My entire point to using snus is to quit smoking. This is my progress so far.
So I quit smoking two packs a day with dip. Like a lot of new american users, camel snus was my first foray into the product. I had been using timberwolf and skoal peach and forcing myself to swallow the juice. I work in a place where you are simply not allowed to use any tobacco products while "on the floor", so the dip had to go. So when I got my hands on the camel product advert, I had to try it.
The transition from skoal to camel snus was easy. At first I preferred the original flavor. I didn't mind spice, and I thought the frost was too much like candy. After about a week though, I found myself wanting that candy flavor, and I didn't like the spice and original much at all. They get bitter after about 30 minutes. The frost stays good for an hour. I'm assuming that has to do with heavy flavoring masking the bitter taste.
I had to try the traditional swedish stuff. I had the idea I might be able to find something that tastes closer to the original camel, but didn't go bitter after 30 minutes. I read a bunch of the forum posts here to get an idea what I'd like, and ordered a bunch of portions. Although I think I'd prefer loose snus, it's just not an option. I plan on settling on two brands and switching between them. I started with:
General Onyx
Skruf Tranbar
General Maxi
Goteborg's Rapé
Skruf Stark
Nick and Johnny
All regular portion size. Initial observations:
1) The camel snus is a mini portion apparently. It's a little harder to hide the regular sized bags.
2) You aren't ready for the assault of salt and lemon in most of these snus's the first time. I don't "love" this flavor at all, but I'm getting used to it.
3) Maybe it's just me, but the salt chaps my lips. I have to keep chapstick on me now.
4) Even though the stark and N&J have more nicotene, I get just as much pleasure and kick out of the mini camel snus because I can play with it and move it around my mouth without getting floored with salt.
Of the first order, I liked the Nick and Johnny the most. And honestly, it's because it doesn't have as much of the salt and lemon flavoring to me. If I could get it without the salt, I'd be much happier.
I find myself liking the Onyx more as I use it. So either it has some secret opiate content, or it's just one of those acquired tastes I'm getting used too.
The probe and the goteborg's rapé are completely disgusting. The General Maxi is too unwieldy. I've actually torn the packets apart to experiment with pris rolling. Looks fun.
Now before anybody gets uppity because I'm a newbie user, and I insulted your favorite brand, keep in mind these are initial impressions of an ex-smoker looking for a replacement. I don't like heavy lemon and salt, and that seems to be what the traditional swedish flavor is.
So, I placed a second order.
Ettan, General White, Rape2, Kronan, Lucky Strike, Roda, and Tre.
And a third order with all the candy snuses.
I'm really hoping I find a "manly" variety of snus I like in a mini portion. Just from reading, it's looking like the lucky strike white mini is a good bet. I'm positive I'll find a candy snus I like. Probably one of the catchdry flavors. And if I happen to prefer the candy snus's, I'll make sure to surrender my man card to the swedish authorities right after I'm done trying on dresses.
For now, I'm popping an N&J in my cheek, and a camel frost in my lip at the same time. Packs a wonderful kick. No desire to have a cigarette. Who knows. Maybe I'll develop a taste for strong salt and lemon, and my lips will stop chapping.
I'll post an update after a few months. But for right now, for the american smoker looking to quit, I'd have to say that camel really did their research before they released their snus offerings. They can't keep frost on the shelves here. If swedish match came up with a line of really great tasting, stark white mini candy snus, and offered it at a lower price than camel snus, they'd corner the market just on word of mouth.
Just my experience. If you are trying to quit smoking, try em all. No reason to not make a best effort attempt to enjoy your substitute.
So I quit smoking two packs a day with dip. Like a lot of new american users, camel snus was my first foray into the product. I had been using timberwolf and skoal peach and forcing myself to swallow the juice. I work in a place where you are simply not allowed to use any tobacco products while "on the floor", so the dip had to go. So when I got my hands on the camel product advert, I had to try it.
The transition from skoal to camel snus was easy. At first I preferred the original flavor. I didn't mind spice, and I thought the frost was too much like candy. After about a week though, I found myself wanting that candy flavor, and I didn't like the spice and original much at all. They get bitter after about 30 minutes. The frost stays good for an hour. I'm assuming that has to do with heavy flavoring masking the bitter taste.
I had to try the traditional swedish stuff. I had the idea I might be able to find something that tastes closer to the original camel, but didn't go bitter after 30 minutes. I read a bunch of the forum posts here to get an idea what I'd like, and ordered a bunch of portions. Although I think I'd prefer loose snus, it's just not an option. I plan on settling on two brands and switching between them. I started with:
General Onyx
Skruf Tranbar
General Maxi
Goteborg's Rapé
Skruf Stark
Nick and Johnny
All regular portion size. Initial observations:
1) The camel snus is a mini portion apparently. It's a little harder to hide the regular sized bags.
2) You aren't ready for the assault of salt and lemon in most of these snus's the first time. I don't "love" this flavor at all, but I'm getting used to it.
3) Maybe it's just me, but the salt chaps my lips. I have to keep chapstick on me now.
4) Even though the stark and N&J have more nicotene, I get just as much pleasure and kick out of the mini camel snus because I can play with it and move it around my mouth without getting floored with salt.
Of the first order, I liked the Nick and Johnny the most. And honestly, it's because it doesn't have as much of the salt and lemon flavoring to me. If I could get it without the salt, I'd be much happier.
I find myself liking the Onyx more as I use it. So either it has some secret opiate content, or it's just one of those acquired tastes I'm getting used too.
The probe and the goteborg's rapé are completely disgusting. The General Maxi is too unwieldy. I've actually torn the packets apart to experiment with pris rolling. Looks fun.
Now before anybody gets uppity because I'm a newbie user, and I insulted your favorite brand, keep in mind these are initial impressions of an ex-smoker looking for a replacement. I don't like heavy lemon and salt, and that seems to be what the traditional swedish flavor is.
So, I placed a second order.
Ettan, General White, Rape2, Kronan, Lucky Strike, Roda, and Tre.
And a third order with all the candy snuses.
I'm really hoping I find a "manly" variety of snus I like in a mini portion. Just from reading, it's looking like the lucky strike white mini is a good bet. I'm positive I'll find a candy snus I like. Probably one of the catchdry flavors. And if I happen to prefer the candy snus's, I'll make sure to surrender my man card to the swedish authorities right after I'm done trying on dresses.
For now, I'm popping an N&J in my cheek, and a camel frost in my lip at the same time. Packs a wonderful kick. No desire to have a cigarette. Who knows. Maybe I'll develop a taste for strong salt and lemon, and my lips will stop chapping.
I'll post an update after a few months. But for right now, for the american smoker looking to quit, I'd have to say that camel really did their research before they released their snus offerings. They can't keep frost on the shelves here. If swedish match came up with a line of really great tasting, stark white mini candy snus, and offered it at a lower price than camel snus, they'd corner the market just on word of mouth.
Just my experience. If you are trying to quit smoking, try em all. No reason to not make a best effort attempt to enjoy your substitute.