Thunder test series

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  • wadetheblade
    • Jul 2009
    • 572

    I just got mine today from Northerner!

    So I only opened one and started with ot-1. Does not have too much of a smell, just fresh snus, a little ammonia. At first taste i will say that ot-1 taste like a extra sterk Granit. Bergamot, and fresh tobacco. The hit is pretty strong right off the bat. Portion is comfortable just like any other thunder snus. I would say that this is a good solid snus. My only complaint is that the flavor drops off quick, but a damn good snus in my book. This would make a good drinking snus for sure. I hope the other ones are as good as this one.


    • wadetheblade
      • Jul 2009
      • 572

      So last night I tried ot-2 and did not like it at all. The nic hit hard, but the taste was awful, I don't know how to describe it, but just not good. This one will not win, no way.
      Ot-3 was a little bit better than 2, but not much. I think this might be trying to resemble an American straight flavor, but not with any sweetness. I really don't know, but did not care for it either.
      Ot-4 was a better than 3. This one I think is the smokey tobacco, or like Lucky Strike flavor. Not to bad, but really not that great. After having it in for a while I started to pick up flavors sort of reminiscent of something in Elyxer energy portion.
      So far all of the flavors seem to drop off a bit quick compared to what I am used to from v2. To me Ot-1 is still leading the way for the five. They all hit well with the nic, I am hoping 5 is better than 2-4. Ill post a quick review of it tonight, then figure out how I am going to finish all this without a nicotine overdose


      • LaZeR
        • Oct 2009
        • 3994

        On 2nd thought, I'm not even bothering with this. I'll let you all be the guinea pigs and hopefully something new will get released that isn't "wintergreen".


        • WickedKitchen
          • Nov 2009
          • 2528

          Originally posted by v2 View Post
          Regarding the flavors... without saying to much is one of them similar with "US snuff" flavor and an other one a flavor similar to a snus that can be brought in EU, but not in US
          So now it is up to you to make the guess what that could be.

          I ordered the test 5-can bundle solely because of this post.

          Now I'm excited as you-know-what!


          • wadetheblade
            • Jul 2009
            • 572

            Tried Ot-5 today at lunch break, This one might be the best it has a taste alot like general.
            So after trying all 5, I think 1,4, & 5 are the best, Once I finish them I'll decide.
            Im looking forward to seeing what you guys think about them.


            • socal70xr7
              • Dec 2009
              • 83

              I got mine yesterday. #1 smells like LS Bold. Taste is o.k. #2 Smells horrible but taste is not as bad as the smell. Generally I don't smell the snus I just flavor base but with these I figured I would. Like the other poster I find the flavor is not as long lasting as normal Thunder portions. Will be trying the other three tonight.


              • NJdrew
                • Apr 2010
                • 123

                I went back and forth on this and today I finally broke down and ordered some of this, I hope I like them (or at least most of them).


                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432


                  Review of OT-1 and OT-2

                  Over the next few days we\\\'re going to be checking out the new Thunder Test Series and writing our opinion on this new offering from V2. Keep in mind - these products are tests, and I don\\\'t advise people to use them back to back because you will find the tastes may blur together, so take your time with them. V2 is listening to our feedback and one of these products is going to survive. 1 shall stand, 4 shall fall. And it\\\'s up to us to make sure we provide quality feedback so that the best snus will come out on top in the end.

                  Today we\\\'re going to be checking out OT-1 and OT-2. Going into this, I wasn\\\'t sure what to expect. I figured they would all taste pretty close to the same, but the first two cans that I went through quickly changed my opinion on that one. OT-1 (Original Test - 1) was the first can I cracked out of the 5. Being OCD, I like to go in order. When I opened up this can I smelled a strong aroma of citrus/bergamot - which clued me in that this was going to be the traditional flavored snus out of the 5. The portions are also very unique - I believe V2 may be doing something different with these as well. They resemble some of the new Offroad portions - original portions but not soaking in juice. These portions are also packed full and are very soft and comfortable in the lip. The flavor of OT-1 is a mild citrus flavor mixed with a mellow tobacco flavor and a little salt thrown into the mix - as I said, it\\\'s a traditional snus. If I had to have a \\\"safe bet\\\" so far going into this, I\\\'m going to say OT-1 would be acceptable to me if it passed the tests. This snus had very little drip and a pleasant aftertaste and a hell of a nic kick since it is a strong portion. Final opinion - great traditional flavored snus.

