what to you is a fair price for a can of snus?

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  • gambino
    • Feb 2010
    • 182

    what to you is a fair price for a can of snus?

    I pay $3 a can taxed, shipped and delivered to my front door i think that's fair,
    esp for ettan

    lxskr please don't delete my thread
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    $3 is pretty good, and that's how I price snus in my head. Some are a little more, others a little less.


    • WickedKitchen
      • Nov 2009
      • 2528

      That sounds excellent to me. Heh, that's coming from Massachusetts where it's probably going to be near $6.00...at least above board it is...


      • Snusify
        • Aug 2009
        • 620

        a good benchmark for the price of snus is compare to the price of pack of cigarettes in your state.

        As long as its cheaper than a pack of smokes thats a good price.
        Snus and Dip Video Reviews


        • NorCalSnuser
          New Member
          • Mar 2010
          • 7

          Originally posted by snusify
          a good benchmark for the price of snus is compare to the price of pack of cigarettes in your state.

          As long as its cheaper than a pack of smokes thats a good price.
          I agree with this. Unfortunately, the only Swedish SNUS I can buy locally is 50% more than a pack of smokes.


          • Snusify
            • Aug 2009
            • 620

            Originally posted by NorCalSnuser
            Originally posted by snusify
            a good benchmark for the price of snus is compare to the price of pack of cigarettes in your state.

            As long as its cheaper than a pack of smokes thats a good price.
            I agree with this. Unfortunately, the only Swedish SNUS I can buy locally is 50% more than a pack of smokes.
            Here in the UK of snus including delivery is about 4 bucks cheaper than smokes.
            Snus and Dip Video Reviews


            • f. bandersnatch
              • Mar 2010
              • 725

              I live in missouri, where smokes are a little more than 5 bucks a pack, so that benchmark doesn't really work for me. I like to think of it this way: I would usually smoke two packs ever 3 days, or 2 maybe 3 packs a week (more if it was a shitty week). Thats about 15-20 dollars a week. A can of loose lasts me a week+.

              By my math, the government would have to find a way to tax my snus like 500% to make it as expensive as smoking.

              I'm not saying I would be super pleased about paying 15 or 20 dollars a can, but it would still be better and more responsible than the sticks.

              In summation: f*ck cigarettes.


              • danielan
                • Apr 2010
                • 1514

                I gotta agree...

                Originally posted by f. bandersnatch
                I'm not saying I would be super pleased about paying 15 or 20 dollars a can, but it would still be better and more responsible than the sticks.
                As a new snuser and a long time (20 years give or take) smoker (now ex (5 days!) - thanks snus!)

                A carton of Camel Lights is about $47. My almost 2 pack a day habit ate through that in about a week.

                I go through about 8 portions a day (I tend to forget about them, so this is basically having one in my lip all day).

                So, more or less a can every three days or we can call it 2 cans as equivalent to a carton of smokes, so any price under $23.50 would still work economically.

                Then there's the non-monetary side (not stinking, not spitting, being able to play with the kids without hacking up a lung or panting, etc)... I went geocaching with the wife and kids this afternoon. I ran, for the first time this decade... I'm not sure there is a price for that.


                • NorCalSnuser
                  New Member
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 7

                  Originally posted by snusify
                  Originally posted by NorCalSnuser
                  Originally posted by snusify
                  a good benchmark for the price of snus is compare to the price of pack of cigarettes in your state.

                  As long as its cheaper than a pack of smokes thats a good price.
                  I agree with this. Unfortunately, the only Swedish SNUS I can buy locally is 50% more than a pack of smokes.
                  Here in the UK of snus including delivery is about 4 bucks cheaper than smokes.
                  Well, if I order it, it's about 3 bucks a can. Smokes here are roughly $4.50 a pack. General SNUS at the local tobacco shop is $7 per can.


                  • deebocools
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 661

                    I compare it to a can of dip. $3 here is the equivalent price of mid-priced dip, and snus is much better than that. If the priced got hiked up for snus, I would buy cheaper brands and limit use before buying dip again.


                    • visiON
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 308

                      Smokes are from 3-4 bucks here, snus is 5.6$


                      • timholian
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 1448

                        The price of cigarettes and snus is about the same here in Houston but I find a can of snus lasts me longer than a pack of cigarettes.(way back when I used that same argument with snuff vs. cigarettes.)

                        Even if it cost more to snus than smoke, since when is anything (at least in America) that is less harmful than the original product not cost MORE than the original product. ie. reduced fat anything or reduced calorie anything. hell even reduced sugar/fake sugar.

                        BTW New here and Howdy Y'all from Texas. LMAO Been smoke free 3 days using snus.


                        • GoVegan
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 5603



                          • RobsanX
                            • Aug 2008
                            • 2030

                            I think $3 is a good average. I use some that costs more, and some that costs less.


                            • snusjus
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 2674

                              I pay $2.60 for a can of Grov, since Getsnus offers free shipping on all orders over $50.

