????what's wrong with me?

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  • Mattieboy27
    • Mar 2010
    • 33

    ????what's wrong with me?

    I like dip better than snus

    but i've never tried dip until i found snus
    Why is this
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    You enjoy spitting because by doing so, you feel yourself rebelling against society, and what's considered proper conduct when out.

    Either that or you like the taste better :^D


    • f. bandersnatch
      • Mar 2010
      • 725

      How long have you been dipping?

      I only ask because dip is awesome, to be honest. I don't really use or buy it anymore, because it tends to tear me up (lip, jaw, stomach, you name it).
      I suspect that if you use it for an extended period of time, you will start to understand why people would possibly prefer snus.

      But Copenhagen snuff tastes and kicks in a way that snus just can't compare to. I'm not going to say that I like it more, but it is a very satisfying experience. If you enjoy it, and you're not having any problems, why not?


      • desirexe
        • Feb 2008
        • 1170

        Chemicals maybe???


        • redsfan1005
          • Nov 2009
          • 64

          Don't feel bad, I love dip too, it just tears my lip and gum up something fierce. I still choose snus though...for the record


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            If all the snus in the world disappeared, I would dip Copenhagen Long Cut and Extra Long Cut.

            A little off topic, but I would like to see Copenhagen release a snus. If the pouches and quality were identical to Swedish varieties, I think Cope Snus would sell good in America among dip consumers. Perhaps Altria could pay Swedish Match to put Ettan or Grov portions in a Cope container to be sold in the American market?


            • WickedKitchen
              • Nov 2009
              • 2528

              i haven't really dipped much in a few years but I've got a calling for Skoal Apple.

              I too had to leave dip 'cos it was killing my gums and stomach. Enjoy it though if you can.


              • Snusify
                • Aug 2009
                • 620

                Re: ????what's wrong with me?

                Originally posted by Mattieboy27
                I like dip better than snus

                but i've never tried dip until i found snus
                Why is this
                Dip and Snus are similar in that they are both moist snuffs. But dip evolved into a different thing.

                I too discovered Dip after i got into snus and in my first few months of dipping I loved it but my passion for it has died somewhat. I only really love copenhagen long cut.

                Part of the fun with Dip is the sucking and spitting the juice. But you are limited by the flavours of dip. You may soon get tired of fruit flavoured dip leaving only natural, straight and wintergreen. Which are good flavours. but nearly every brand of natural, straight and wintergreen tastes the same with only a few differences, such as some taste better than others some are stronger than others.

                With snus there is a much more vibrant scene with dozens of new products coming out each year. Where as on the dip scene you get a few new products every few years. The changes you mostly see on the dip scene are redesigned can lids now and again.

                Also dip does irritate the gums more than snus does so most hard core dippers I know enjoy snusing to give their gums a break.

                I am about an 80% snuser and a 20% dipper.

                I could live without Dip but not snus.
                Snus and Dip Video Reviews


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9758

                  its probably because you prefer the yellow fiberglass of dip as opposed too the pink fiberglass of snus. 8)
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    I like both, well, I like loose leaf chew too. I like snus because it's easy and discreet, and it's easy to use at work, walking at the mall, but when I am home lounging, I think I prefer a dip or chew. So far, for me, I haven't had, or noticed any dip/chew gum concerns, but because my top teeth are not perfectly straight, I do have some upper discomfort at times.

                    So, to me, they are just different, and I like them all for their differences.


                    • Snusdog
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 6752

                      Mattie go back and read the Dipper's guide to snus. I think you may find it casts a lot of insight on this matter. Here is the link


                      In the meantime, let me take a swing at your question. As a long time x dipper I think I can relate to a lot of what you have said.

                      So here goes:
                      Dip has much more of what I would describe as a typical American brashness in flavoring (we tend to describe it as bold or rich) but in reality it is typical of America’s fetish with all things artificial, enhanced, and over the top. Consider a European's nose for wine verses our satisfaction with boxed wine. Think of an Italian chef’s sensitivity to the natural produce of each season verses our globs of MacNugget dipping sauce.

                      You like dip because you can taste it and because what you taste is the one dimensional "boldness" of flavoring you are used to (I do not mean this in any way to be insulting or to somehow suggest that my pallet is refined and sophisticated. In most regards I am every bit as haplessly American in my taste as the next guy). I simply mean that snus requires a bit more time to taste and to hone in on the flavors that are there. The flavors often are not what we expect and therefore they often do not immediately register with us. They will. But it just takes a little time (in fact that is why I often recommend Knox or Gotlands or Phantom Blue to x dippers because they tend to be stronger in flavor and thus easier to make the transition).

                      Now that said, why not just go with what you like and what you are used to? Why not stick with dip?

                      Almost to a T those here who have dipped (especially those who like myself dipped regularly for several years) have told you that something in dip tore up lip, gum, and stomach in a way that snus does not. For most long term dippers here on the forum this adverse effect was so serious that we were every bit as eager to leave dip as smokers are to quite cigarettes. To me it is very serious and that is why I am so passionate about it.

                      In the Dippers guide many here on the forum unfold their experiences with dip and elaborate on why they made the change. It may be well worth your time to read it.

                      Also, feel free to post any questions that you have on the guide (raising them and working towards the answers will only make the guide that much better). I even invite you to offer any challenge that you might have to claims made there. I and others will do our best to answer them honestly and to the best of our knowledge. When we don’t know we will tell you that as well. You are also free to pm me with any question or point you would like to discuss.

                      Dip is not the buggy man. You are not going to grow a second head because you use it. However, over time I am firmly convinced that even a regular occasional use will begin to show its adverse effects. With snus and a little time to adjust, I just do not see the long term gain to merit the risk.

                      Hope this helps

                      dog 8)

                      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                      • texasmade
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4159

                        Originally posted by Snusdog
                        You are not going to grow a second head because you use it.


                        like that guy that lost his jaw...what load of sh*t i read in a few places that it happened because of an infection


                        • Bigblue1
                          Banned Users
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 3923

                          There's nothing wrong with you. If you lik dip better than all means, dig a dip if you want. But other responses are true. I love dip but the negative's far outweigh the positives in my own personal experience. That being said I always have a can on hand and sometimes supplement my snus with the occasional dip. But if all things were equal I'd dip rather than snus. But it is what it is, so I mainly snus and snuff and might have a dip 1=7 days a week. That's my threshold for keeping it real.....


                          • Liandri
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 604

                            Nothing is wrong with you. Boils down to personal preference. Its not comparing apples to oranges, fine wine to box, steak to turkey. They're made differently and as such have different tastes.

                            Inb4 snusishealthysaysthe30yeardipperwhostumbledacrossthepro ductandifhe/shedidn'twouldstillbedippingwithzerohesitationorregret


                            • deebocools
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 661

                              Maybe it's because I haven't done it for very long, but I much prefer snus to dip. I dipped for about 4 months daily, and when I switched to snus, the hit, the comfort and the convenience won me over immediately.

                              My gums didn't even get that bad off- I rotated all along my bottom gums. The only think I retain from dipping is that when I snus I bottom lip and I spit the first(darkest) juices. Besides that, it's a world apart

