoking regularly. Even General mini mints made me ill, and I quit snus for a while because of all that. But I started on nasal snuff then, and got into that well, and then later retried snus, and eventually, got into it. Now I have an Oden's ESOP in, and I don't get the hit like it gave me when I first used it.
I've been in the habit of using 2 General Wintergreens at the same time. Feels like you've been hit by a bus (seems this stuff is stronger than other regular portions), but I've only gotten sick from nic a few times.
Protips: 1. Don't inhale a cigar 2. Don't smoke heavily while drunk (ie. chain smoking or hookah.)
Used to dip every day, switch to snus 3 years ago, still dip every few months, and on monday I got my usual Skoal apple in peach along with Copenhagen...