I'm a Sellout :^(

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I'm a Sellout :^(

    Ok, most here know my stance on Blå, but I got a tin in my last order. Ostensibly it was to meet bandersnatch's challenge, but in reality I'm just weak(sorry Mojo and Dog). Here are my thoughts. I'll also put this in the review section, but there's a couple people who might not go there, but care about what I think :^D

    I agree with the smell being kind of chocolaty, and the flavor reminds me of Ettan, but not as complicated. Bandersnatch said he got a sweetness from it, but I'm not exactly getting that. I don't know if it's the same thing he's talking about, but I get an almost unsweetened caramel taste with a little bit of chocolate in the back. the flavor overall's not as rich as Ettan, and it seems to die out quicker. I'm liking it well enough, but I'm not upset(outside of principle) that we won't be able to get it in the USA soon. The flavor just isn't as good as Ettan, and the caramel color is a turn off for me. Worth a try? Sure. It's a solid snus, and it fills a large gap in the "plain" category, but I don't consider it a "must try".
  • redsfan1005
    • Nov 2009
    • 64

    Bla truely seems to be a love hate thing with people. I think it is very good, but I also like V2 Products, so that might discredit me.


    • desirexe
      • Feb 2008
      • 1170

      Originally posted by redsfan1005 View Post
      Bla truely seems to be a love hate thing with people. I think it is very good, but I also like V2 Products, so that might discredit me.
      Hey now..V2 is a quality company and getting better everyday. Now, if you were to say that you like Klondike...

      BTW - I tried the Bla and ended up ditching it! I hated it! At the same time though (and I am sure this will discredit me) I am not an Ettan fan. Yup, I said it!


      • Monkey
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2009
        • 3290

        Originally posted by desirexe View Post
        Hey now..V2 is a quality company and getting better everyday. Now, if you were to say that you like Klondike...

        BTW - I tried the Bla and ended up ditching it! I hated it! At the same time though (and I am sure this will discredit me) I am not an Ettan fan. Yup, I said it!
        Exactly how I feel. I think the pronounced "chocolaty-weird-sweetness" is what kills it for me on Bla and to a lesser extent Ettan and Phantom Brown. I do like a tin of the brown every now and again but I have to force myself to finish the last quarter of the can.


        • NJdrew
          • Apr 2010
          • 123

          I'm pretty new so maybe my taste for snus hasn't evolved enough to pass judgment, but I got a tin of Bla and couldn't wait to get it... I am trying not to have too many cans open at a time (I'm close to 12 right now) and I have a lot more to try, but I just want this one to be done so I can move on. I don't hate it, but it isn't doing much for me in terms of flavor. Again, I'm a noob, so don't base anything on my opinion, just adding my two cents.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by NJdrew View Post
            I'm pretty new so maybe my taste for snus hasn't evolved enough to pass judgment, but I got a tin of Bla and couldn't wait to get it... I am trying not to have too many cans open at a time (I'm close to 12 right now) and I have a lot more to try, but I just want this one to be done so I can move on. I don't hate it, but it isn't doing much for me in terms of flavor. Again, I'm a noob, so don't base anything on my opinion, just adding my two cents.
            You might be too new to really get the flavor out of it. My first lös was Ettan, and I found it really underwhelming. Not much flavor to speak of. After snusing awhile, Ettan has a huge flavor to me. I'm not sure what changes, but after awhile you start pulling flavors out of snus you didn't know were there.


            • NJdrew
              • Apr 2010
              • 123

              Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
              You might be too new to really get the flavor out of it. My first lös was Ettan, and I found it really underwhelming. Not much flavor to speak of. After snusing awhile, Ettan has a huge flavor to me. I'm not sure what changes, but after awhile you start pulling flavors out of snus you didn't know were there.
              That's good to know. At least I can look forward to a little more flavor out of Ettan (and others) in the future. I am almost finished a tin of Ettan now and will be sampling more before coming back to it. I'm not going to worry about the Bla since I won't be able to get it after PACT anyway and if that changes down the road, maybe I'll give it another shot.


              • Experimental Monkey
                • Mar 2010
                • 795

                I've been snusing for 2 months now and I didn't get anything out of the can of Ettan I finished yesterday either when it comes to flavor. In fact, Ettan's grind really irritated my gums and I had to spit it out after 45 minutes or so. I also have a tin of Bla open and while I don't get much out of it, there's been one prilla I've had that I got really strong notes of nuttiness that everyone talks about and I enjoyed it. Ironically I haven't tasted that since. Everyone says that there's more flavor in los but unfortunately that's not the case for me just yet. I do enjoy los, though and I crave a nice 2 or 3 clicker all day while at work. Nice to come home and relax with a big lip of los and zone out on a nic trip for a while. LoL.


                • rickcharles606
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 2307

                  Got some tins on Bla on the way, excited to try it. Love Ettan los, hate Phantom Brown and hope this Bla is good. When I first started using los, I thought it didn't provide as much taste/flavor as portions, but that's changed. Now I love los and my use of it has increased to the point that I use it almost as much as portions.


                  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 2781

                    I agree with your review, lxskllr. It's a solid snus, but the flavor is more underwhelming than even Ettan. Bla is just too bla IMO. But then again that's just me I like a bit more flavor.


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Okay, I've got three can's of this shit coming, if I hate it who wants them, LOL. Odd's are I'll dig it, based on what I've heard....but we'll see.


                      • texasmade
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4159

                        Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                        Okay, I've got three can's of this shit coming, if I hate it who wants them, LOL. Odd's are I'll dig it, based on what I've heard....but we'll see.
                        if you hate em...ill take em


                        • daruckis
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 2277


                          i think bla is awesome. i havent had ettan los in almost a year. i need to try it again.


                          • rickcharles606
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 2307

                            Originally posted by texasmade View Post
                            if you hate em...ill take em
                            I'll let ya know brother....


                            • Snusdog
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6752

                              Don’t feel bad Raven I think St. Mojo is the only one among us who has kept the faith.

                              I got a partial can from………………….

                              ..................................................f. Bandersnatch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              who seems to be the common denominator here and fast becoming the great tempter and despoiler of moral integrity on this forum………………where is wa3zrm!!!!!!!!!!!!! ……….We need an exorcism!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Anyway, to me bla is bland. It has the waxy texture indicative of the bonding agencies/enhancers (?) used in budget dip to augment the cheep leaf. It has an artificial after note and is not nearly as comfortable in the mouth as say Ettan. My bet is that this will irritate you lip/gums after consistent use (just something to watch out for).

                              I agree with lx about its lacking complexity.

                              In the end (as so often is the case) the sin was not worth the consequence.
                              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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