Snus Disasters!

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  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    Snus Disasters!

    So, having some snus is almost always the right thing to do.

    But I'd like to hear about the times that it wasn't such a good idea, and led to disastrous results. If you've told the story before, repeat it. I want a collection.

    Here's mine, from this morning.

    When I sat up in bed, I immediate reached for me can of gotland yellow, los. I carefully put it in, the bottom left lip. but as soon as I was up and walking, I went to do what I usually do first thing- drink some lemon lime gatorade(the powder kind) out of a large jar.

    I thought I could handle it. I figured the pris would break up if I just went buck wild, so I grabbed a straw, feeling like I had triumphed already. Well, The sucking I had to do to use a straw put inordinate pressure on the pris, and some of it became dislodged. So I took my tongue and held it over the pris, to hold it in place till I was done. unfortunately, I swallowed what become dislodged and teared up immediately...

    I rinced my mouth, but nothing could remove the flavor of eating gotlands yellow and lemon lime gatorade. It tasted like I just hauled off and ate sprigs off an evergreen tree. God that was bad. I was teary for a little big, and brunched and gargled furiously.
  • Tobakssmak
    • Jan 2010
    • 263

    Re: Snus Disasters!

    I have a story, from early on in my snus career...

    One day before leaving work, I put in a generous pris of General loose. It's about an hour drive home, and as I got close I decided to stop off at the grocery store. The pris was already kind of loose under my lip, and I debated pulling it out as I walked into the store, but the flavor was still good, so I left it in.

    I spent about a half-hour shopping, and one of the last things I do is go to the deli counter. I asked for a pound of boiled ham, and the guy cuts a slice and offers it to me asking if it was sliced thin enough. I had never tried to eat anything with a snus in at that point, and this pris was already very loose and kind of slushy. I almost turned it down, but could not resist the freebie.

    I stuck the whole thing in my mouth and started chewing. Almost instantly, the whole prilla came down from under my lip. I'm trying not to look like anything is wrong, and I just give the guy a nod and smile. He goes back to the slicer, and I'm standing there trying to figure out what to do as I continue to chew this snus/ham mixture.

    I didn't want to swallow the whole thing, so I just did my best to push the snus back under the lip, but got a lot of chunky ham bits with it, and swallowed the rest.

    The experience was pretty nasty, but I have to say I was somewhat amused by knowing I had a lip full of ham-snus while standing in line at checkout.

    The flavor combination of Ham and General loose is not recommended.

    Originally posted by deebocools
    So, having some snus is almost always the right thing to do..
    I am totally stealing this line for my sig. Of course, I'll give credit where credit is due.


    • Kvlt
      • Apr 2009
      • 197

      When I first started using snus, it made my lips swell from the nicotine.


      • deebocools
        • Nov 2008
        • 661

        good god, that ham/snus story sounds horrible. never thought I'd make a signature, thanks.


        • WickedKitchen
          • Nov 2009
          • 2528

          my only snus disaster was not ordering timely enough from Northerner (at the time it was the only place I knew of to get snus shipped to the US) and having to go a week on dip again. Happened I order when I get back down to 10 or so cans but currently it's much easier to obtain.

          I guess another disaster is the loss of N&J East/West. I still lament that fantastic concoction. Now Claq Qui is gone...another disaster.


          • Cskruf
            • Feb 2010
            • 16

            I'm pretty sure the guy who shit his pants on the way to work is going to take the gold.


            • deadohsky
              • Nov 2009
              • 625

              Originally posted by Cskruf View Post
              I'm pretty sure the guy who shit his pants on the way to work is going to take the gold.
              + 1

              Only mishap i've had so far is sneezing out a portion. No disasters though.


              • desirexe
                • Feb 2008
                • 1170

                I'm sure many can relate to this disaster which is probably more of a devastation - going to put wet clothes into the dryer only to discover a full can of snus in the bottom of the washing tub, that did not survive the wash and rinse cycles. My other disaster is the time I flicked a speck of los into my eye! That was up there with one of the most painful moments I have ever experienced, worse then the time I had to get an antibiotic shot in the bum, and that hurt like hell!


                • The Great Dane
                  • Apr 2010
                  • 145

                  trying to brush teeths with loos in the mouth!


                  • whistlrr
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 29

                    Mine has to be:
                    The very first time I tried snus at all (its amazing I persued it really)

                    I got a can apiece of the two flavors available in my area of Camal Snus. I got them at one gas station while my friend drove on to a second gas station (where he liked the prices for gas better) and while he was out pumping the gas and paying for it etc I decided I couldnt' wait and I popped one of the frost/mint flavored snus into my lip, felt the tingle I'd read about online and thought all was well, but in the maybe 3 minutes it took for my friend to finish getting the gas and get back in the car I was starting to feel kinda sick, stomach rolling and sweaty and just 'un-good'

                    about another three minutes and my chest started to hurt... really hurt.. as in "ohmygod am I having a heart attack?" hurt. I was determined to keep this thing in and survive this.. but that notion lasted about another minute before I found myself typing kind of in a shocked unreal way "I think I might be having a heart attack" (didn't really mean to type that but it just kind of came out) and my friend immediately pulled the car over the the side of the road, started reaching for his ham radio (was gonna try to call somebody to get an ambulance, we don't have cell phones) and I pulled the thing out, feeling as green and deadly as can be and waved and shook a 'no' at him, held that stupid camel snus in my hand, prayed for it to pass, and seriously wondered if I was gonna live.

                    I actually kept that stupid slightly used snus in my hand and carried it home.
                    I actually tried it again a bunch of hours later (that very same snus -- made it a few more minutes before I had to stop before I thought I was having a heart attack again, and I actually eventually went on like this for quite a while, slowly learning it would not kill me and certainly made having a cigarette the very last thing on my mind!) and even figuring "holy crap at this rate I could use one snus for a whole month!" and got all excited about it and that's how I got my start.


                    • skruflover
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 43

                      I bought 5 cans of Whiskey Probe. Couldn't even finish half a can.


                      • cj
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 1563

                        yes it is a huge disaster in the the loss of N&J East/West good thing i have a few cans stil


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