                  OT-2 (Original Test 2) was the next can to come under the microscope. I would almost bet money on it tasting and smelling similar to the other one, but I was pleasantly surprised with a different experience on this one. As I said above, the portions on this one are close to the new Offroad portions, moist but not oozing, and very comfortable in the lip. The aroma that comes through is a slightly citrusy aroma, a gentle tobacco touch, and it\\\'s got this musty thing going on that I can\\\'t really explain, but the smell comes through as musty. I searched my extensive bank of \\\"Snus Review Words\\\" and couldn\\\'t find one, so that\\\'s the one I\\\'m going to use a bit to describe this one. The flavor is slightly sweet, citrusy. It\\\'s kind of like a mellow, mild, subdued Gustavus without the floral notes. A little salt in the background but not too noticable. Part of this even reminds me of the Swedish Camel Original snus, but much more subdued and mild than the pronounced flavors of Gustavus or Camel Original. Final opinion - Slightly sweet citrus snus, a little musty, reminiscent of a very mellow Gustavus or Camel Original.

                  Those were the two I got to today. I\\\'m taking these slowly so I don\\\'t let the flavors mix too much, and I don\\\'t use many strong portions so I don\\\'t want to get too much of a headrush from all the nicotine. Next review will break into more of the Original Test Series from V2!


                  • PipenSnus
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1038

                    So far I've tried OT1 and OT2. Chad's observations are very similar to my own, except for a couple of points.

                    OT1 is very traditional, yes, but it has a nice complexity. Behind the bergamot is a very earthy, smoky flavor, with occasional hints of bitter chocolate. My favorite of the two so far.

                    OT2 has a stronger bergamot flavor to me, and a bit more sweetness at first, but less smoke. That gives way to a bitterness that is a bit sharper than OT1, but still pleasant. What Chad describes as "musty" comes across to me as the scent/taste of dried flowers and herbs. If you stick with it, there's a decent buttery finish, but not nearly as good as Ettan's.

                    Both have a very strong dose of nicotine, but it doesn't hit you right away like Thunder Berry Blend does. It will creep up on you though, so if you're sensitive to nicotine, approach with caution. Neither have much of an ammonia smell, although it's there. Mostly you just smell tobacco and flavorings.


                    • timoteo
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 583

                      so far the 01 and 02 are awsome. i like em both. to me 01 is like a LS or Grov flavor. while the 02 is a cross between offroad OP and phantom Op only extra sterk. as soon as this can of 02 is finished its on to 03!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YaYe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        I am terrible at describing snus flavors and picking up on subtleties, so all I really have to say is that I cracked open the #1 today, noticed a very strong chemical aroma that I wasn't to keen on, but like others have said the portion material and moisture content is really quite good. I guess I pick up on a little bergamot and perhaps a very slight citrus quality, but imo it's nothing like General (thankfully). I don't pick up on anything spectacular, and in fact I think it's fairly similar to Thunder original, but having said that I am enjoying this snus and I'm not a fan of the original Thunder. When that first came out I pissed off some of the early fanboys (sage and xobe) with a bunch of negative comments lol, but I have nothing bad to say about this test series #1. And nothing constructive to add either... I don't know why I'm typing this. The snus is good. I'd buy it again. I look forward to trying the rest, probably 1 can at a time. Nice reviews wade, it was helpful for me to read the opinions of someone who apparently also does not pick up on such a vast spectrum of subtle notes and "buttery finishes" lol. That's all for now


                        • cj
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 1563

                          how can you vote when you didint get and code with it i got mine from snuscentral


                          • ProudMarineDad
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 573

                            Originally posted by Roo View Post
                            I am terrible at describing snus flavors and picking up on subtleties, Nice reviews wade, it was helpful for me to read the opinions of someone who apparently also does not pick up on such a vast spectrum of subtle notes and "buttery finishes" lol. That's all for now
                            I am right there with you. It blows my mind when folks talk about that. I have two reviews for snus. It's either good or nasty.


                            • timoteo
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 583

                              01 - LS/Grovsnus flavor
                              02 - Phantom/ General
                              03 - this was a tuff one.. id say this was suppeosed to be the american straight flavor. i taste whiskey oats and nuts herbs and maybe a little choclate.. reminds me of a cross between phantom brown and a SM Lab series... interesting but not my favorite.
                              04 - OFFROAD Extra Stark, yum
                              05 -tastes like it has an extra shot of bergamot, you can really taste the grapefruitness of it, so reminds me of a Jaccobsons Classic. compliments this bottle of Carlsburg Elephant very well!

                              i havent decided wich is my favorite yet as they are all very good.. but im leaning toward #1 or #4.. fyi!


                              • NJdrew
                                • Apr 2010
                                • 123

                                Mine just arrived today. I got it in a flat box with no code to vote on the website

                                I had a stressful weekend where I found myself without any snus on hand so I ended up smoking quite a few cigarettes (I'll start a new thread to tell the story later on). I've had a couple today, but I plan to get back on snus and snuff full time tomorrow, so having 5 new varieties of strong snus to try should make it just as easy as it was 6 weeks ago when I stopped the first time.


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