Originally posted by CoderGuy
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*USA/Canada* Tobacco Laws and Taxes By State
This is a sticky topic.
Originally posted by CoderGuy View PostThat IS interesting. I have seen similar statements. The problem we face is from the *&(^^^&%^%%$&(**&&^ anti's and they're trying to ban all nicotine and tobacco products regardless of their benefit (i.e. snus being 99% safer and helping people quit smoking). Like all fanatical groups the (*&&*#@@)($*$&&# anti's don't want to listen to or care about facts, they just want to try and scare the uninformed as much as possible (which they succeed in). And the #$&&%*@(^^#@*& politicians and groups that support them do so only because they feel guilty if someone views them as "not caring about the &$*(#$^^#&@*^%^$ children".
<sigh> ok I'm done lol
Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
I know, I just hate being the bitch.
I saw the most ridiculous thing I have ever saw the other night. I was watching a rerun of a David Blaine special, he was in New Orleans going around doing magic for people. He was at the homes of some Cajuns and one of them was smoking. The smoker took a drag of his cig and then a large blur bubble appeared over his mouth blocking the view of the smoke exiting. I just said, "You have got to be f***ing kidding me! Are they serious?" So apparently seeing smoke exit someone's mouth now is as offensive as seeing the hint of ass crack (which if you notice now are also all blurred out).
It's only a matter of time before we are back to this: http://school.discoveryeducation.com.../religion.html
Originally posted by CoderGuy View PostI know, I just hate being the bitch.
I saw the most ridiculous thing I have ever saw the other night. I was watching a rerun of a David Blaine special, he was in New Orleans going around doing magic for people. He was at the homes of some Cajuns and one of them was smoking. The smoker took a drag of his cig and then a large blur bubble appeared over his mouth blocking the view of the smoke exiting. I just said, "You have got to be f***ing kidding me! Are they serious?" So apparently seeing smoke exit someone's mouth now is as offensive as seeing the hint of ass crack (which if you notice now are also all blurred out).
It's only a matter of time before we are back to this: http://school.discoveryeducation.com.../religion.html
Not a matter of time!
Today's witch hunts are disguised as government-sponsored attacks bordering on terrorism, hidden behind the cloak of do-goodism.
Religion itself has taken a backseat to overt fanaticism of a more insidious nature: to preserve the sanctity of ___________.
Just name your poison, find a politician to blackmail (or brainwash), set up your lobbies and fill them with powerful lobbyists, and you have thus created your very own political control.
You are now the puppetmaster. As long as your puppet strings don't get sliced up by a rival, or become entwined by dissent within your group, you are omnipotent and the master of all!
And by all means, these days especially, make sure it's for the children!
Originally posted by snusgetterNot a matter of time!
Today's witch hunts are disguised as government-sponsored attacks bordering on terrorism, hidden behind the cloak of do-goodism.
Religion itself has taken a backseat to overt fanaticism of a more insidious nature: to preserve the sanctity of ___________.
Just name your poison, find a politician to blackmail (or brainwash), set up your lobbies and fill them with powerful lobbyists, and you have thus created your very own political control.
You are now the puppetmaster. As long as your puppet strings don't get sliced up by a rival, or become entwined by dissent within your group, you are omnipotent and the master of all!
And by all means, these days especially, make sure it's for the children!
That is tarded... although You have a few shops in Mass that sell it.. and TONS in the NE state region that does-- Not sure exactly WHERE you are in Mass... but I do know that you have way more stores that stock The General in a 150 mile range then I do... I have ZERO- General is Swedish Match and... well it may not be your particular brand.. The General is mighty fine stuff as is most Swedish Match snus that I have tried...so if they have The General chances are you can get your fav if you ask nicely.
http://www.generalsnus.com/ register and check the locate ( I am going to assume you have done this already.. just making sure)
It kills me to think that a 1lb package costs 15+ dollars to ship from PA... and $30 from overseas... When even BEFORE the stupid crap law passed --- UPS EXPRESS 2 DAY WORLD WIDE was only $23... The law passes.. They get a monopoly... and they Jack the shit out of their fees...
Yet another example of Privatization raping us.
Originally posted by Choice View PostThat is tarded... although You have a few shops in Mass that sell it.. and TONS in the NE state region that does-- Not sure exactly WHERE you are in Mass... but I do know that you have way more stores that stock The General in a 150 mile range then I do... I have ZERO- General is Swedish Match and... well it may not be your particular brand.. The General is mighty fine stuff as is most Swedish Match snus that I have tried...so if they have The General chances are you can get your fav if you ask nicely.
http://www.generalsnus.com/ register and check the locate ( I am going to assume you have done this already.. just making sure)
It kills me to think that a 1lb package costs 15+ dollars to ship from PA... and $30 from overseas... When even BEFORE the stupid crap law passed --- UPS EXPRESS 2 DAY WORLD WIDE was only $23... The law passes.. They get a monopoly... and they Jack the shit out of their fees...
Yet another example of Privatization raping us.
Sorry that you can't find it where you live, either. I'm sorry that our troops can't get it, too. This whole thing is a mess, just because of a stupid law that never should have been passed.
Originally posted by Choice View PostYou check crossing the border to NH, NY, Conn? They are all around you... I had to check because I am jealous.. lol
Originally posted by Choice View PostThat is tarded... although You have a few shops in Mass that sell it.. and TONS in the NE state region that does-- Not sure exactly WHERE you are in Mass... but I do know that you have way more stores that stock The General in a 150 mile range then I do... I have ZERO-
http://www.generalsnus.com/ register and check the locate ( I am going to assume you have done this already.. just making sure)
It kills me to think that a 1lb package costs 15+ dollars to ship from PA... and $30 from overseas... When even BEFORE the stupid crap law passed --- UPS EXPRESS 2 DAY WORLD WIDE was only $23... The law passes.. They get a monopoly... and they Jack the shit out of their fees...
Yet another example of Privatization raping us.
"You have a few shops in Mass that sell it.. and TONS in the NE state region that does"
" register and check the locate ( I am going to assume you have done this already.. just making sure)"
"I do know that you have way more stores that stock The General in a 150 mile range then I do"
It's so easy to look at an online listing and say "Wow, look at all the locations where you can get......"
Mind you, I haven't visited that site since they've insisted on registration but numerous visits prior to then told me
- The site really had nothing you couldn't find elsewhere, and in more depth
- Their dealer database was woefully inadequate, at least for Taxachusetts and the surrounding areas (most of the shops listed for my zip code were located in and around Boston, an area I avoid like the plague due to traffic ccongestions that not only make your blood boil but put blood pressure on a never-ending upward spiral)
- The shops that were listed, according to persons who actually contacted them, had little or no stock. What was available was reportedly so out-of-date that the management just gave away what was available (dust and all)
- It seemed the site was thrown together and left to wither
Yes, it seems the grass is always greener on the other side.
"Yet another example of Privatization raping us."
You want rape ..... wait til they privatize USPS in 5-10 years!!
The "US Government" section...anyone know anything about that?? If my husband is in the military and were to order snus online, shouldn't he be able to get that govt rate??? Hmmm.....
After a little more research...looks like only military BX's/Commissaries get a special tax break..so I'd have to somehow get my BX to carry my snus to get a break. That ain't gonna happen
What a sad state of affairs. I go online to order for the first time in 6 months and notice Maryland won't allow UPS shippments. So what sense does this make? Now I have to drive 30 mins north and pick it up at a buddies house in PA to circumvent this horse manure? Based on principle, I'll do this if the cost in gas is ten times more rather than giving this state one cent in tacx money.
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