Game plan for the new snuser

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  • countzero
    New Member
    • Jan 2008
    • 5

    OK, I've tried the Lucky Strike, Göteborgs Rapé , and Göteborgs Rapé No. 2.

    The Lucky Strike (I used to smoke luckies when I drank Jack) had a bit of that same Lucky toasted taste. It was mighty powerful. It ran almost immediately, which I don't mind, but it was a little unexpected. I really like the taste after it calmed down a bit and found that it lasted a lot longer than some of the others.

    The Göteborgs Rapé was really good. This might be one of the ones that I come back to the quickest. Really nice spicy taste.

    The Göteborgs Rapé No. 2 was a little lighter, and it is my favorite so far.

    I plan to sock some of these in the freezer (in a freezer bag, or course) so hopefully, they will be ok.


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      Hello all!

      I just found the forums here and have been reading about snus for some time now. I also am a smoker convert, however, I have not had a try at snussing (is that the correct term for using snus?). I had a 1-2 pack-a-day smoking habit that started at the age of 10 and just recently ended at almost 29. This was done via American dipping tobacco.

      Now, I wish I had seen these forums prior to ordering my snus as i really knew nothing about what I was ordering. With American moist smokeless I use 3 different types: Copenhagen long cut, Copenhagen pouches, and Skoal Peach (pretty much a candy dip with no tobacco flavor). I tend to take fairly large pinches (which i will keep in often for up to 2 hours or until the flavor goes flat). The snus that I ordered was the Offroad cranberry strong portion. I am curious now as to whether I should have ordered something different (ie. smaller portion, different taste, etc...).

      I do not think I will have an issue with the juice and lack of spitting that I hear many new snussers describe. I typically only spit w/ American dip for the first couple minutes and then just swallow the rest in a still fairly strong form.

      I am definately looking forward to trying snus, but would like some pointers and suggestions. As you can tell from my current choices, I tend to use tobacco that has a very rich tobacco flavor for the most part. Is it true that the OR-Cranberry still has a nice tobacco taste with a hint of cran? Also, what would you suggest to a newbie looking for a rich tobacco flavor without other added flavors.




      • phish
        • Jan 2007
        • 265

        Large portions will be a good start if you are used to dip. You may get a little burning thou. I haven't tried offroad cranberry but I've heard it is not an over-powering flavour. Snus flavour is normally more subtle then dip.

        I would go for some ettan loose next, I don't think you'll find anyone on the forum that disagrees, ettan is one of the best pure tobaccos snuses. Other choices could be general, diplomat, grovsnus, gotland yellow, landstrome....


        • Llanowyn
          New Member
          • Jan 2008
          • 2

          Woo! I got my first shipment.

          So now I'm sitting on a small selection. I received:

          1.) Mocca Mandarin
          2.) Grov (random can)
          3.) knox (also random)
          4.) catchdry eucalyptus
          5.) catchdry cassis menthol
          6.) general onyx

          I'm going to start with the mandarin, and see how that works. Snus'in makes working almost fun.


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