Using Loose Snus Question

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  • razor
    • Dec 2007
    • 78

    Using Loose Snus Question

    I just started using loose snus and the Ice Tool. I am snusing The General gold. The pris keeps its shape for a while and then flattens out. I don't loose control of it, but how long does one keep it in? I only using about 1mm. Is there a certian point of diminishing returns.

    Also I switch off between upper left and right lip and lower left and right lip, is that a common practice?
  • Dave***t
    • Aug 2006
    • 104

    Tends to simply be as long as you want to keep it there. The nicotine and flavour will decrease to the point of disappearing after a while (varies depending on the snus) but there isn't really a prescribed time or a 'done thing'.

    Some people leave it for an hour or two, other take it out after 10 minutes. It's entirely a case of what you enjoy most. Personally it's around 30-45 mins usually, although I often forget and leave snus for a lot longer.


    • PrisMaster
      • May 2007
      • 208

      Honestly for me the shortest period i leave a los snus in for is 2 hours otherwise i feel like i am wasting it. On average i leave it in for 3-5 hours. I mean sometimes ill take it out for 10-15 minutes if im going to eat or something, but then throw it back in. I do not like to waste my snus and a tin tends to last me a week at least. I probably have a snus in about 80% of the time i am awake and whenever i take naps for an hour or two i keep a snus in for some GREAT dreams lol. I am probably on the longer side of keeping one in, but i just absolutely love the stuff. I also switch to a different kind every time i open a new tin and i have not ever bought a roll of one kind. I always buy roughly ten tins an order and usually get 2 general los, 2 goteborg rape los, 2 skruff stark los, and then i try to grab a single tin of a few others that i have not tried to try to find some new ones i like.

      I find switching brands every time keeps me from loosing interest in one brand. I find it a much better way of snusing, but thats just me.

      Good luck


      • perique
        • Sep 2007
        • 75

        Re: Using Loose Snus Question

        Originally posted by razor
        I just started using loose snus and the Ice Tool. I am snusing The General gold. The pris keeps its shape for a while and then flattens out. I don't loose control of it, but how long does one keep it in? I only using about 1mm. Is there a certian point of diminishing returns.

        Also I switch off between upper left and right lip and lower left and right lip, is that a common practice?
        I leave loose in untill I no longer get any flavor. The size of the pris usually has shrunk by at least half. In my experience, the pris does flatten out & begin to run a bit. This is the most enjoyable part of loose for me. I almost never load the lower lip. I don't enjoy having to spit a lot. What ever works for your snusing enjoyment is just fine. There are no real rules, but you will get a lot of opinions on what works best for the individual.

        Enjoy your snus !!



        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          Re: Using Loose Snus Question

          Originally posted by perique
          There are no real rules, but you will get a lot of opinions on what works best for the individual.
          I second that. The way I'm using snus is almost against every rule, I've ever read. I've never tried the bottom lip with loose snus, though. With portions it's indeed an option, especially, when the snus is beginning to lose flavor.

          I use portions and prillas mostly between 2 and 3 hours, sometimes longer.



          • Kindrd
            • Oct 2007
            • 266

            Try not controlling it. Just let you lip hang loose. It will still flatten if you leave it in for a long time. I usually go about an hour and half then change it out.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Although I have been susing for 9 months now, I only started to try loose about a month ago.

              I find that I can only leave the loose in for about 45 minutes, then it has to come out. Now a good portion I will leave in for 2 hours sometimes.

              Although I am glad I tried loose and still use that a couple of times a week. I really am happy as a portion guy. With portions, I feel I can maximize my taste and be really "active" with it. Or, sometimes, I can almost completely forget about it as I do my work. Depends on my mood I guess. Loose is a much more conscious thing for me. I have to try and NOT play with it. It sits there but I can't do anything with it. Just not as fun for me.


              • RealmofOpeth
                • May 2007
                • 407

                I've found that the 'marginal utility' of using snus decreases the more I use it. Just like anything I use.
                Just like ice cream. If you haven't had ice cream in a while, when you have it it's great. But if that's your whole diet, you could care less about ice cream.
                The last few days I've been using snus I've been getting sort of this feeling of not caring or not getting maximum bang effect for my buck. So I'm cutting back a little. I don't want it to mimic cigarettes where I'm just using them up as habit instead of really enjoying each and every one.

                I use pris usually 2-3 hours or slightly more. Portions about the same. When your saliva has significantly altered the taste and it starts to taste a bit sour or just nothing to it, that's usually the time to get rid of it.
                Sometimes the flavor will still last after having it in for a while, but you don't care anymore and just want to have your mouth empty again.


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