What Snus should I take?

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  • c.nash
    Banned Users
    • May 2010
    • 3511

    What Snus should I take?

    I will be going out to my camp this weekend and I was wondering what Snus I should take.

    I currently have:
    General Mint
    General Mini Mint
    Jakobson's Ice Fruit
    Catch Eucalyptus
    Odens Kanel ES
    Thunder Frosted ES
    Discreet Mint
    Camel Frost (lol)

    I'm supposed to get an order Thursday (I leave Friday) of this:
    All of which I have not tried unless otherwise noted
    The los is also my first attempt at los.

    Offroad Wintergreen, Portion
    Offroad Frosted, Loose (Tried the portion but not the los)
    Skruf Stark
    Thunder Berry Blend ES
    Thunder Frosted Long + (Tried the ES)
    Jakobssons Icefruit (Tried/Have)
    Göteborgs Rape No2
    General, Loose
    Discreet Emerald Ice
    Gotland Yellow, Portion
    Granit, Loose
    Grovsnus, Portion
    Catch Eucalyptus (Tried/Have)

    What should I bring? Might I note these will stay in an iced cooler in ziplock bags (multiple lol).
  • wadetheblade
    • Jul 2009
    • 572

    thunder frosted, Goteborgs rape no2, Grov or skruf stark, or all 4


    • danielan
      • Apr 2010
      • 1514

      Discreet's packaging seems really good for a camping trip...


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        General lös. Loose tobacco's made for the outdoors
        Gotland yellow. It tastes like nature
        Catch eucalyptus, or IceFruit. You need a dessert snus.


        • Phager
          • May 2010
          • 107

          When I went on my last camping trip I brought 9 different cans just to insure I had variety. At a minimum I go with at least an ES, a couple of Original type portions and a dessert snus.

          From your list, and assuming you get your order I'd bring:
          Thunder Frosted ES
          General Lös
          Grovsnus Portion
          Jakobson's Icefruit/General Mint

          Edit: And I agree with lxskllr, there's nothing better than popping in a pris of lös while sitting around a campfire!


          • ThatSnusGuy

            If it were me, I'd take the following for the added reasons:

            Skruf Stark - Great with the morning coffee and just admire the scenery.
            Thunder Frosted - May need an added kick while fishing or hiking.
            Jakobsson's Icefruit & Thunder Berry - Great dessert snuses.
            Gotlands Yellow - Alternative for Skruf Stark if you're not into sterk snus first thing in the morning.
            General Loose - Nice to relax with around the fire and, well, like lx said "Loose is made for the outdoors"!


            • c.nash
              Banned Users
              • May 2010
              • 3511

              I don't drink coffee, but I will take everything so far into consideration.

              Hopefully get some more opinions so I can make a more "educated" guess as what to bring.

              Thanks for all the input!


              • cj
                • Jul 2009
                • 1563

                i would take one of each that way you wont run out


                • eyephantom
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 333

                  I would view the gotlands', skruf, and a los the most essential, out of flavored snus the oden's es kanal would probably be my fave out of those listed.


                  • rickcharles606
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 2307

                    I say take it all, because when you get there, you'll wish you'd brought something that you decided to leave in the fridge!!


                    • WickedKitchen
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 2528

                      Yeah, take 'em all. It's not like they take up a tremendous amount of room and even if they did, it's snus...It's worth it. Last time I brought a cigar box full of snus. Some of the people I went with thought I was weird for bringing more than I would ever need (I don't even think all 11 of us could've used all the snus if we tried) but I felt like I had the pleasure of choosing almost anything that I wanted at the time. It's nice to have that comfort, especially out in nature.


                      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 2781

                        Take the loose for sure


                        • midnight
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 175

                          I'd take the got gul portions, gen loose, and thunder frosted to have a nice assortment. Maybe switch the gul for skruf if you're not a big bergamot fan, though


                          • The Great Dane
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 145

                            as longe as it is Løs, its perfect......i would stick with General and Skruf.....if portion, for an evning or morning thing....i might go with the Göteborgs Rape No2......the rest well maby Grov! but outdooor is made for Løs snus!

                            I would compare it to music....sometimes your in the mood for some classic other times well....you just want something that will rock your world a bit more! and then it would be bitter to learn, that what you most creave, are the one you cant get!!!


                            • c.nash
                              Banned Users
                              • May 2010
                              • 3511

                              I'm still deciding. I'm also bringing a small plastic hookah as well. :P

