I'm putting this up as a sticky, as we've gotten a lot of questions on it. This way you don't have to open a PDF or anything. I'll take it down once the newness of PACT wears off.

Tobacco laws by state. Courtesy of Snusdog
Courtesy Of Snarfblat, here's the Canadian provincial tax, as well as a handy spreadsheet for calculating the tax owed. The spreadsheet is in .odf format which will open in OpenOffice. It may or may not work in Excel. I believe MS has a plugin for .odf files, but it's probably a half-hearted implementation, so YMMV whether it works or not.

If there's issues, errors, proposed enhancements with the spreadsheet, reply to the original thread here...

Tobacco laws by state. Courtesy of Snusdog
Originally posted by Snusdog

If there's issues, errors, proposed enhancements with the spreadsheet, reply to the original thread here...