Roda Lousy

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  • Darwin
    • Mar 2010
    • 1372

    Roda Lousy

    Well I've struggled through a pris of Roda loose three times now. Bakes okay and stays together fairly well but good grief does it taste awful. Can't figure it out 'cuz Roda portions are just fine. This can has a weird astringent aggressive taste that juices like mad and sends me running to wash it out. Makes my upper lip feel almost acid washed. Can't keep the pris in for over about a minute before I almost need to hurl. Have I got hold of a bad can--a really really bad can?

    Whether it's me, the Roda, or loose snus period I don't know but my first try has been a disaster.
  • lowfiwhiteguy
    Banned Users
    • Jan 2010
    • 14

    I got the portions my first time trying snus.

    The first one I tried was the Göteborgs Rapé No.2, and I loved it. So then I went to pop in a Röda Lacket and hated it.

    It just tastes like a GR2 gone horribly, horribly wrong. That was the portion, and I'm not surprised to hear the same of the lös.


    • f. bandersnatch
      • Mar 2010
      • 725

      I haven't had that experience at all...

      But Roda did definitely turn on me after my third or so can of it. Started to taste heavily of prunes. I would still recommend it as a starter loose, though.

      Maybe you got a bad can?


      • Owens187
        • Sep 2009
        • 1547

        Finally, someone who agrees with me.

        I LOVE Roda portions, but DO NOT LIKE the los, just doesn't taste the same to me. I thought I was the only one.


        • bakerbarber
          • Jun 2008
          • 1947

          Wow Roda Lacket made you want to hurl?

          Possibly a "bad" can, but it's normally by far one of the mildest and neutral girly snus brands out there. A bit raisin or fig in the background.

          If you want something that will pickle your lip try General Extra Sterk Loose.

          Probe Whiskey is hard to finish a can for me, but never Roda.

          Most, if not all, portion versions of snus are somewhat different than the loose version.

          Try General loose. If you can't tolerate that either you may need to stick to Oomph brands or Mocca.

          It's tobacco after all. It aint gonna taste like nothing.

          Ever use dip like copenhagen? Coming from chew, snus is pretty bland by comparison.


          • Darwin
            • Mar 2010
            • 1372

            I was expecting the Roda loose to be "somewhat" different than the same named portions but this was a stunning and overwhelming difference. I've only been snusing a few months but I've tried a pretty broad range--Ettan, Goteborg, Grov, Skuf, several different Generals, couple Offroads, two Thunders, several Catches, etc. etc. and in mini, original, white, strong & extra strong. I've mostly liked them all and not one was as remotely offputting as Roda loose. A real headscratcher for sure.


            • MojoQuestor
              • Sep 2009
              • 2344

              Man. Röda Lacket is really taking a thumping on the board lately. Time for me to stick my fingers in my ears and sing "la la la".

              And, yeah, the portions and the lös do taste way different from each other.


              • f. bandersnatch
                • Mar 2010
                • 725

                Originally posted by bakerbarber
                Try General loose. If you can't tolerate that either you may need to stick to Oomph brands or Mocca.

                I think I see the real problem here though: the op and others had an expectation based on the white portion and the loose was nothing like it. That seems pretty regular. And if you are not used to the subtle flavors of roda, I could see how a person might only taste the ph of the product.

                edited for dickishness. My bad.


                • MojoQuestor
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 2344

                  Originally posted by f. bandersnatch
                  Originally posted by bakerbarber
                  Try General loose. If you can't tolerate that either you may need to stick to Oomph brands or Mocca.

                  I think I see the real problem here though: the op and others had an expectation based on the white portion and the loose was nothing like it.

                  They are nothing alike, namely because the WP tastes like special K red berries and the loose maybe actually tastes like a tobacco product.
                  What the world needs is a snus that tastes like Crunchberries. When I was a kid, if they had made a Captain Crunchless Just Crunchberries, I would have eaten no other cereal (assuming Mom would have allowed it).

                  FWIW, I like both versions of Röda, although I really prefer the portions. They taste enough like tobacco to me. It isn't something I would want all the time, however.

                  Edit: Whoops, looks like I trapped some "dickishness" in quote-amber


                  • texasmade
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 4159

                    throw it in the freezer for 6 months trust me


                    • Snusdog
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 6752

                      Originally posted by texasmade
                      throw it in the freezer for 6 months trust me
                      I agree, no reason to force it. There is enough out there that you don't have to torture yourself with something you don't like.

                      It may be a bad can, it may not be the right time for Roda and you, or it might not ever be the snus for you.

                      And from just my experience, I very rarely recommend Roda as a first los. It either tastes funky, doesn't taste at all, or slides. Just too many needless issues for those starting out.

                      That said I love Roda. I just think Phantom Brown or Granit are better places to start with los

                      dog 8)

                      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                      • texasmade
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4159



                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          I just wrote somewhere here recently that the portions are nothing like the lös. I like the portions ok, but they're a bit too fruity for me. I like the lös a lot. The grind is finer than I prefer, but I dig the flavor.


                          • daruckis
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 2277

                            Originally posted by MojoQuestor
                            Originally posted by f. bandersnatch
                            Originally posted by bakerbarber
                            Try General loose. If you can't tolerate that either you may need to stick to Oomph brands or Mocca.

                            I think I see the real problem here though: the op and others had an expectation based on the white portion and the loose was nothing like it.

                            They are nothing alike, namely because the WP tastes like special K red berries and the loose maybe actually tastes like a tobacco product.
                            What the world needs is a snus that tastes like Crunchberries. When I was a kid, if they had made a Captain Crunchless Just Crunchberries, I would have eaten no other cereal (assuming Mom would have allowed it).

                            FWIW, I like both versions of Röda, although I really prefer the portions. They taste enough like tobacco to me. It isn't something I would want all the time, however.

                            Edit: Whoops, looks like I trapped some "dickishness" in quote-amber
                            dude, oops all berries. came out sometime in the 90s. i wish they still made it.

                            OOPS ALL BERRIES!

                            KING OF CEREALS!

                            edit: apparently there is a 2010 limited edition of the OAB.


                            • MojoQuestor
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 2344

                              Originally posted by daruckis
                              dude, oops all berries. came out sometime in the 90s. i wish they still made it.

                              OOPS ALL BERRIES!

                              KING OF CEREALS!
                              Dang. Wish I hadn't missed that. Come to think of it, I vaguely remember that one. . . .

                              edit: apparently there is a 2010 limited edition of the OAB.
                              Oh crap! Suuure! Now that I have diabeetus, you show me this! WHY DO YOU HATE ME!!!11~1


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