Wondered if anyone might have a translation.
What does Roda Lacket mean?
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Results: Lacket
N sealing-wax, lacquer, lacker, varnish, patent leather
I'm guessing it means lacquer, varnish, and/or patent leather based on the "shiny-ness" of the label of the tin.
Anyway, I hope this helps.
Originally posted by LakemonsterLOL.. Ive had Red Seal....and it is nothing like Roda Lacket.
I didnt know Red Seal was owned By Swedish Match.... Timberwolf and Longhorn, yes.
Originally posted by victoryredchevyAnother interesting thing about the U.S. Smokeless brands Skoal and Copenhagen is that those brands were supposedly created years and years ago by Swedish immigrants here in the U.S. trying to duplicate the authentic snus they enjoyed back in their homeland. The brands were eventually taken over by American tobacco producers, I guess. I heard Skoal means "Cheers" in Sweden. I know the Swedes had a hard time finding or making snus here in the States, so I guess that might be part of the reason Skoal and Copenhagen are what they are today.....Nasty crap. To think.... I used to love that stuff.
If that's true, then the next time a xenophobic, jingoistic dip nut knocks my snus I could enlighten his ass with some history.
Originally posted by RealmofOpethOriginally posted by victoryredchevyAnother interesting thing about the U.S. Smokeless brands Skoal and Copenhagen is that those brands were supposedly created years and years ago by Swedish immigrants here in the U.S. trying to duplicate the authentic snus they enjoyed back in their homeland. The brands were eventually taken over by American tobacco producers, I guess. I heard Skoal means "Cheers" in Sweden. I know the Swedes had a hard time finding or making snus here in the States, so I guess that might be part of the reason Skoal and Copenhagen are what they are today.....Nasty crap. To think.... I used to love that stuff.
If that's true, then the next time a xenophobic, jingoistic dip nut knocks my snus I could enlighten his ass with some history.